path: root/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/replicate/test-tnb.php
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
commit8df3db566a3a937b45ebf11adb90d265e6f5e2d4 (patch)
tree4d541098d751d5a9acf8c12f6fb9f308ace066ac /vendor/adodb/adodb-php/replicate/test-tnb.php
initial checking of customized version 1.0rc9
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/adodb/adodb-php/replicate/test-tnb.php')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/replicate/test-tnb.php b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/replicate/test-tnb.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f163ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/replicate/test-tnb.php
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+function IndexFilter($dtable, $idxname,$flds,$options)
+ if (strlen($idxname) > 28) $idxname = substr($idxname,0,24).rand(1000,9999);
+ return $idxname;
+function SelFilter($table, &$arr, $delfirst)
+ return true;
+function updatefilter($table, $fld, $val)
+ return "nvl($fld, $val)";
+function FieldFilter(&$fld,$mode)
+ $uf = strtoupper($fld);
+ switch($uf) {
+ case 'SIZEFLD':
+ return 'Size';
+ case 'GROUPFLD':
+ return 'Group';
+ case 'GROUP':
+ if ($mode == 'SELECT') $fld = '"Group"';
+ return 'GroupFld';
+ case 'SIZE':
+ if ($mode == 'SELECT') $fld = '"Size"';
+ return 'SizeFld';
+ }
+ return $fld;
+function ParseTable(&$table, &$pkey)
+ $table = trim($table);
+ if (strlen($table) == 0) return false;
+ if (strpos($table, '#') !== false) {
+ $at = strpos($table, '#');
+ $table = trim(substr($table,0,$at));
+ if (strlen($table) == 0) return false;
+ }
+ $tabarr = explode(',',$table);
+ if (sizeof($tabarr) == 1) {
+ $table = $tabarr[0];
+ $pkey = '';
+ echo "No primary key for $table **** **** <br>";
+ } else {
+ $table = trim($tabarr[0]);
+ $pkey = trim($tabarr[1]);
+ if (strpos($pkey,' ') !== false) echo "Bad PKEY for $table $pkey<br>";
+ }
+ return true;
+global $TARR;
+function TableStats($rep, $table, $pkey)
+global $TARR;
+ if (empty($TARR)) $TARR = array();
+ $cnt = $rep->connSrc->GetOne("select count(*) from $table");
+ if (isset($TARR[$table])) echo "<h1>Table $table repeated twice</h1>";
+ $TARR[$table] = $cnt;
+ if ($pkey) {
+ $ok = $rep->connSrc->SelectLimit("select $pkey from $table",1);
+ if (!$ok) echo "<h1>$table: $pkey does not exist</h1>";
+ } else
+ echo "<h1>$table: no primary key</h1>";
+function CreateTable($rep, $table)
+ #$DB2->Execute("drop table $table");
+ $rep->execute = true;
+ $ok = $rep->CopyTableStruct($table);
+ if ($ok) echo "Table Created<br>\n";
+ else {
+ echo "<hr>Error: Cannot Create Table<hr>\n";
+ }
+ flush();@ob_flush();
+function CopyData($rep, $table, $pkey)
+ $dtable = $table;
+ $rep->execute = true;
+ $rep->deleteFirst = true;
+ $secs = time();
+ $rows = $rep->ReplicateData($table,$dtable,array($pkey));
+ $secs = time() - $secs;
+ if (!$rows || !$rows[0] || !$rows[1] || $rows[1] != $rows[2]+$rows[3]) {
+ echo "<hr>Error: "; var_dump($rows); echo " (secs=$secs) <hr>\n";
+ } else
+ echo date('H:i:s'),': ',$rows[1]," record(s) copied, ",$rows[2]," inserted, ",$rows[3]," updated (secs=$secs)<br>\n";
+ flush();@ob_flush();
+function MergeDataJohnTest($rep, $table, $pkey)
+ $rep->SwapDBs();
+ $dtable = $table;
+ $rep->oracleSequence = 'LGBSEQUENCE';
+# $rep->MergeSrcSetup($table, array($pkey),'UpdatedOn','CopiedFlag');
+ if (strpos($rep->connDest->databaseType,'mssql') !== false) { # oracle ==> mssql
+ $ignoreflds = array($pkey);
+ $ignoreflds[] = 'MSSQL_ID';
+ $set = 'MSSQL_ID=nvl($INSERT_ID,MSSQL_ID)';
+ $pkeyarr = array(array($pkey),false,array('MSSQL_ID'));# array('MSSQL_ID', 'ORA_ID'));
+ } else { # mssql ==> oracle
+ $ignoreflds = array($pkey);
+ $ignoreflds[] = 'ORA_ID';
+ $set = '';
+ #$set = 'ORA_ID=isnull($INSERT_ID,ORA_ID)';
+ $pkeyarr = array(array($pkey),array('MSSQL_ID'));
+ }
+ $rep->execute = true;
