path: root/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session')
23 files changed, 4087 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-compress-bzip2.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-compress-bzip2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b2458d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-compress-bzip2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+if (!function_exists('bzcompress')) {
+ trigger_error('bzip2 functions are not available', E_USER_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+class ADODB_Compress_Bzip2 {
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_block_size = null;
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_work_level = null;
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_min_length = 1;
+ /**
+ */
+ function getBlockSize() {
+ return $this->_block_size;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setBlockSize($block_size) {
+ assert('$block_size >= 1');
+ assert('$block_size <= 9');
+ $this->_block_size = (int) $block_size;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function getWorkLevel() {
+ return $this->_work_level;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setWorkLevel($work_level) {
+ assert('$work_level >= 0');
+ assert('$work_level <= 250');
+ $this->_work_level = (int) $work_level;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function getMinLength() {
+ return $this->_min_length;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setMinLength($min_length) {
+ assert('$min_length >= 0');
+ $this->_min_length = (int) $min_length;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function __construct($block_size = null, $work_level = null, $min_length = null) {
+ if (!is_null($block_size)) {
+ $this->setBlockSize($block_size);
+ }
+ if (!is_null($work_level)) {
+ $this->setWorkLevel($work_level);
+ }
+ if (!is_null($min_length)) {
+ $this->setMinLength($min_length);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function write($data, $key) {
+ if (strlen($data) < $this->_min_length) {
+ return $data;
+ }
+ if (!is_null($this->_block_size)) {
+ if (!is_null($this->_work_level)) {
+ return bzcompress($data, $this->_block_size, $this->_work_level);
+ } else {
+ return bzcompress($data, $this->_block_size);
+ }
+ }
+ return bzcompress($data);
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function read($data, $key) {
+ return $data ? bzdecompress($data) : $data;
+ }
+return 1;
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-compress-gzip.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-compress-gzip.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40e906a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-compress-gzip.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+if (!function_exists('gzcompress')) {
+ trigger_error('gzip functions are not available', E_USER_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+class ADODB_Compress_Gzip {
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_level = null;
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_min_length = 1;
+ /**
+ */
+ function getLevel() {
+ return $this->_level;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setLevel($level) {
+ assert('$level >= 0');
+ assert('$level <= 9');
+ $this->_level = (int) $level;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function getMinLength() {
+ return $this->_min_length;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setMinLength($min_length) {
+ assert('$min_length >= 0');
+ $this->_min_length = (int) $min_length;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function __construct($level = null, $min_length = null) {
+ if (!is_null($level)) {
+ $this->setLevel($level);
+ }
+ if (!is_null($min_length)) {
+ $this->setMinLength($min_length);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function write($data, $key) {
+ if (strlen($data) < $this->_min_length) {
+ return $data;
+ }
+ if (!is_null($this->_level)) {
+ return gzcompress($data, $this->_level);
+ } else {
+ return gzcompress($data);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function read($data, $key) {
+ return $data ? gzuncompress($data) : $data;
+ }
+return 1;
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-cryptsession.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-cryptsession.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f818a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-cryptsession.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+This file is provided for backwards compatibility purposes
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/adodb-session.php';
+require_once ADODB_SESSION . '/adodb-encrypt-md5.php';
+ADODB_Session::filter(new ADODB_Encrypt_MD5());
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-cryptsession2.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-cryptsession2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92e1bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-cryptsession2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+This file is provided for backwards compatibility purposes
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/adodb-session2.php';
+require_once ADODB_SESSION . '/adodb-encrypt-md5.php';
+ADODB_Session::filter(new ADODB_Encrypt_MD5());
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-mcrypt.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-mcrypt.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e30de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-mcrypt.php
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+if (!function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')) {
+ trigger_error('Mcrypt functions are not available', E_USER_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+ */
+class ADODB_Encrypt_MCrypt {
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_cipher;
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_mode;
+ /**
+ */
+ var $_source;
+ /**
+ */
+ function getCipher() {
+ return $this->_cipher;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setCipher($cipher) {
+ $this->_cipher = $cipher;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function getMode() {
+ return $this->_mode;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setMode($mode) {
+ $this->_mode = $mode;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function getSource() {
+ return $this->_source;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function setSource($source) {
+ $this->_source = $source;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function __construct($cipher = null, $mode = null, $source = null) {
+ if (!$cipher) {
+ $cipher = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256;
+ }
+ if (!$mode) {
+ $mode = MCRYPT_MODE_ECB;
+ }
+ if (!$source) {
+ $source = MCRYPT_RAND;
+ }
+ $this->_cipher = $cipher;
+ $this->_mode = $mode;
+ $this->_source = $source;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function write($data, $key) {
+ $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->_cipher, $this->_mode);
+ $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, $this->_source);
+ return mcrypt_encrypt($this->_cipher, $key, $data, $this->_mode, $iv);
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function read($data, $key) {
+ $iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->_cipher, $this->_mode);
+ $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, $this->_source);
+ $rv = mcrypt_decrypt($this->_cipher, $key, $data, $this->_mode, $iv);
+ return rtrim($rv, "\0");
+ }
+return 1;
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-md5.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-md5.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd59743
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-md5.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+// security - hide paths
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) die();
+include_once ADODB_SESSION . '/';
+ */
+class ADODB_Encrypt_MD5 {
+ /**
+ */
+ function write($data, $key) {
+ $md5crypt = new MD5Crypt();
+ return $md5crypt->encrypt($data, $key);
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function read($data, $key) {
+ $md5crypt = new MD5Crypt();
+ return $md5crypt->decrypt($data, $key);
+ }
+return 1;
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-secret.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-secret.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df6aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-secret.php
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+@define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/horde');
+if (!is_dir(HORDE_BASE)) {
+ trigger_error(sprintf('Directory not found: \'%s\'', HORDE_BASE), E_USER_ERROR);
+ return 0;
+include_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Horde.php';
+include_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/Secret.php';
+NOTE: On Windows 2000 SP4 with PHP 4.3.1, MCrypt 2.4.x, and Apache 1.3.28,
+the session didn't work properly.
+This may be resolved with 4.3.3.
+ */
+class ADODB_Encrypt_Secret {
+ /**
+ */
+ function write($data, $key) {
+ return Secret::write($key, $data);
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ function read($data, $key) {
+ return Secret::read($key, $data);
+ }
+return 1;
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-sha1.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-sha1.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7065515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-encrypt-sha1.php
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) die();
+include_once ADODB_SESSION . '/';
+ */
+class ADODB_Encrypt_SHA1 {
+ function write($data, $key)
+ {
+ $sha1crypt = new SHA1Crypt();
+ return $sha1crypt->encrypt($data, $key);
+ }
+ function read($data, $key)
+ {
+ $sha1crypt = new SHA1Crypt();
+ return $sha1crypt->decrypt($data, $key);
+ }
+return 1;
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-sess.txt b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-sess.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c7685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-sess.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+I have been an extremely satisfied ADODB user for several years now.
+To give you something back for all your hard work, I've spent the last 3
+days rewriting the adodb-session.php code.
+What's New
+Here's a list of the new code's benefits:
+* Combines the functionality of the three files:
+each with very similar functionality, into a single file adodb-session.php.
+This will ease maintenance and support issues.
+* Supports multiple encryption and compression schemes.
+ Currently, we support:
+ MD5Crypt (
+ MCrypt
+ Secure (Horde's emulation of MCrypt, if MCrypt module is not available.)
+ GZip
+ BZip2
+These can be stacked, so if you want to compress and then encrypt your
+session data, it's easy.
+Also, the built-in MCrypt functions will be *much* faster, and more secure,
+than the MD5Crypt code.
+* adodb-session.php contains a single class ADODB_Session that encapsulates
+all functionality.
+ This eliminates the use of global vars and defines (though they are
+supported for backwards compatibility).
+* All user defined parameters are now static functions in the ADODB_Session
+New parameters include:
+* encryptionKey(): Define the encryption key used to encrypt the session.
+Originally, it was a hard coded string.
+* persist(): Define if the database will be opened in persistent mode.
+Originally, the user had to call adodb_sess_open().
+* dataFieldName(): Define the field name used to store the session data, as
+'DATA' appears to be a reserved word in the following cases:
+ MS SQL Server
+ Postgres
+* filter(): Used to support multiple, simulataneous encryption/compression
+* Debug support is improved thru _rsdump() function, which is called after
+every database call.
+What's Fixed
+The new code includes several bug fixes and enhancements:
+* sesskey is compared in BINARY mode for MySQL, to avoid problems with
+session keys that differ only by case.
+ Of course, the user should define the sesskey field as BINARY, to
+correctly fix this problem, otherwise performance will suffer.
+* In ADODB_Session::gc(), if $expire_notify is true, the multiple DELETES in
+the original code have been optimized to a single DELETE.
+* In ADODB_Session::destroy(), since "SELECT expireref, sesskey FROM $table
+WHERE sesskey = $qkey" will only return a single value, we don't loop on the
+result, we simply process the row, if any.
+* We close $rs after every use.
+What's the Same
+I know backwards compatibility is *very* important to you. Therefore, the
+new code is 100% backwards compatible.
+If you like my code, but don't "trust" it's backwards compatible, maybe we
+offer it as beta code, in a new directory for a release or two?
