diff options
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 833943cb..4056451f 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -26,20 +26,30 @@ export TEXTDOMAINDIR='@localedir@'
+# Options
usage() {
printf "pacman-key (pacman) %s\n" ${myver}
- printf "$(gettext "Usage: %s [options] <command> [arguments]")\n" $(basename $0)
+ printf "$(gettext "Usage: %s [options]")\n" $(basename $0)
printf "$(gettext "Manage pacman\'s list of trusted keys")\n"
- echo "$(gettext "Options must be placed before commands. The available options are:")"
- printf "$(gettext " --config <file> Use an alternate config file (instead of '%s')")\n" "$CONFIG"
- printf "$(gettext " --gpgdir Set an alternate directory for gnupg (instead of '%s')")\n" "$PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR"
- echo
- echo "$(gettext "The available commands are:")"
+ echo "$(gettext "Options:")"
echo "$(gettext " -a, --add [<file(s)>] Add the specified keys (empty for stdin)")"
echo "$(gettext " -d, --del <keyid(s)> Remove the specified keyids")"
echo "$(gettext " -e, --export <keyid(s)> Export the specified keyids")"
@@ -51,8 +61,11 @@ usage() {
echo "$(gettext " -u, --updatedb Update the trustdb of pacman")"
echo "$(gettext " -V, --version Show program version")"
echo "$(gettext " --adv <params> Use pacman's keyring with advanced gpg commands")"
- printf "$(gettext " --reload Reload the default keys")"
- echo
+ echo "$(gettext " --config <file> Use an alternate config file")"
+ printf "$(gettext " (instead of '%s')")\n" "@sysconfdir@/pacman.conf"
+ echo "$(gettext " --gpgdir <dir> Set an alternate directory for gnupg")"
+ printf "$(gettext " (instead of '%s')")\n" "@sysconfdir@/pacman.d/gnupg"
+ echo "$(gettext " --reload Reload the default keys")"
version() {
@@ -198,116 +211,108 @@ if ! type gettext &>/dev/null; then
-if [[ $1 != "--version" && $1 != "-V" && $1 != "--help" && $1 != "-h" && $1 != "" ]]; then
- if type -p gpg >/dev/null 2>&1 = 1; then
- error "$(gettext "gnupg does not seem to be installed.")"
- msg2 "$(gettext "pacman-key requires gnupg for most operations.")"
- exit 1
- elif (( EUID != 0 )); then
- error "$(gettext "pacman-key needs to be run as root.")"
- exit 1
- fi
+if ! OPT_TEMP="$(parse_options $OPT_SHORT $OPT_LONG "$@")"; then
+ echo; usage; exit 1 # E_INVALID_OPTION;
+eval set -- "$OPT_TEMP"
+if [[ $1 == "--" ]]; then
+ usage;
+ exit 0;
-# Parse global options
-while [[ $1 =~ ^--(config|gpgdir)$ ]]; do
+while true; do
case "$1" in
- --config) shift; CONFIG="$1" ;;
- --gpgdir) shift; PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR="$1" ;;
+ -a|--add) ADD=1; [[ -n $2 && ${2:0:1} != "-" ]] && shift && KEYFILES=($1) ;;
+ --adv) ADVANCED=1; shift; ARGUMENTS=($1) ;;
+ --config) shift; CONFIG=$1 ;;
+ -d|--del) DELETE=1; shift; KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+ -e|--export) EXPORT=1; shift; KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+ -f|--finger) FINGER=1; [[ -n $2 && ${2:0:1} != "-" ]] && shift && KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+ --gpgdir) shift; PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR=$1 ;;
+ -l|--list) LIST=1 ;;
+ -r|--receive) RECEIVE=1; shift; KEYSERVER="${1[0]}"; KEYIDS=("${1[@]:1}") ;;
+ --reload) RELOAD=1 ;;
+ -t|--trust) TRUST=1; shift; KEYIDS=($1) ;;
+ -u|--updatedb) UPDATEDB=1 ;;
+ -h|--help) usage; exit 0 ;;
+ -V|--version) version; exit 0 ;;
+ --) OPT_IND=0; shift; break;;
+ *) usage; exit 1 ;;
+if ! type -p gpg >/dev/null; then
+ error "$(gettext "Cannot find the %s binary required for all %s operations.")" "gpg" "pacman-key"
+ exit 1
+if (( (ADD || ADVANCED || DELETE || RECEIVE || RELOAD || TRUST || UPDATEDB) && EUID != 0 )); then
+ error "$(gettext "%s needs to be run as root for this operation.")" "pacman-key"
+ exit 1
if [[ ! -r "${CONFIG}" ]]; then
- error "$(gettext "%s not found.")" "$CONFIG"
+ error "$(gettext "%s configuation file '%s' not found.")" "pacman" "$CONFIG"
exit 1
-# Read GPGDIR from $CONFIG.