+ #$rep->updateFirst = false;
+ $ok = $rep->Merge($table, $dtable, $pkeyarr, $ignoreflds, $set, 'UpdatedOn','CopiedFlag',array('Y','N','P','='), 'CopyDate');
+ var_dump($ok);
+ #$rep->connSrc->Execute("update JohnTest set name='Apple' where id=4");
+$DB = ADONewConnection('odbtp');
+#$ok = $DB->Connect('localhost','root','','northwind');
+$ok = $DB->Connect('','DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=(local);UID=sa;PWD=natsoft;DATABASE=OIR;','','');
+$DB->_bindInputArray = false;
+$DB2 = ADONewConnection('oci8');
+$ok2 = $DB2->Connect('','tnb','natsoft','RAPTOR','');
+if (!$ok || !$ok2) die("Failed connection DB=$ok DB2=$ok2<br>");
+$tables =
+# net* are ERMS, need last updated field from LGBnet
+# tblRep* are tables insert or update from Juris, need last updated field also
+# The rest are lookup tables, can copy all from LGBnet
+$tablesOrig =
+# Lookup table for Restoration Details screen
+sysefi,ID # (not identity)
+sysgenkva,ID #(not identity)
+sysrestoredby,ID #(not identity)
+# Sel* table added on 24 Oct
+SelBatteryType,ID #(not identity)
+SelBreakerType,ID #(not identity)
+SelCTRatio,ID #(not identity)
+SelCableSizeLV,ID # (not identity)
+SelRatedVoltageSG,ID #(not identity)
+SelRelayType,ID # (not identity)
+SelSGEquipmentType,ID # (not identity)
+SelSGInsulationType,ID # (not identity)
+SelTransformerType,ID #(not identity)
+SelTypeOfCable,ID #(not identity)
+SelTypeOfConductor,ID # (not identity)
+SelTypeOfInsulationCB,ID # (not identity)
+SelUGVoltage,ID # (not identity)
+# Net* tables added on 24 Oct
+NetBatteryBank,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetCable,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetCapacitorBank,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetCircuitBreaker,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetFeederPillar,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetGenCable,Idx # identity , FunctLocation Not Null
+NetHVOverhead,Idx #identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetHVUnderground,Idx #identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetLVDB,Idx #identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetLVUnderground,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Not Null
+NetNER,Idx # identity , FunctLocation Pri
+NetRMU,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+NetSwitchGear,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+# comment1
+netRelay,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+sysRepairMethod,ID_SRM # (not identity)
+netTransformer,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+sysCodecibs #-- no idea, UpdatedOn(the only column is unique),Ermscode,Cibscode is unique but got null value
+sysAddress #-- no idea, ID_SAD(might be auto gen No)
+SysFaultCategory,ID_SF #(not identity)
+SysProtectionOperation,ID_SPO #(not identity)
+netCodename,CodeNo #(not identity)
+netSubstation,Idx #identity, FunctLocation Pri
+netLvFeeder,Idx # identity, FunctLocation Pri
+tblRepRepairMethod,ReportNo # (not identity)
+tblProtType,ID_PT #--capital letter
+tblProtdetail,Id # (Id)--capital letter for I
+$tables = explode("\n",$tables);
+$rep = new ADODB_Replicate($DB,$DB2);
+$rep->fieldFilter = 'FieldFilter';
+$rep->selFilter = 'SELFILTER';
+$rep->indexFilter = 'IndexFilter';
+if (1) {
+ $rep->debug = 1;
+ $DB->debug=1;
+ $DB2->debug=1;
+# $rep->SwapDBs();
+$cnt = sizeof($tables);
+foreach($tables as $k => $table) {
+ $pkey = '';
+ if (!ParseTable($table, $pkey)) continue;
+ #######################
+ $kcnt = $k+1;
+ echo "<h1>($kcnt/$cnt) $table -- $pkey</h1>\n";
+ flush();@ob_flush();
+ CreateTable($rep,$table);
+ TableStats($rep, $table, $pkey);
+ if ($table == 'JohnTest') MergeDataJohnTest($rep, $table, $pkey);
+ else CopyData($rep, $table, $pkey);
+if (!empty($TARR)) {
+ ksort($TARR);
+ adodb_pr($TARR);
+ asort($TARR);
+ adodb_pr($TARR);
+echo "<hr>",date('H:i:s'),": Done</hr>";