+What's To Do
+I've vascillated over whether to use a single function to get/set
+$user = ADODB_Session::user(); // get
+ADODB_Session::user($user); // set
+or to use separate functions (which is the PEAR/Java way):
+$user = ADODB_Session::getUser();
+I've chosen the former as it's makes for a simpler API, and reduces the
+amount of code, but I'd be happy to change it to the latter.
+Also, do you think the class should be a singleton class, versus a static
+Let me know if you find this code useful, and will be including it in the
+next release of ADODB.
+If so, I will modify the current documentation to detail the new
+functionality. To that end, what file(s) contain the documentation? Please
+send them to me if they are not publically available.
+Also, if there is *anything* in the code that you like to see changed, let
+me know.
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session-clob.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session-clob.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437a524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session-clob.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+This file is provided for backwards compatibility purposes
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/adodb-session.php';
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session-clob2.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session-clob2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..365d9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session-clob2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+This file is provided for backwards compatibility purposes
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/adodb-session2.php';
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b832608
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session.php
@@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+ You may want to rename the 'data' field to 'session_data' as
+ 'data' appears to be a reserved word for one or more of the following:
+ MS SQL Server
+ Postgres
+ If you do, then execute:
+ ADODB_Session::dataFieldName('session_data');
+if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER')) {
+ require realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
+if (defined('ADODB_SESSION')) return 1;
+define('ADODB_SESSION', dirname(__FILE__));
+ Unserialize session data manually. See
+ From Kerr Schere, to unserialize session data stored via ADOdb.
+ 1. Pull the session data from the db and loop through it.
+ 2. Inside the loop, you will need to urldecode the data column.
+ 3. After urldecode, run the serialized string through this function:
+function adodb_unserialize( $serialized_string )
+ $variables = array( );
+ $a = preg_split( "/(\w+)\|/", $serialized_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
+ for( $i = 0; $i < count( $a ); $i = $i+2 ) {
+ $variables[$a[$i]] = unserialize( $a[$i+1] );
+ }
+ return( $variables );
+ Thanks Joe Li. See
+ Since adodb 4.61.
+function adodb_session_regenerate_id()
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if (!$conn) return false;
+ $old_id = session_id();
+ if (function_exists('session_regenerate_id')) {
+ session_regenerate_id();
+ } else {
+ session_id(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
+ $ck = session_get_cookie_params();
+ setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $ck['path'], $ck['domain'], $ck['secure']);
+ //@session_start();
+ }
+ $new_id = session_id();
+ $ok = $conn->Execute('UPDATE '. ADODB_Session::table(). ' SET sesskey='. $conn->qstr($new_id). ' WHERE sesskey='.$conn->qstr($old_id));
+ /* it is possible that the update statement fails due to a collision */
+ if (!$ok) {
+ session_id($old_id);
+ if (empty($ck)) $ck = session_get_cookie_params();
+ setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $ck['path'], $ck['domain'], $ck['secure']);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Generate database table for session data
+ @see
+ @return 0 if failure, 1 if errors, 2 if successful.
+ @author Markus Staab
+function adodb_session_create_table($schemaFile=null,$conn = null)
+ // set default values
+ if ($schemaFile===null) $schemaFile = ADODB_SESSION . '/session_schema.xml';
+ if ($conn===null) $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if (!$conn) return 0;
+ $schema = new adoSchema($conn);
+ $schema->ParseSchema($schemaFile);
+ return $schema->ExecuteSchema();
+ \static
+class ADODB_Session {
+ /////////////////////
+ // getter/setter methods
+ /////////////////////
+ /*
+ function Lock($lock=null)
+ {
+ static $_lock = false;
+ if (!is_null($lock)) $_lock = $lock;
+ return $lock;
+ }
+ */
+ /*!
+ */
+ function driver($driver = null) {
+ static $_driver = 'mysql';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($driver)) {
+ $_driver = trim($driver);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_driver;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function host($host = null) {
+ static $_host = 'localhost';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($host)) {
+ $_host = trim($host);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_host;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function user($user = null) {
+ static $_user = 'root';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($user)) {
+ $_user = trim($user);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_USER'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_user;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function password($password = null) {
+ static $_password = '';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($password)) {
+ $_password = $password;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_PWD'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_password;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function database($database = null) {
+ static $_database = 'xphplens_2';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($database)) {
+ $_database = trim($database);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_DB'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_database;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function persist($persist = null)
+ {
+ static $_persist = true;
+ if (!is_null($persist)) {
+ $_persist = trim($persist);
+ }
+ return $_persist;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function lifetime($lifetime = null) {
+ static $_lifetime;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($lifetime)) {
+ $_lifetime = (int) $lifetime;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_LIFE'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$_lifetime) {
+ $_lifetime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
+ if ($_lifetime <= 1) {
+ // bug in PHP 4.0.3 pl 1 -- how about other versions?
+ //print "<h3>Session Error: PHP.INI setting <i>session.gc_maxlifetime</i>not set: $lifetime</h3>";
+ $_lifetime = 1440;
+ }
+ }
+ return $_lifetime;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function debug($debug = null) {
+ static $_debug = false;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($debug)) {
+ $_debug = (bool) $debug;
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if ($conn) {
+ $conn->debug = $_debug;
+ }
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_DEBUG'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_debug;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function expireNotify($expire_notify = null) {
+ static $_expire_notify;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($expire_notify)) {
+ $_expire_notify = $expire_notify;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_expire_notify;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function table($table = null) {
+ static $_table = 'sessions';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($table)) {
+ $_table = trim($table);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_TBL'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_table;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function optimize($optimize = null) {
+ static $_optimize = false;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($optimize)) {
+ $_optimize = (bool) $optimize;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (defined('ADODB_SESSION_OPTIMIZE')) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $_optimize;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function syncSeconds($sync_seconds = null) {
+ static $_sync_seconds = 60;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($sync_seconds)) {
+ $_sync_seconds = (int) $sync_seconds;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (defined('ADODB_SESSION_SYNCH_SECS')) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_sync_seconds;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function clob($clob = null) {
+ static $_clob = false;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($clob)) {
+ $_clob = strtolower(trim($clob));
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_clob;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function dataFieldName($data_field_name = null) {
+ static $_data_field_name = 'data';
+ if (!is_null($data_field_name)) {
+ $_data_field_name = trim($data_field_name);
+ }
+ return $_data_field_name;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function filter($filter = null) {
+ static $_filter = array();
+ if (!is_null($filter)) {
+ if (!is_array($filter)) {
+ $filter = array($filter);
+ }
+ $_filter = $filter;
+ }
+ return $_filter;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function encryptionKey($encryption_key = null) {
+ static $_encryption_key = 'CRYPTED ADODB SESSIONS ROCK!';
+ if (!is_null($encryption_key)) {
+ $_encryption_key = $encryption_key;
+ }
+ return $_encryption_key;
+ }
+ /////////////////////
+ // private methods
+ /////////////////////
+ /*!
+ */
+ function _conn($conn=null) {
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function _crc($crc = null) {
+ static $_crc = false;
+ if (!is_null($crc)) {
+ $_crc = $crc;
+ }
+ return $_crc;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function _init() {
+ session_module_name('user');
+ session_set_save_handler(
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'open'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'close'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'read'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'write'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'destroy'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'gc')
+ );
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function _sessionKey() {
+ // use this function to create the encryption key for crypted sessions
+ // crypt the used key, ADODB_Session::encryptionKey() as key and session_id() as salt
+ return crypt(ADODB_Session::encryptionKey(), session_id());
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function _dumprs($rs) {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$debug) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$rs) {
+ echo "<br />\$rs is null or false<br />\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ //echo "<br />\nAffected_Rows=",$conn->Affected_Rows(),"<br />\n";
+ if (!is_object($rs)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ require_once ADODB_SESSION.'/../';
+ rs2html($rs);
+ }
+ /////////////////////
+ // public methods
+ /////////////////////
+ function config($driver, $host, $user, $password, $database=false,$options=false)
+ {
+ ADODB_Session::driver($driver);
+ ADODB_Session::host($host);
+ ADODB_Session::user($user);
+ ADODB_Session::password($password);
+ ADODB_Session::database($database);
+ if ($driver == 'oci8' || $driver == 'oci8po') $options['lob'] = 'CLOB';
+ if (isset($options['table'])) ADODB_Session::table($options['table']);
+ if (isset($options['lob'])) ADODB_Session::clob($options['lob']);
+ if (isset($options['debug'])) ADODB_Session::debug($options['debug']);
+ }
+ /*!
+ Create the connection to the database.
+ If $conn already exists, reuse that connection
+ */
+ function open($save_path, $session_name, $persist = null)
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if ($conn) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $database = ADODB_Session::database();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ $driver = ADODB_Session::driver();
+ $host = ADODB_Session::host();
+ $password = ADODB_Session::password();
+ $user = ADODB_Session::user();
+ if (!is_null($persist)) {
+ ADODB_Session::persist($persist);
+ } else {
+ $persist = ADODB_Session::persist();
+ }
+# these can all be defaulted to in php.ini
+# assert('$database');
+# assert('$driver');
+# assert('$host');
+ $conn = ADONewConnection($driver);
+ if ($debug) {
+ $conn->debug = true;
+// ADOConnection::outp( " driver=$driver user=$user pwd=$password db=$database ");
+ }
+ if ($persist) {
+ switch($persist) {
+ default:
+ case 'P': $ok = $conn->PConnect($host, $user, $password, $database); break;
+ case 'C': $ok = $conn->Connect($host, $user, $password, $database); break;
+ case 'N': $ok = $conn->NConnect($host, $user, $password, $database); break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ok = $conn->Connect($host, $user, $password, $database);
+ }
+ if ($ok) $GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_CONN'] = $conn;
+ else
+ ADOConnection::outp('<p>Session: connection failed</p>', false);
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ /*!
+ Close the connection
+ */
+ function close()
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if ($conn) $conn->Close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ Slurp in the session variables and return the serialized string
+ */
+ function read($key)
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $data = ADODB_Session::dataFieldName();
+ $filter = ADODB_Session::filter();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ //assert('$table');
+ $qkey = $conn->quote($key);
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ $sql = "SELECT $data FROM $table WHERE sesskey = $binary $qkey AND expiry >= " . time();
+ /* Lock code does not work as it needs to hold transaction within whole page, and we don't know if
+ developer has commited elsewhere... :(
+ */
+ #if (ADODB_Session::Lock())
+ # $rs = $conn->RowLock($table, "$binary sesskey = $qkey AND expiry >= " . time(), $data);
+ #else
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ //ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ if ($rs) {
+ if ($rs->EOF) {
+ $v = '';
+ } else {
+ $v = reset($rs->fields);
+ $filter = array_reverse($filter);
+ foreach ($filter as $f) {
+ if (is_object($f)) {
+ $v = $f->read($v, ADODB_Session::_sessionKey());
+ }
+ }
+ $v = rawurldecode($v);
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ ADODB_Session::_crc(strlen($v) . crc32($v));
+ return $v;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ /*!
+ Write the serialized data to a database.
+ If the data has not been modified since the last read(), we do not write.
+ */
+ function write($key, $val)
+ {
+ if (!empty($ADODB_SESSION_READONLY)) return;
+ $clob = ADODB_Session::clob();
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $crc = ADODB_Session::_crc();
+ $data = ADODB_Session::dataFieldName();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ $driver = ADODB_Session::driver();
+ $expire_notify = ADODB_Session::expireNotify();
+ $filter = ADODB_Session::filter();
+ $lifetime = ADODB_Session::lifetime();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $qkey = $conn->qstr($key);
+ //assert('$table');
+ $expiry = time() + $lifetime;
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ // crc32 optimization since adodb 2.1
+ // now we only update expiry date, thx to sebastian thom in adodb 2.32
+ if ($crc !== false && $crc == (strlen($val) . crc32($val))) {
+ if ($debug) {
+ ADOConnection::outp( '<p>Session: Only updating date - crc32 not changed</p>');
+ }
+ $expirevar = '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ $var = reset($expire_notify);
+ global $$var;
+ if (isset($$var)) {
+ $expirevar = $$var;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET expiry = ".$conn->Param('0').",expireref=".$conn->Param('1')." WHERE $binary sesskey = ".$conn->Param('2')." AND expiry >= ".$conn->Param('3');
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql,array($expiry,$expirevar,$key,time()));
+ return true;
+ }
+ $val = rawurlencode($val);
+ foreach ($filter as $f) {
+ if (is_object($f)) {
+ $val = $f->write($val, ADODB_Session::_sessionKey());
+ }
+ }
+ $arr = array('sesskey' => $key, 'expiry' => $expiry, $data => $val, 'expireref' => '');
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ $var = reset($expire_notify);
+ global $$var;
+ if (isset($$var)) {
+ $arr['expireref'] = $$var;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$clob) { // no lobs, simply use replace()
+ $arr[$data] = $val;
+ $rs = $conn->Replace($table, $arr, 'sesskey', $autoQuote = true);
+ } else {
+ // what value shall we insert/update for lob row?
+ switch ($driver) {
+ // empty_clob or empty_lob for oracle dbs
+ case 'oracle':
+ case 'oci8':
+ case 'oci8po':
+ case 'oci805':
+ $lob_value = sprintf('empty_%s()', strtolower($clob));
+ break;
+ // null for all other
+ default:
+ $lob_value = 'null';
+ break;
+ }
+ $conn->StartTrans();
+ $expiryref = $conn->qstr($arr['expireref']);
+ // do we insert or update? => as for sesskey
+ $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey");
+ if ($rs && reset($rs->fields) > 0) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET expiry = $expiry, $data = $lob_value, expireref=$expiryref WHERE sesskey = $qkey";
+ } else {
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (expiry, $data, sesskey,expireref) VALUES ($expiry, $lob_value, $qkey,$expiryref)";
+ }
+ if ($rs)$rs->Close();
+ $err = '';
+ $rs1 = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ if (!$rs1) $err = $conn->ErrorMsg()."\n";
+ $rs2 = $conn->UpdateBlob($table, $data, $val, " sesskey=$qkey", strtoupper($clob));
+ if (!$rs2) $err .= $conn->ErrorMsg()."\n";
+ $rs = ($rs && $rs2) ? true : false;
+ $conn->CompleteTrans();
+ }
+ if (!$rs) {
+ ADOConnection::outp('<p>Session Replace: ' . $conn->ErrorMsg() . '</p>', false);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // bug in access driver (could be odbc?) means that info is not committed
+ // properly unless select statement executed in Win2000
+ if ($conn->databaseType == 'access') {
+ $sql = "SELECT sesskey FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $rs->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ }/*
+ if (ADODB_Session::Lock()) {
+ $conn->CommitTrans();
+ }*/
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function destroy($key) {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ $expire_notify = ADODB_Session::expireNotify();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ //assert('$table');
+ $qkey = $conn->quote($key);
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ reset($expire_notify);
+ $fn = next($expire_notify);
+ $savem = $conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $sql = "SELECT expireref, sesskey FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ $conn->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if (!$rs) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ //assert('$ref');
+ //assert('$key');
+ $fn($ref, $key);
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ }
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ function gc($maxlifetime)
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ $expire_notify = ADODB_Session::expireNotify();
+ $optimize = ADODB_Session::optimize();
+ $sync_seconds = ADODB_Session::syncSeconds();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $time = time();
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ reset($expire_notify);
+ $fn = next($expire_notify);
+ $savem = $conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $sql = "SELECT expireref, sesskey FROM $table WHERE expiry < $time";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ $conn->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $conn->StartTrans();
+ $keys = array();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref, $key);
+ $del = $conn->Execute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE sesskey=".$conn->Param('0'),array($key));
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ $conn->CompleteTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (1) {
+ $sql = "SELECT sesskey FROM $table WHERE expiry < $time";
+ $arr = $conn->GetAll($sql);
+ foreach ($arr as $row) {
+ $sql2 = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE sesskey=".$conn->Param('0');
+ $conn->Execute($sql2,array(reset($row)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE expiry < $time";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ if ($rs) $rs->Close();
+ }
+ if ($debug) {
+ ADOConnection::outp("<p><b>Garbage Collection</b>: $sql</p>");
+ }
+ }
+ // suggested by Cameron, "GaM3R" <>
+ if ($optimize) {
+ $driver = ADODB_Session::driver();
+ if (preg_match('/mysql/i', $driver)) {
+ $sql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table";
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/postgres/i', $driver)) {
+ $sql = "VACUUM $table";
+ }
+ if (!empty($sql)) {
+ $conn->Execute($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($sync_seconds) {
+ $sql = 'SELECT ';
+ if ($conn->dataProvider === 'oci8') {
+ $sql .= "TO_CHAR({$conn->sysTimeStamp}, 'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
+ } else {
+ $sql .= $conn->sysTimeStamp;
+ }
+ $sql .= " FROM $table";
+ $rs = $conn->SelectLimit($sql, 1);
+ if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
+ $dbts = reset($rs->fields);
+ $rs->Close();
+ $dbt = $conn->UnixTimeStamp($dbts);
+ $t = time();
+ if (abs($dbt - $t) >= $sync_seconds) {
+ $msg = __FILE__ .
+ ": Server time for webserver {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} not in synch with database: " .
+ " database=$dbt ($dbts), webserver=$t (diff=". (abs($dbt - $t) / 60) . ' minutes)';
+ error_log($msg);
+ if ($debug) {
+ ADOConnection::outp("<p>$msg</p>");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ register_shutdown_function('session_write_close');
+// for backwards compatability only
+function adodb_sess_open($save_path, $session_name, $persist = true) {
+ return ADODB_Session::open($save_path, $session_name, $persist);
+// for backwards compatability only
+function adodb_sess_gc($t)
+ return ADODB_Session::gc($t);
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session2.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb82178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-session2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Contributed by Ross Smith (
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+CREATE Table SCripts
+ =====
+CREATE TABLE sessions2(
+ sesskey VARCHAR( 64 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ expireref VARCHAR( 250 ) DEFAULT '',
+ sessdata LONGTEXT DEFAULT '',
+ PRIMARY KEY ( sesskey ) ,
+ INDEX sess2_expiry( expiry ),
+ INDEX sess2_expireref( expireref )
+if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER')) {
+ require realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
+if (defined('ADODB_SESSION')) return 1;
+define('ADODB_SESSION', dirname(__FILE__));
+ Unserialize session data manually. See
+ From Kerr Schere, to unserialize session data stored via ADOdb.
+ 1. Pull the session data from the db and loop through it.
+ 2. Inside the loop, you will need to urldecode the data column.
+ 3. After urldecode, run the serialized string through this function:
+function adodb_unserialize( $serialized_string )
+ $variables = array( );
+ $a = preg_split( "/(\w+)\|/", $serialized_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );
+ for( $i = 0; $i < count( $a ); $i = $i+2 ) {
+ $variables[$a[$i]] = unserialize( $a[$i+1] );
+ }
+ return( $variables );
+ Thanks Joe Li. See
+ Since adodb 4.61.
+function adodb_session_regenerate_id()
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if (!$conn) return false;
+ $old_id = session_id();
+ if (function_exists('session_regenerate_id')) {
+ session_regenerate_id();
+ } else {
+ session_id(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
+ $ck = session_get_cookie_params();
+ setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $ck['path'], $ck['domain'], $ck['secure']);
+ //@session_start();
+ }
+ $new_id = session_id();
+ $ok = $conn->Execute('UPDATE '. ADODB_Session::table(). ' SET sesskey='. $conn->qstr($new_id). ' WHERE sesskey='.$conn->qstr($old_id));
+ /* it is possible that the update statement fails due to a collision */
+ if (!$ok) {
+ session_id($old_id);
+ if (empty($ck)) $ck = session_get_cookie_params();
+ setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $ck['path'], $ck['domain'], $ck['secure']);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Generate database table for session data
+ @see
+ @return 0 if failure, 1 if errors, 2 if successful.
+ @author Markus Staab
+function adodb_session_create_table($schemaFile=null,$conn = null)
+ // set default values
+ if ($schemaFile===null) $schemaFile = ADODB_SESSION . '/session_schema2.xml';
+ if ($conn===null) $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if (!$conn) return 0;
+ $schema = new adoSchema($conn);
+ $schema->ParseSchema($schemaFile);
+ return $schema->ExecuteSchema();
+ \static
+class ADODB_Session {
+ /////////////////////
+ // getter/setter methods
+ /////////////////////
+ /*
+ function Lock($lock=null)
+ {
+ static $_lock = false;
+ if (!is_null($lock)) $_lock = $lock;
+ return $lock;
+ }
+ */
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function driver($driver = null)
+ {
+ static $_driver = 'mysql';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($driver)) {
+ $_driver = trim($driver);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_driver;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function host($host = null) {
+ static $_host = 'localhost';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($host)) {
+ $_host = trim($host);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_host;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function user($user = null)
+ {
+ static $_user = 'root';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($user)) {
+ $_user = trim($user);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_USER'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_user;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function password($password = null)
+ {
+ static $_password = '';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($password)) {
+ $_password = $password;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_PWD'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_password;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function database($database = null)
+ {
+ static $_database = '';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($database)) {
+ $_database = trim($database);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_DB'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_database;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function persist($persist = null)
+ {
+ static $_persist = true;
+ if (!is_null($persist)) {
+ $_persist = trim($persist);
+ }
+ return $_persist;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function lifetime($lifetime = null)
+ {
+ static $_lifetime;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($lifetime)) {
+ $_lifetime = (int) $lifetime;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_LIFE'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$_lifetime) {
+ $_lifetime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
+ if ($_lifetime <= 1) {
+ // bug in PHP 4.0.3 pl 1 -- how about other versions?
+ //print "<h3>Session Error: PHP.INI setting <i>session.gc_maxlifetime</i>not set: $lifetime</h3>";
+ $_lifetime = 1440;
+ }
+ }
+ return $_lifetime;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function debug($debug = null)
+ {
+ static $_debug = false;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($debug)) {
+ $_debug = (bool) $debug;
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if ($conn) {
+ #$conn->debug = $_debug;
+ }
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_DEBUG'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_debug;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function expireNotify($expire_notify = null)
+ {
+ static $_expire_notify;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($expire_notify)) {
+ $_expire_notify = $expire_notify;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_expire_notify;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function table($table = null)
+ {
+ static $_table = 'sessions2';
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($table)) {
+ $_table = trim($table);
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESSION_TBL'])) {
+ }
+ }
+ return $_table;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function optimize($optimize = null)
+ {
+ static $_optimize = false;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($optimize)) {
+ $_optimize = (bool) $optimize;
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ if (defined('ADODB_SESSION_OPTIMIZE')) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return $_optimize;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function syncSeconds($sync_seconds = null) {
+ //echo ("<p>WARNING: ADODB_SESSION::syncSeconds is longer used, please remove this function for your code</p>");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function clob($clob = null) {
+ static $_clob = false;
+ static $set = false;
+ if (!is_null($clob)) {
+ $_clob = strtolower(trim($clob));
+ $set = true;
+ } elseif (!$set) {
+ // backwards compatibility
+ }
+ }
+ return $_clob;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function dataFieldName($data_field_name = null) {
+ //echo ("<p>WARNING: ADODB_SESSION::dataFieldName() is longer used, please remove this function for your code</p>");
+ return '';
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function filter($filter = null) {
+ static $_filter = array();
+ if (!is_null($filter)) {
+ if (!is_array($filter)) {
+ $filter = array($filter);
+ }
+ $_filter = $filter;
+ }
+ return $_filter;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function encryptionKey($encryption_key = null) {
+ static $_encryption_key = 'CRYPTED ADODB SESSIONS ROCK!';
+ if (!is_null($encryption_key)) {
+ $_encryption_key = $encryption_key;
+ }
+ return $_encryption_key;
+ }
+ /////////////////////
+ // private methods
+ /////////////////////
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function _conn($conn=null) {
+ return isset($GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_CONN']) ? $GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_CONN'] : false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function _crc($crc = null) {
+ static $_crc = false;
+ if (!is_null($crc)) {
+ $_crc = $crc;
+ }
+ return $_crc;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function _init() {
+ session_module_name('user');
+ session_set_save_handler(
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'open'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'close'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'read'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'write'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'destroy'),
+ array('ADODB_Session', 'gc')
+ );
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function _sessionKey() {
+ // use this function to create the encryption key for crypted sessions
+ // crypt the used key, ADODB_Session::encryptionKey() as key and session_id() as salt
+ return crypt(ADODB_Session::encryptionKey(), session_id());
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function _dumprs(&$rs) {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$debug) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!$rs) {
+ echo "<br />\$rs is null or false<br />\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ //echo "<br />\nAffected_Rows=",$conn->Affected_Rows(),"<br />\n";
+ if (!is_object($rs)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $rs = $conn->_rs2rs($rs);
+ require_once ADODB_SESSION.'/../';
+ rs2html($rs);
+ $rs->MoveFirst();
+ }
+ /////////////////////
+ // public methods
+ /////////////////////
+ static function config($driver, $host, $user, $password, $database=false,$options=false)
+ {
+ ADODB_Session::driver($driver);
+ ADODB_Session::host($host);
+ ADODB_Session::user($user);
+ ADODB_Session::password($password);
+ ADODB_Session::database($database);
+ if (strncmp($driver, 'oci8', 4) == 0) $options['lob'] = 'CLOB';
+ if (isset($options['table'])) ADODB_Session::table($options['table']);
+ if (isset($options['lob'])) ADODB_Session::clob($options['lob']);
+ if (isset($options['debug'])) ADODB_Session::debug($options['debug']);
+ }
+ /*!
+ Create the connection to the database.
+ If $conn already exists, reuse that connection
+ */
+ static function open($save_path, $session_name, $persist = null)
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if ($conn) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ $database = ADODB_Session::database();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ $driver = ADODB_Session::driver();
+ $host = ADODB_Session::host();
+ $password = ADODB_Session::password();
+ $user = ADODB_Session::user();
+ if (!is_null($persist)) {
+ ADODB_Session::persist($persist);
+ } else {
+ $persist = ADODB_Session::persist();
+ }
+# these can all be defaulted to in php.ini
+# assert('$database');
+# assert('$driver');
+# assert('$host');
+ $conn = ADONewConnection($driver);
+ if ($debug) {
+ $conn->debug = true;
+ ADOConnection::outp( " driver=$driver user=$user db=$database ");
+ }
+ if (empty($conn->_connectionID)) { // not dsn
+ if ($persist) {
+ switch($persist) {
+ default:
+ case 'P': $ok = $conn->PConnect($host, $user, $password, $database); break;
+ case 'C': $ok = $conn->Connect($host, $user, $password, $database); break;
+ case 'N': $ok = $conn->NConnect($host, $user, $password, $database); break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ok = $conn->Connect($host, $user, $password, $database);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ok = true; // $conn->_connectionID is set after call to ADONewConnection
+ }
+ if ($ok) $GLOBALS['ADODB_SESS_CONN'] = $conn;
+ else
+ ADOConnection::outp('<p>Session: connection failed</p>', false);
+ return $ok;
+ }
+ /*!
+ Close the connection
+ */
+ static function close()
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if ($conn) $conn->Close();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ Slurp in the session variables and return the serialized string
+ */
+ static function read($key)
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $filter = ADODB_Session::filter();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ //assert('$table');
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ $sql = "SELECT $ADODB_SESSION_SELECT_FIELDS FROM $table WHERE sesskey = $binary ".$conn->Param(0)." AND expiry >= " . $conn->sysTimeStamp;
+ /* Lock code does not work as it needs to hold transaction within whole page, and we don't know if
+ developer has commited elsewhere... :(
+ */
+ #if (ADODB_Session::Lock())
+ # $rs = $conn->RowLock($table, "$binary sesskey = $qkey AND expiry >= " . time(), sessdata);
+ #else
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql, array($key));
+ //ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ if ($rs) {
+ if ($rs->EOF) {
+ $v = '';
+ } else {
+ $v = reset($rs->fields);
+ $filter = array_reverse($filter);
+ foreach ($filter as $f) {
+ if (is_object($f)) {
+ $v = $f->read($v, ADODB_Session::_sessionKey());
+ }
+ }
+ $v = rawurldecode($v);
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ ADODB_Session::_crc(strlen($v) . crc32($v));
+ return $v;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ /*!
+ Write the serialized data to a database.
+ If the data has not been modified since the last read(), we do not write.
+ */
+ static function write($key, $oval)
+ {
+ if (!empty($ADODB_SESSION_READONLY)) return;
+ $clob = ADODB_Session::clob();
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $crc = ADODB_Session::_crc();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ $driver = ADODB_Session::driver();
+ $expire_notify = ADODB_Session::expireNotify();
+ $filter = ADODB_Session::filter();
+ $lifetime = ADODB_Session::lifetime();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ($debug) $conn->debug = 1;
+ $sysTimeStamp = $conn->sysTimeStamp;
+ //assert('$table');
+ $expiry = $conn->OffsetDate($lifetime/(24*3600),$sysTimeStamp);
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ // crc32 optimization since adodb 2.1
+ // now we only update expiry date, thx to sebastian thom in adodb 2.32
+ if ($crc !== '00' && $crc !== false && $crc == (strlen($oval) . crc32($oval))) {
+ if ($debug) {
+ echo '<p>Session: Only updating date - crc32 not changed</p>';
+ }
+ $expirevar = '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ $var = reset($expire_notify);
+ global $$var;
+ if (isset($$var)) {
+ $expirevar = $$var;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET expiry = $expiry ,expireref=".$conn->Param('0').", modified = $sysTimeStamp WHERE $binary sesskey = ".$conn->Param('1')." AND expiry >= $sysTimeStamp";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql,array($expirevar,$key));
+ return true;
+ }
+ $val = rawurlencode($oval);
+ foreach ($filter as $f) {
+ if (is_object($f)) {
+ $val = $f->write($val, ADODB_Session::_sessionKey());
+ }
+ }
+ $expireref = '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ $var = reset($expire_notify);
+ global $$var;
+ if (isset($$var)) {
+ $expireref = $$var;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$clob) { // no lobs, simply use replace()
+ $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = ".$conn->Param(0),array($key));
+ if ($rs) $rs->Close();
+ if ($rs && reset($rs->fields) > 0) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET expiry=$expiry, sessdata=".$conn->Param(0).", expireref= ".$conn->Param(1).",modified=$sysTimeStamp WHERE sesskey = ".$conn->Param(2);
+ } else {
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (expiry, sessdata, expireref, sesskey, created, modified)
+ VALUES ($expiry,".$conn->Param('0').", ". $conn->Param('1').", ".$conn->Param('2').", $sysTimeStamp, $sysTimeStamp)";
+ }
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql,array($val,$expireref,$key));
+ } else {
+ // what value shall we insert/update for lob row?
+ if (strncmp($driver, 'oci8', 4) == 0) $lob_value = sprintf('empty_%s()', strtolower($clob));
+ else $lob_value = 'null';
+ $conn->StartTrans();
+ $rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = ".$conn->Param(0),array($key));
+ if ($rs && reset($rs->fields) > 0) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE $table SET expiry=$expiry, sessdata=$lob_value, expireref= ".$conn->Param(0).",modified=$sysTimeStamp WHERE sesskey = ".$conn->Param('1');
+ } else {
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (expiry, sessdata, expireref, sesskey, created, modified)
+ VALUES ($expiry,$lob_value, ". $conn->Param('0').", ".$conn->Param('1').", $sysTimeStamp, $sysTimeStamp)";
+ }
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql,array($expireref,$key));
+ $qkey = $conn->qstr($key);
+ $rs2 = $conn->UpdateBlob($table, 'sessdata', $val, " sesskey=$qkey", strtoupper($clob));
+ if ($debug) echo "<hr>",htmlspecialchars($oval), "<hr>";
+ $rs = @$conn->CompleteTrans();
+ }
+ if (!$rs) {
+ ADOConnection::outp('<p>Session Replace: ' . $conn->ErrorMsg() . '</p>', false);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // bug in access driver (could be odbc?) means that info is not committed
+ // properly unless select statement executed in Win2000
+ if ($conn->databaseType == 'access') {
+ $sql = "SELECT sesskey FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $rs->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ }/*
+ if (ADODB_Session::Lock()) {
+ $conn->CommitTrans();
+ }*/
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function destroy($key) {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ $expire_notify = ADODB_Session::expireNotify();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ if ($debug) $conn->debug = 1;
+ //assert('$table');
+ $qkey = $conn->quote($key);
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ reset($expire_notify);
+ $fn = next($expire_notify);
+ $savem = $conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $sql = "SELECT expireref, sesskey FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ $conn->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if (!$rs) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ //assert('$ref');
+ //assert('$key');
+ $fn($ref, $key);
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ }
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE $binary sesskey = $qkey";
+ $rs = $conn->Execute($sql);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $rs->Close();
+ }
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+ }
+ /*!
+ */
+ static function gc($maxlifetime)
+ {
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ $expire_notify = ADODB_Session::expireNotify();
+ $optimize = ADODB_Session::optimize();
+ $table = ADODB_Session::table();
+ if (!$conn) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $debug = ADODB_Session::debug();
+ if ($debug) {
+ $conn->debug = 1;
+ } else {
+ $COMMITNUM = 20;
+ }
+ //assert('$table');
+ $time = $conn->OffsetDate(-$maxlifetime/24/3600,$conn->sysTimeStamp);
+ $binary = $conn->dataProvider === 'mysql' ? '/*! BINARY */' : '';
+ if ($expire_notify) {
+ reset($expire_notify);
+ $fn = next($expire_notify);
+ } else {
+ $fn = false;
+ }
+ $savem = $conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $sql = "SELECT expireref, sesskey FROM $table WHERE expiry < $time ORDER BY 2"; # add order by to prevent deadlock
+ $rs = $conn->SelectLimit($sql,1000);
+ if ($debug) ADODB_Session::_dumprs($rs);
+ $conn->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $tr = $conn->hasTransactions;
+ if ($tr) $conn->BeginTrans();
+ $keys = array();
+ $ccnt = 0;
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ if ($fn) $fn($ref, $key);
+ $del = $conn->Execute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE sesskey=".$conn->Param('0'),array($key));
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ $ccnt += 1;
+ if ($tr && $ccnt % $COMMITNUM == 0) {
+ if ($debug) echo "Commit<br>\n";
+ $conn->CommitTrans();
+ $conn->BeginTrans();
+ }
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ if ($tr) $conn->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ // suggested by Cameron, "GaM3R" <>
+ if ($optimize) {
+ $driver = ADODB_Session::driver();
+ if (preg_match('/mysql/i', $driver)) {
+ $sql = "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table";
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/postgres/i', $driver)) {
+ $sql = "VACUUM $table";
+ }
+ if (!empty($sql)) {
+ $conn->Execute($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ register_shutdown_function('session_write_close');
+// for backwards compatability only
+function adodb_sess_open($save_path, $session_name, $persist = true) {
+ return ADODB_Session::open($save_path, $session_name, $persist);
+// for backwards compatability only
+function adodb_sess_gc($t)
+ return ADODB_Session::gc($t);
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-sessions.mysql.sql b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-sessions.mysql.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f90de44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/adodb-sessions.mysql.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- $CVSHeader$
+CREATE DATABASE /*! IF NOT EXISTS */ adodb_sessions;
+USE adodb_sessions;
+DROP TABLE /*! IF EXISTS */ sessions;
+CREATE TABLE /*! IF NOT EXISTS */ sessions (
+ sesskey CHAR(32) /*! BINARY */ NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ expiry INT(11) /*! UNSIGNED */ NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
+ expireref VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (sesskey),
+ INDEX expiry (expiry)
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5c4f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+-- $CVSHeader$
+DROP TABLE adodb_sessions;
+CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ sesskey CHAR(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+ expireref VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '',
+ data CLOB DEFAULT '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (sesskey)
+CREATE INDEX ix_expiry ON sessions (expiry);
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fd5a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+-- $CVSHeader$
+DROP TABLE adodb_sessions;
+CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ sesskey CHAR(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
+ expireref VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT '',
+ data VARCHAR(4000) DEFAULT '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (sesskey),
+ INDEX expiry (expiry)
+CREATE INDEX ix_expiry ON sessions (expiry);
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1468cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Session Encryption by Ari Kuorikoski <>
+class MD5Crypt{
+ function keyED($txt,$encrypt_key)
+ {
+ $encrypt_key = md5($encrypt_key);
+ $ctr=0;
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++){
+ if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0;
+ $tmp.= substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1);
+ $ctr++;
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+ }
+ function Encrypt($txt,$key)
+ {
+ srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+ $encrypt_key = md5(rand(0,32000));
+ $ctr=0;
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++)
+ {
+ if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0;
+ $tmp.= substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1) .
+ (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1));
+ $ctr++;
+ }
+ return base64_encode($this->keyED($tmp,$key));
+ }
+ function Decrypt($txt,$key)
+ {
+ $txt = $this->keyED(base64_decode($txt),$key);
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++){
+ $md5 = substr($txt,$i,1);
+ $i++;
+ $tmp.= (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ $md5);
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+ }
+ function RandPass()
+ {
+ $randomPassword = "";
+ srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+ for($i=0;$i<8;$i++)
+ {
+ $randnumber = rand(48,120);
+ while (($randnumber >= 58 && $randnumber <= 64) || ($randnumber >= 91 && $randnumber <= 96))
+ {
+ $randnumber = rand(48,120);
+ }
+ $randomPassword .= chr($randnumber);
+ }
+ return $randomPassword;
+ }
+class SHA1Crypt{
+ function keyED($txt,$encrypt_key)
+ {
+ $encrypt_key = sha1($encrypt_key);
+ $ctr=0;
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++){
+ if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0;
+ $tmp.= substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1);
+ $ctr++;
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+ }
+ function Encrypt($txt,$key)
+ {
+ srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+ $encrypt_key = sha1(rand(0,32000));
+ $ctr=0;
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++)
+ {
+ if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0;
+ $tmp.= substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1) .
+ (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1));
+ $ctr++;
+ }
+ return base64_encode($this->keyED($tmp,$key));
+ }
+ function Decrypt($txt,$key)
+ {
+ $txt = $this->keyED(base64_decode($txt),$key);
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++){
+ $sha1 = substr($txt,$i,1);
+ $i++;
+ $tmp.= (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ $sha1);
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+ }
+ function RandPass()
+ {
+ $randomPassword = "";
+ srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+ for($i=0;$i<8;$i++)
+ {
+ $randnumber = rand(48,120);
+ while (($randnumber >= 58 && $randnumber <= 64) || ($randnumber >= 91 && $randnumber <= 96))
+ {
+ $randnumber = rand(48,120);
+ }
+ $randomPassword .= chr($randnumber);
+ }
+ return $randomPassword;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-cryptsession.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-cryptsession.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7836022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-cryptsession.php
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Made table name configurable - by David Johnson
+ Encryption by Ari Kuorikoski <>
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+ Latest version is available at
+ ======================================================================
+ This file provides PHP4 session management using the ADODB database
+wrapper library.
+ Example
+ =======
+ include('');
+ #---------------------------------#
+ include('adodb-cryptsession.php');
+ #---------------------------------#
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ print "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";
+ Installation
+ ============
+ 1. Create a new database in MySQL or Access "sessions" like
+ create table sessions (
+ SESSKEY char(32) not null,
+ EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null,
+ EXPIREREF varchar(64),
+ primary key (sesskey)
+ );
+ 2. Then define the following parameters. You can either modify
+ this file, or define them before this file is included:
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER='database driver, eg. mysql or ibase';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT='server to connect to';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='password';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='database';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions'
+ 3. Recommended is PHP 4.0.2 or later. There are documented
+session bugs in earlier versions of PHP.
+if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER')) {
+ include (dirname(__FILE__).'/');
+ /* if database time and system time is difference is greater than this, then give warning */
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ define('ADODB_SESSION',1);
+ //$ADODB_SESS_DEBUG = true;
+if (empty($ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER)) {
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='xphplens_2';
+if (empty($ADODB_SESSION_TBL)){
+ $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions';
+function ADODB_Session_Key()
+ /* Crypt the used key, $ADODB_CRYPT_KEY as key and session_ID as SALT */
+ return crypt($ADODB_CRYPT_KEY, session_ID());
+$ADODB_SESS_LIFE = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
+if ($ADODB_SESS_LIFE <= 1) {
+ // bug in PHP 4.0.3 pl 1 -- how about other versions?
+ //print "<h3>Session Error: PHP.INI setting <i>session.gc_maxlifetime</i>not set: $ADODB_SESS_LIFE</h3>";
+function adodb_sess_open($save_path, $session_name)
+ if (isset($ADODB_SESS_CONN)) return true;
+ if (!empty($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG)) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->debug = true;
+ }
+function adodb_sess_close()
+ return true;
+function adodb_sess_read($key)
+$Crypt = new MD5Crypt;
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT data FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey = '$key' AND expiry >= " . time());
+ if ($rs) {
+ if ($rs->EOF) {
+ $v = '';
+ } else {
+ // Decrypt session data
+ $v = rawurldecode($Crypt->Decrypt(reset($rs->fields), ADODB_Session_Key()));
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ return $v;
+ }
+ else $ADODB_SESS_INSERT = true;
+ return '';
+function adodb_sess_write($key, $val)
+$Crypt = new MD5Crypt;
+ $expiry = time() + $ADODB_SESS_LIFE;
+ // encrypt session data..
+ $val = $Crypt->Encrypt(rawurlencode($val), ADODB_Session_Key());
+ $arr = array('sesskey' => $key, 'expiry' => $expiry, 'data' => $val);
+ global $$var;
+ $arr['expireref'] = $$var;
+ }
+ $arr,
+ 'sesskey',$autoQuote = true);
+ if (!$rs) {
+ ADOConnection::outp( '
+-- Session Replace: '.$ADODB_SESS_CONN->ErrorMsg().'</p>',false);
+ } else {
+ // bug in access driver (could be odbc?) means that info is not commited
+ // properly unless select statement executed in Win2000
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_CONN->databaseType == 'access') $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("select sesskey from $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ }
+ return isset($rs);
+function adodb_sess_destroy($key)
+ $savem = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT expireref,sesskey FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->BeginTrans();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref,$key);
+ $del = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $qry = "DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey = '$key'";
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ }
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+function adodb_sess_gc($maxlifetime) {
+ $savem = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $t = time();
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT expireref,sesskey FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE expiry < $t");
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->BeginTrans();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref,$key);
+ //$del = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $qry = "DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE expiry < " . time();
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ }
+ // suggested by Cameron, "GaM3R" <>
+ if (defined('ADODB_SESSION_OPTIMIZE'))
+ {
+ case 'mysql':
+ case 'mysqlt':
+ break;
+ case 'postgresql':
+ case 'postgresql7':
+ $opt_qry = 'VACUUM '.$ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_CONN->dataProvider === 'oci8') $sql = 'select TO_CHAR('.($ADODB_SESS_CONN->sysTimeStamp).', \'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\') from '. $ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ else $sql = 'select '.$ADODB_SESS_CONN->sysTimeStamp.' from '. $ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SelectLimit($sql,1);
+ if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
+ $dbts = reset($rs->fields);
+ $rs->Close();
+ $dbt = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->UnixTimeStamp($dbts);
+ $t = time();
+ if (abs($dbt - $t) >= ADODB_SESSION_SYNCH_SECS) {
+ $msg =
+ __FILE__.": Server time for webserver {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} not in synch with database: database=$dbt ($dbts), webserver=$t (diff=".(abs($dbt-$t)/3600)." hrs)";
+ error_log($msg);
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) ADOConnection::outp("
+-- $msg</p>");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ "adodb_sess_open",
+ "adodb_sess_close",
+ "adodb_sess_read",
+ "adodb_sess_write",
+ "adodb_sess_destroy",
+ "adodb_sess_gc");
+if (0) {
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ print "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-session-clob.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-session-clob.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c633b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-session-clob.php
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ @version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+ @copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+ @copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+ Latest version is available at
+ ======================================================================
+ This file provides PHP4 session management using the ADODB database
+ wrapper library, using Oracle CLOB's to store data. Contributed by
+ Example
+ =======
+ include('');
+ include('adodb-session.php');
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ print "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";
+To force non-persistent connections, call adodb_session_open first before session_start():
+ include('');
+ include('adodb-session.php');
+ adodb_session_open(false,false,false);
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ print "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";
+ Installation
+ ============
+ 1. Create this table in your database (syntax might vary depending on your db):
+ create table sessions (
+ SESSKEY char(32) not null,
+ EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null,
+ EXPIREREF varchar(64),
+ primary key (sesskey)
+ );
+ 2. Then define the following parameters in this file:
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER='database driver, eg. mysql or ibase';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT='server to connect to';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='password';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='database';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions'
+ $ADODB_SESSION_USE_LOBS = false; (or, if you wanna use CLOBS (= 'CLOB') or ( = 'BLOB')
+ 3. Recommended is PHP 4.1.0 or later. There are documented
+ session bugs in earlier versions of PHP.
+ 4. If you want to receive notifications when a session expires, then
+ you can tag a session with an EXPIREREF, and before the session
+ record is deleted, we can call a function that will pass the EXPIREREF
+ as the first parameter, and the session key as the second parameter.
+ To do this, define a notification function, say NotifyFn:
+ function NotifyFn($expireref, $sesskey)
+ {
+ }
+ Then you need to define a global variable $ADODB_SESSION_EXPIRE_NOTIFY.
+ This is an array with 2 elements, the first being the name of the variable
+ you would like to store in the EXPIREREF field, and the 2nd is the
+ notification function's name.
+ In this example, we want to be notified when a user's session
+ has expired, so we store the user id in the global variable $USERID,
+ store this value in the EXPIREREF field:
+ Then when the NotifyFn is called, we are passed the $USERID as the first
+ parameter, eg. NotifyFn($userid, $sesskey).
+if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER')) {
+ include (dirname(__FILE__).'/');
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ define('ADODB_SESSION',1);
+ /* if database time and system time is difference is greater than this, then give warning */
+ Global definitions
+ $ADODB_SESS_LIFE = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_LIFE <= 1) {
+ // bug in PHP 4.0.3 pl 1 -- how about other versions?
+ //print "<h3>Session Error: PHP.INI setting <i>session.gc_maxlifetime</i>not set: $ADODB_SESS_LIFE</h3>";
+ }
+ //$ADODB_SESS_DEBUG = true;
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ if (empty($ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER)) {
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='xphplens_2';
+ }
+ }
+ // Made table name configurable - by David Johnson
+ if (empty($ADODB_SESSION_TBL)){
+ $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions';
+ }
+ // defaulting $ADODB_SESSION_USE_LOBS
+ }
+ /*
+ */
+ Create the connection to the database.
+ If $ADODB_SESS_CONN already exists, reuse that connection
+function adodb_sess_open($save_path, $session_name,$persist=true)
+ if (isset($ADODB_SESS_CONN)) return true;
+ // cannot use & below - do not know why...
+ if (!empty($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG)) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->debug = true;
+ }
+ if ($persist) $ok = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->PConnect($ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT,
+ if (!$ok) ADOConnection::outp( "
+-- Session: connection failed</p>",false);
+ Close the connection
+function adodb_sess_close()
+ return true;
+ Slurp in the session variables and return the serialized string
+function adodb_sess_read($key)
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT data FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey = '$key' AND expiry >= " . time());
+ if ($rs) {
+ if ($rs->EOF) {
+ $v = '';
+ } else
+ $v = rawurldecode(reset($rs->fields));
+ $rs->Close();
+ // new optimization adodb 2.1
+ $ADODB_SESSION_CRC = strlen($v).crc32($v);
+ return $v;
+ }
+ return ''; // thx to Jorma Tuomainen,
+ Write the serialized data to a database.
+ If the data has not been modified since adodb_sess_read(), we do not write.
+function adodb_sess_write($key, $val)
+ global
+ $expiry = time() + $ADODB_SESS_LIFE;
+ // crc32 optimization since adodb 2.1
+ // now we only update expiry date, thx to sebastian thom in adodb 2.32
+ if ($ADODB_SESSION_CRC !== false && $ADODB_SESSION_CRC == strlen($val).crc32($val)) {
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) echo "
+-- Session: Only updating date - crc32 not changed</p>";
+ $qry = "UPDATE $ADODB_SESSION_TBL SET expiry=$expiry WHERE sesskey='$key' AND expiry >= " . time();
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ return true;
+ }
+ $val = rawurlencode($val);
+ $arr = array('sesskey' => $key, 'expiry' => $expiry, 'data' => $val);
+ global $$var;
+ $arr['expireref'] = $$var;
+ }
+ if ($ADODB_SESSION_USE_LOBS === false) { // no lobs, simply use replace()
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Replace($ADODB_SESSION_TBL,$arr, 'sesskey',$autoQuote = true);
+ if (!$rs) {
+ $err = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->ErrorMsg();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // what value shall we insert/update for lob row?
+ // empty_clob or empty_lob for oracle dbs
+ case "oracle":
+ case "oci8":
+ case "oci8po":
+ case "oci805":
+ $lob_value = sprintf("empty_%s()", strtolower($ADODB_SESSION_USE_LOBS));
+ break;
+ // null for all other
+ default:
+ $lob_value = "null";
+ break;
+ }
+ // do we insert or update? => as for sesskey
+ $res = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("select count(*) as cnt from $ADODB_SESSION_TBL where sesskey = '$key'");
+ if ($res && reset($res->fields) > 0) {
+ $qry = sprintf("update %s set expiry = %d, data = %s where sesskey = '%s'", $ADODB_SESSION_TBL, $expiry, $lob_value, $key);
+ } else {
+ // insert
+ $qry = sprintf("insert into %s (sesskey, expiry, data) values ('%s', %d, %s)", $ADODB_SESSION_TBL, $key, $expiry, $lob_value);
+ }
+ $err = "";
+ $rs1 = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ if (!$rs1) {
+ $err .= $ADODB_SESS_CONN->ErrorMsg()."\n";
+ }
+ $rs2 = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->UpdateBlob($ADODB_SESSION_TBL, 'data', $val, "sesskey='$key'", strtoupper($ADODB_SESSION_USE_LOBS));
+ if (!$rs2) {
+ $err .= $ADODB_SESS_CONN->ErrorMsg()."\n";
+ }
+ $rs = ($rs1 && $rs2) ? true : false;
+ }
+ if (!$rs) {
+ ADOConnection::outp( '
+-- Session Replace: '.nl2br($err).'</p>',false);
+ } else {
+ // bug in access driver (could be odbc?) means that info is not commited
+ // properly unless select statement executed in Win2000
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_CONN->databaseType == 'access')
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("select sesskey from $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ }
+ return !empty($rs);
+function adodb_sess_destroy($key)
+ $savem = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT expireref,sesskey FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->BeginTrans();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref,$key);
+ $del = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $qry = "DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey = '$key'";
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ }
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+function adodb_sess_gc($maxlifetime)
+ $savem = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $t = time();
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT expireref,sesskey FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE expiry < $t");
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->BeginTrans();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref,$key);
+ $del = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) ADOConnection::outp("
+-- <b>Garbage Collection</b>: $qry</p>");
+ }
+ // suggested by Cameron, "GaM3R" <>
+ if (defined('ADODB_SESSION_OPTIMIZE')) {
+ case 'mysql':
+ case 'mysqlt':
+ break;
+ case 'postgresql':
+ case 'postgresql7':
+ $opt_qry = 'VACUUM '.$ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($opt_qry)) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($opt_qry);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_CONN->dataProvider === 'oci8') $sql = 'select TO_CHAR('.($ADODB_SESS_CONN->sysTimeStamp).', \'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\') from '. $ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ else $sql = 'select '.$ADODB_SESS_CONN->sysTimeStamp.' from '. $ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SelectLimit($sql,1);
+ if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
+ $dbts = reset($rs->fields);
+ $rs->Close();
+ $dbt = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->UnixTimeStamp($dbts);
+ $t = time();
+ if (abs($dbt - $t) >= ADODB_SESSION_SYNCH_SECS) {
+ $msg =
+ __FILE__.": Server time for webserver {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} not in synch with database: database=$dbt ($dbts), webserver=$t (diff=".(abs($dbt-$t)/3600)." hrs)";
+ error_log($msg);
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) ADOConnection::outp("
+-- $msg</p>");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ "adodb_sess_open",
+ "adodb_sess_close",
+ "adodb_sess_read",
+ "adodb_sess_write",
+ "adodb_sess_destroy",
+ "adodb_sess_gc");
+if (0) {
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ ADOConnection::outp( "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>",false);
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-session.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-session.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2385cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/adodb-session.php
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+@version v5.20.14 06-Jan-2019
+@copyright (c) 2000-2013 John Lim ( All rights reserved.
+@copyright (c) 2014 Damien Regad, Mark Newnham and the ADOdb community
+ Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
+ Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
+ the BSD license will take precedence.
+ Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
+ Latest version is available at
+ ======================================================================
+ This file provides PHP4 session management using the ADODB database
+wrapper library.
+ Example
+ =======
+ include('');
+ include('adodb-session.php');
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ print "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";
+To force non-persistent connections, call adodb_session_open first before session_start():
+ include('');
+ include('adodb-session.php');
+ adodb_sess_open(false,false,false);
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ print "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>";
+ Installation
+ ============
+ 1. Create this table in your database (syntax might vary depending on your db):
+ create table sessions (
+ SESSKEY char(32) not null,
+ EXPIRY int(11) unsigned not null,
+ EXPIREREF varchar(64),
+ DATA text not null,
+ primary key (sesskey)
+ );
+ For oracle:
+ create table sessions (
+ SESSKEY char(32) not null,
+ EXPIRY DECIMAL(16) not null,
+ EXPIREREF varchar(64),
+ DATA varchar(4000) not null,
+ primary key (sesskey)
+ );
+ 2. Then define the following parameters. You can either modify
+ this file, or define them before this file is included:
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER='database driver, eg. mysql or ibase';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT='server to connect to';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_PWD ='password';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='database';
+ $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions'
+ 3. Recommended is PHP 4.1.0 or later. There are documented
+ session bugs in earlier versions of PHP.
+ 4. If you want to receive notifications when a session expires, then
+ you can tag a session with an EXPIREREF, and before the session
+ record is deleted, we can call a function that will pass the EXPIREREF
+ as the first parameter, and the session key as the second parameter.
+ To do this, define a notification function, say NotifyFn:
+ function NotifyFn($expireref, $sesskey)
+ {
+ }
+ Then you need to define a global variable $ADODB_SESSION_EXPIRE_NOTIFY.
+ This is an array with 2 elements, the first being the name of the variable
+ you would like to store in the EXPIREREF field, and the 2nd is the
+ notification function's name.
+ In this example, we want to be notified when a user's session
+ has expired, so we store the user id in the global variable $USERID,
+ store this value in the EXPIREREF field:
+ Then when the NotifyFn is called, we are passed the $USERID as the first
+ parameter, eg. NotifyFn($userid, $sesskey).
+if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER')) {
+ include (dirname(__FILE__).'/');
+if (!defined('ADODB_SESSION')) {
+ define('ADODB_SESSION',1);
+ /* if database time and system time is difference is greater than this, then give warning */
+ /*
+ Thanks Joe Li. See
+function adodb_session_regenerate_id()
+ $conn = ADODB_Session::_conn();
+ if (!$conn) return false;
+ $old_id = session_id();
+ if (function_exists('session_regenerate_id')) {
+ session_regenerate_id();
+ } else {
+ session_id(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)));
+ $ck = session_get_cookie_params();
+ setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $ck['path'], $ck['domain'], $ck['secure']);
+ //@session_start();
+ }
+ $new_id = session_id();
+ $ok = $conn->Execute('UPDATE '. ADODB_Session::table(). ' SET sesskey='. $conn->qstr($new_id). ' WHERE sesskey='.$conn->qstr($old_id));
+ /* it is possible that the update statement fails due to a collision */
+ if (!$ok) {
+ session_id($old_id);
+ if (empty($ck)) $ck = session_get_cookie_params();
+ setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), false, $ck['path'], $ck['domain'], $ck['secure']);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ Global definitions
+ $ADODB_SESS_LIFE = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_LIFE <= 1) {
+ // bug in PHP 4.0.3 pl 1 -- how about other versions?
+ //print "<h3>Session Error: PHP.INI setting <i>session.gc_maxlifetime</i>not set: $ADODB_SESS_LIFE</h3>";
+ }
+ //$ADODB_SESS_DEBUG = true;
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ if (empty($ADODB_SESSION_DRIVER)) {
+ $ADODB_SESSION_DB ='xphplens_2';
+ }
+ }
+ // Made table name configurable - by David Johnson
+ if (empty($ADODB_SESSION_TBL)){
+ $ADODB_SESSION_TBL = 'sessions';
+ }
+ /*
+ */
+ Create the connection to the database.
+ If $ADODB_SESS_CONN already exists, reuse that connection
+function adodb_sess_open($save_path, $session_name,$persist=true)
+ if (isset($ADODB_SESS_CONN)) return true;
+ // cannot use & below - do not know why...
+ if (!empty($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG)) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->debug = true;
+ }
+ if ($persist) $ok = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->PConnect($ADODB_SESSION_CONNECT,
+ if (!$ok) ADOConnection::outp( "
+-- Session: connection failed</p>",false);
+ Close the connection
+function adodb_sess_close()
+ return true;
+ Slurp in the session variables and return the serialized string
+function adodb_sess_read($key)
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT data FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey = '$key' AND expiry >= " . time());
+ if ($rs) {
+ if ($rs->EOF) {
+ $v = '';
+ } else
+ $v = rawurldecode(reset($rs->fields));
+ $rs->Close();
+ // new optimization adodb 2.1
+ $ADODB_SESSION_CRC = strlen($v).crc32($v);
+ return $v;
+ }
+ return ''; // thx to Jorma Tuomainen,
+ Write the serialized data to a database.
+ If the data has not been modified since adodb_sess_read(), we do not write.
+function adodb_sess_write($key, $val)
+ global
+ $expiry = time() + $ADODB_SESS_LIFE;
+ // crc32 optimization since adodb 2.1
+ // now we only update expiry date, thx to sebastian thom in adodb 2.32
+ if ($ADODB_SESSION_CRC !== false && $ADODB_SESSION_CRC == strlen($val).crc32($val)) {
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) echo "
+-- Session: Only updating date - crc32 not changed</p>";
+ $qry = "UPDATE $ADODB_SESSION_TBL SET expiry=$expiry WHERE sesskey='$key' AND expiry >= " . time();
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ return true;
+ }
+ $val = rawurlencode($val);
+ $arr = array('sesskey' => $key, 'expiry' => $expiry, 'data' => $val);
+ global $$var;
+ $arr['expireref'] = $$var;
+ }
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Replace($ADODB_SESSION_TBL,$arr,
+ 'sesskey',$autoQuote = true);
+ if (!$rs) {
+ ADOConnection::outp( '
+-- Session Replace: '.$ADODB_SESS_CONN->ErrorMsg().'</p>',false);
+ } else {
+ // bug in access driver (could be odbc?) means that info is not commited
+ // properly unless select statement executed in Win2000
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_CONN->databaseType == 'access')
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("select sesskey from $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ }
+ return !empty($rs);
+function adodb_sess_destroy($key)
+ $savem = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT expireref,sesskey FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->BeginTrans();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref,$key);
+ $del = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $qry = "DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey = '$key'";
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ }
+ return $rs ? true : false;
+function adodb_sess_gc($maxlifetime)
+ $savem = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);
+ $t = time();
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("SELECT expireref,sesskey FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE expiry < $t");
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SetFetchMode($savem);
+ if ($rs) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->BeginTrans();
+ while (!$rs->EOF) {
+ $ref = $rs->fields[0];
+ $key = $rs->fields[1];
+ $fn($ref,$key);
+ $del = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute("DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE sesskey='$key'");
+ $rs->MoveNext();
+ }
+ $rs->Close();
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->CommitTrans();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $qry = "DELETE FROM $ADODB_SESSION_TBL WHERE expiry < " . time();
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($qry);
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) ADOConnection::outp("
+-- <b>Garbage Collection</b>: $qry</p>");
+ }
+ // suggested by Cameron, "GaM3R" <>
+ if (defined('ADODB_SESSION_OPTIMIZE')) {
+ case 'mysql':
+ case 'mysqlt':
+ break;
+ case 'postgresql':
+ case 'postgresql7':
+ $opt_qry = 'VACUUM '.$ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!empty($opt_qry)) {
+ $ADODB_SESS_CONN->Execute($opt_qry);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_CONN->dataProvider === 'oci8') $sql = 'select TO_CHAR('.($ADODB_SESS_CONN->sysTimeStamp).', \'RRRR-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\') from '. $ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ else $sql = 'select '.$ADODB_SESS_CONN->sysTimeStamp.' from '. $ADODB_SESSION_TBL;
+ $rs = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->SelectLimit($sql,1);
+ if ($rs && !$rs->EOF) {
+ $dbts = reset($rs->fields);
+ $rs->Close();
+ $dbt = $ADODB_SESS_CONN->UnixTimeStamp($dbts);
+ $t = time();
+ if (abs($dbt - $t) >= ADODB_SESSION_SYNCH_SECS) {
+ $msg =
+ __FILE__.": Server time for webserver {$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']} not in synch with database: database=$dbt ($dbts), webserver=$t (diff=".(abs($dbt-$t)/3600)." hrs)";
+ error_log($msg);
+ if ($ADODB_SESS_DEBUG) ADOConnection::outp("
+-- $msg</p>");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ "adodb_sess_open",
+ "adodb_sess_close",
+ "adodb_sess_read",
+ "adodb_sess_write",
+ "adodb_sess_destroy",
+ "adodb_sess_gc");
+if (0) {
+ session_start();
+ session_register('AVAR');
+ $_SESSION['AVAR'] += 1;
+ ADOConnection::outp( "
+-- \$_SESSION['AVAR']={$_SESSION['AVAR']}</p>",false);
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c347db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/old/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Session Encryption by Ari Kuorikoski <>
+class MD5Crypt{
+ function keyED($txt,$encrypt_key)
+ {
+ $encrypt_key = md5($encrypt_key);
+ $ctr=0;
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++){
+ if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0;
+ $tmp.= substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1);
+ $ctr++;
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+ }
+ function Encrypt($txt,$key)
+ {
+ srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+ $encrypt_key = md5(rand(0,32000));
+ $ctr=0;
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++)
+ {
+ if ($ctr==strlen($encrypt_key)) $ctr=0;
+ $tmp.= substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1) .
+ (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ substr($encrypt_key,$ctr,1));
+ $ctr++;
+ }
+ return base64_encode($this->keyED($tmp,$key));
+ }
+ function Decrypt($txt,$key)
+ {
+ $txt = $this->keyED(base64_decode($txt),$key);
+ $tmp = "";
+ for ($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++){
+ $md5 = substr($txt,$i,1);
+ $i++;
+ $tmp.= (substr($txt,$i,1) ^ $md5);
+ }
+ return $tmp;
+ }
+ function RandPass()
+ {
+ $randomPassword = "";
+ srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
+ for($i=0;$i<8;$i++)
+ {
+ $randnumber = rand(48,120);
+ while (($randnumber >= 58 && $randnumber <= 64) || ($randnumber >= 91 && $randnumber <= 96))
+ {
+ $randnumber = rand(48,120);
+ }
+ $randomPassword .= chr($randnumber);
+ }
+ return $randomPassword;
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/session_schema.xml b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/session_schema.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27e47bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/session_schema.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema version="0.2">
+ <table name="sessions">
+ <desc>table for ADOdb session-management</desc>
+ <field name="SESSKEY" type="C" size="32">
+ <descr>session key</descr>
+ <KEY/>
+ </field>
+ <field name="EXPIRY" type="I" size="11">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ <field name="EXPIREREF" type="C" size="64">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ <field name="DATA" type="XL">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ </table>
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/session_schema2.xml b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/session_schema2.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0d3ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/session/session_schema2.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<schema version="0.3">
+ <table name="sessions2">
+ <desc>table for ADOdb session-management</desc>
+ <field name="SESSKEY" type="C" size="64">
+ <descr>session key</descr>
+ <KEY/>
+ </field>
+ <field name="EXPIRY" type="T">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ <field name="CREATED" type="T">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ <field name="MODIFIED" type="T">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ <field name="EXPIREREF" type="C" size="250">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ <field name="SESSDATA" type="XL">
+ <descr></descr>
+ </field>
+ </table>