-if [[ GPGDIR=$(get_from "$CONFIG" "GPGDir") == 0 ]]; then
+# Get GPGDIR from pacman.conf iff not specified on command line
+if [[ -z PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR && GPGDIR=$(get_from "$CONFIG" "GPGDir") == 0 ]]; then
-GPG_PACMAN="gpg --homedir ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR} --no-permission-warning"
# Try to create $PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR if non-existent
# Check for simple existence rather than for a directory as someone may want
# to use a symlink here
[[ -e ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR} ]] || mkdir -p -m 755 "${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR}"
-# Parse and execute command
-if [[ -z "${command}" ]]; then
- usage
- exit 1
+GPG_PACMAN="gpg --homedir ${PACMAN_KEYRING_DIR} --no-permission-warning"
+(( ADD )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --import "${KEYFILES[@]}"
+(( DELETE )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --delete-key --yes "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( EXPORT )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( FINGER )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --fingerprint "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( LIST )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --list-sigs "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+(( RELOAD )) && reload_keyring
+(( UPDATEDB )) && ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --check-trustdb
+if (( ADVANCED )); then
+ msg "$(gettext "Executing: %s %s")" "${GPG_PACMAN}" "${ARGUMENTS[@]}"
+ ${GPG_PACMAN} "${ARGUMENTS[@]}" || ret=$?
+ exit $ret
-case "${command}" in
- -a|--add)
- # If there is no extra parameter, gpg will read stdin
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --import "$@"
- ;;
- -d|--del)
- if (( $# == 0 )); then
- error "$(gettext "You need to specify at least one key identifier")"
- exit 1
- fi
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --quiet --batch --delete-key --yes "$@"
- ;;
- -u|--updatedb)
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --check-trustdb
- ;;
- --reload)
- reload_keyring
- ;;
- -l|--list)
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --list-sigs "$@"
- ;;
- -f|--finger)
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --batch --fingerprint "$@"
- ;;
- -e|--export)
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --armor --export "$@"
- ;;
- -r|--receive)
- if (( $# < 2 )); then
- error "$(gettext "You need to specify the keyserver and at least one key identifier")"
- exit 1
- fi
- keyserver="$1"
- shift
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --keyserver "${keyserver}" --recv-keys "$@"
- ;;
- -t|--trust)
- if (( $# == 0 )); then
- error "$(gettext "You need to specify at least one key identifier")"
- exit 1
- fi
- while (( $# > 0 )); do
+if (( RECEIVE )); then
+ if [[ -z ${KEYIDS[@]} ]]; then
+ error "$(gettext "You need to specify the keyserver and at least one key identifier")"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ${GPG_PACMAN} --keyserver "$KEYSERVER" --recv-keys "${KEYIDS[@]}"
+if (( TRUST )); then
+ for key in ${KEYIDS[@]}; do
# Verify if the key exists in pacman's keyring
- if ${GPG_PACMAN} --list-keys "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- ${GPG_PACMAN} --edit-key "$1"
+ if ${GPG_PACMAN} --list-keys "$key" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ${GPG_PACMAN} --edit-key "$key"
- error "$(gettext "The key identified by %s doesn't exist")" "$1"
+ error "$(gettext "The key identified by %s does not exist")" "$key"
exit 1
- ;;
- --adv)
- msg "$(gettext "Executing: %s ")$*" "${GPG_PACMAN}"
- ${GPG_PACMAN} "$@" || ret=$?
- exit $ret
- ;;
- -h|--help)
- usage; exit 0 ;;
- -V|--version)
- version; exit 0 ;;
- *)
- error "$(gettext "Unknown command:") $command"
- usage; exit 1 ;;
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: