path: root/setup/index.php
diff options
authorAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
committerAndreas Baumann <>2019-11-17 20:45:02 +0100
commit8df3db566a3a937b45ebf11adb90d265e6f5e2d4 (patch)
tree4d541098d751d5a9acf8c12f6fb9f308ace066ac /setup/index.php
initial checking of customized version 1.0rc9
Diffstat (limited to 'setup/index.php')
1 files changed, 1226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/setup/index.php b/setup/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f55e748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Installer - there is still a lot to clean up, but it works
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | Copyright (C) 2005 by Jeffery Fernandez <>
+// | Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Cristian Rodriguez <> and Florian Schmitz <>
+// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
+define('IN_FS', 1 );
+define('APPLICATION_NAME', 'Flyspray');
+define('BASEDIR', dirname(__FILE__));
+define('APPLICATION_PATH', dirname(BASEDIR));
+define('OBJECTS_PATH', APPLICATION_PATH . '/includes');
+define('TEMPLATE_FOLDER', BASEDIR . '/templates/');
+require_once OBJECTS_PATH.'/';
+require_once OBJECTS_PATH.'/class.gpc.php';
+require_once OBJECTS_PATH.'/class.flyspray.php';
+require_once OBJECTS_PATH.'/';
+require_once OBJECTS_PATH.'/class.tpl.php';
+// Load translations
+# must be sure no-cache before any possible redirect, we maybe come back later here after composer install stuff.
+header("Expires: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT");
+header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
+header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
+header("Pragma: no-cache");
+if (is_readable(APPLICATION_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php')){
+ // Use composer autoloader
+ require APPLICATION_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
+} else{
+ Flyspray::redirect('composertest.php');
+ exit;
+// no transparent session id improperly configured servers
+ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
+if (is_readable('../flyspray.conf.php') && count(parse_ini_file('../flyspray.conf.php')) > 0){
+ die('<div style="text-align:center;padding:20px;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:16px;">
+Flyspray already installed. Use the <a href="upgrade.php"
+background-color: white;
+border: 1px solid #bbb;
+border-radius: 4px;
+box-shadow: 0 1px 1px #ddd;
+color: #565656;
+cursor: pointer;
+display: inline-block;
+font-family: sans-serif;
+font-size: 100%;
+font-weight: bold;
+line-height: 130%;
+padding: 8px 13px 8px 10px;
+text-decoration: none;
+">Upgrader</a> to upgrade your Flyspray,
+or delete flyspray.conf.php to run setup. You can *not* use the setup on an existing database.</div>');
+$conf['general']['syntax_plugin'] = '';
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Application Web locations
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+define('APPLICATION_SETUP_INDEX', Flyspray::absoluteURI());
+class Setup extends Flyspray
+ public $mPhpRequired;
+ public $mSupportedDatabases;
+ public $mAvailableDatabases;
+ public $mProceed;
+ public $mPhpVersionStatus;
+ public $mDatabaseStatus;
+ public $xmlStatus;
+ public $mConfigText;
+ public $mHtaccessText;
+ public $mWriteStatus;
+ public $mDbConnection;
+ public $mProductName;
+ /**
+ * @var string To store the data filter type
+ */
+ public $mDataFilter;
+ /**
+ * @var array To store the type of database setup (install or Upgrade).
+ */
+ public $mAttachmentsTable;
+ public $mCommentsTable;
+ public $mServerSoftware;
+ public $mMinPasswordLength;
+ public $mAdminUsername;
+ public $mAdminPassword;
+ /**
+ * @var object to store the adodb datadict object.
+ */
+ public $mDataDict;
+ public $mXmlSchema;
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ // Look for ADOdb
+ $this->mAdodbPath = dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/adodb/adodb-php/';
+ $this->mProductName = 'Flyspray';
+ $this->mMinPasswordLength = 8;
+ // Initialise flag for proceeding to next step.
+ $this->mProceed = false;
+ $this->mPhpRequired = '5.4';
+ $this->xmlStatus = function_exists('xml_parser_create');
+ $this->sapiStatus = (php_sapi_name() != 'cgi');
+ // If the database is supported in Flyspray, the function to check in PHP.
+ $this->mSupportedDatabases = array(
+ 'MySQLi' => array(true,'mysqli_connect','mysqli'),
+ 'MySQL' => array(true, 'mysql_connect', 'mysql'),
+ 'Postgres' => array(true, 'pg_connect', 'pgsql'),
+ );
+ $this->mAvailableDatabases = array();
+ // Process the page actions
+ $this->processActions();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to check the permission of the config file
+ * @param void
+ * @return string An html formatted boolean answer
+ */
+ public function checkWriteability($path)
+ {
+ // Get the full path to the file
+ $file = APPLICATION_PATH .'/' . $path;
+ // In case it is flyspray.conf.php, the file does not exist
+ // so we can't tell that it is writeable. So we attempt to create an empty one
+ if ($path == 'flyspray.conf.php') {
+ $fp = @fopen($file, 'wb');
+ @fclose($fp);
+ // Let's try at least...
+ #@chmod($file, 0666);
+ @chmod($file, 0644); # looks a bit better than worldwritable
+ }
+ if(is_dir($path)){
+ # for cache and attachement directories x-bit needed
+ @chmod($file, 0755);
+ }
+ $this->mWriteStatus[$path] = $this->IsWriteable($file);
+ // Return an html formated writeable/un-writeable string
+ return $this->returnStatus($this->mWriteStatus[$path], $type = 'writeable');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to check the availability of the Database support
+ * @param void
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function checkDatabaseSupport()
+ {
+ $status = array();
+ foreach ($this->mSupportedDatabases as $which => $database)
+ {
+ // Checking if the database has libraries built into PHP. Returns true/false
+ $this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['status'] = function_exists($database[1]);
+ // If the Application(Flyspray) supports the available database supported in PHP
+ $this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['supported'] = ($database[0] === $this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['status'])
+ ? $this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['status']
+ : false;
+ // Just transferring the value for ease of veryfying Database support.
+ $status[] = $this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['supported'];
+ // Generating the output to be displayed
+ $this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['status_output'] =
+ $this->returnStatus($this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['status'], $type = 'available');
+ }
+ // Check if any one database support exists.
+ // Update the status of database availability
+ $this->mDatabaseStatus = in_array('1', $status);
+ }
+ /**
+ * CheckPreStatus
+ * we proceed or not ?
+ * @access public
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function checkPreStatus()
+ {
+ $this->mProceed = ($this->mDatabaseStatus && $this->mPhpVersionStatus && $this->xmlStatus);
+ return $this->mProceed;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to check the version of PHP available compared to the
+ * Applications requirements
+ * @param void
+ * @return string An html formatted boolean answer
+ */
+ public function checkPhpCompatibility()
+ {
+ // Check the PHP version.
+ $this->mPhpVersionStatus = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $this->mPhpRequired, '>=');
+ // Return an html formated Yes/No string
+ return $this->returnStatus($this->mPhpVersionStatus, $type = 'yes');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to check the posted data from forms.
+ * @param array $expectedFields Array of field names which needs processing
+ * If the array of filed names don't exist in the Posted data, then this function
+ * will accumulate error messages in the $_SESSION[PASS_PHRASE]['page_message'] array.
+ * return boolean/array $data will be returned if successful
+ */
+ public function checkPostedData($expectedFields, $pageHeading)
+ {
+ if(!is_array($expectedFields)){
+ $expectedFields = array();
+ }
+ // Grab the posted data and trim it.
+ $data = array_filter($_POST, array(&$this, "trimArgs"));
+ // Loop through the required values and check data
+ foreach($expectedFields as $key => $value)
+ {
+ // If the data is Required and is empty or not set
+ if (!isset($data[$key]) || empty($data[$key]))
+ {
+ if ($expectedFields[$key][2] == true)
+ {
+ // accumulate error messages
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = "<strong>{$expectedFields[$key][0]}</strong> is required";
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for variable types
+ elseif (!$this->verifyVariableTypes($expectedFields[$key][1], $data[$key]))
+ {
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = "<strong>{$expectedFields[$key][0]}</strong> has to be a {$expectedFields[$key][1]}";
+ }
+ }
+ // If there were messages, return false
+ if (isset($_SESSION['page_message']))
+ {
+ $_SESSION['page_heading'] = $pageHeading;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return $data;
+ }
+ }
+ public function displayAdministration()
+ {
+ // Trim the empty values in the $_POST array
+ $data = array_filter($_POST, array($this, "trimArgs"));
+ $templates =
+ array(
+ 'admin_body' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'administration.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'product_name' => $this->mProductName,
+ 'message' => $this->getPageMessage(),
+ 'admin_email' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'admin_email', ''),
+ 'pass_phrase' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'pass_phrase', ''),
+ 'admin_username' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'admin_username', ''),
+ 'admin_realname' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'admin_realname', ''),
+ 'admin_xmpp' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'admin_xmpp', ''),
+ 'admin_password' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'admin_password', substr(md5(mt_rand()), 0, $this->mMinPasswordLength)),
+ 'db_type' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_type', ''),
+ 'db_hostname' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_hostname', ''),
+ 'db_username' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_username', ''),
+ 'db_password' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_password', ''),
+ 'db_name' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_name', ''),
+ 'db_prefix' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_prefix', ''),
+ 'daemonise' => $this->getReminderDaemonSelection($this->getParamValue($data, 'reminder_daemon', '0')),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'structure' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'structure.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'title' => 'Administration setup for',
+ 'headers' => '',
+ 'version' => $this->version,
+ ),
+ 'block' => array('body' => 'admin_body')
+ )
+ );
+ // Output the final template.
+ $this->outputPage($templates);
+ }
+ public function displayCompletion()
+ {
+ // Trim the empty values in the $_POST array
+ $data = array_filter($_POST, array($this, "trimArgs"));
+ $templates =
+ array(
+ 'complete_body' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'complete_install.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'product_name' => $this->mProductName,
+ 'message' => $this->getPageMessage(),
+ 'config_writeable' => $this->mWriteStatus['flyspray.conf.php'],
+ 'config_text' => $this->mConfigText,
+ 'admin_username' => $this->mAdminUsername,
+ 'admin_password' => $this->mAdminPassword,
+ 'site_index' => dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '/../',
+ 'complete_action' => 'index.php',
+ 'daemonise' => true,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'structure' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'structure.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'title' => 'Setup confirmation for',
+ 'headers' => '',
+ 'version' => $this->version,
+ ),
+ 'block' => array('body' => 'complete_body')
+ )
+ );
+ // Output the final template.
+ $this->outputPage($templates);
+ }
+ public function displayDatabaseSetup()
+ {
+ // Trim the empty values in the $_POST array
+ $data = array_filter($_POST, array($this, "trimArgs"));
+ $this->checkDatabaseSupport();
+ // Make sure that the user can't choose a DB which is not supported
+ foreach ($this->mSupportedDatabases as $db => $arr) {
+ if (!$this->mAvailableDatabases[$db]['supported']) {
+ unset($this->mSupportedDatabases[$db]);
+ }
+ }
+ $templates =
+ array(
+ 'database_body' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'database.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'product_name' => $this->mProductName,
+ 'message' => $this->getPageMessage(),
+ 'databases' => $this->mSupportedDatabases,
+ 'db_type' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_type', ''),
+ 'db_hostname' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_hostname', 'localhost'),
+ 'db_username' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_username', ''),
+ 'db_password' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_password', ''),
+ 'db_name' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_name', ''),
+ 'db_prefix' => $this->getParamValue($data, 'db_prefix', 'flyspray_'),
+ 'version' => $this->version,
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'structure' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'structure.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'title' => 'Database setup for',
+ 'headers' => '',
+ 'version' => $this->version,
+ ),
+ 'block' => array('body' => 'database_body')
+ )
+ );
+ // Output the final template.
+ $this->outputPage($templates);
+ }
+ public function displayPreInstall()
+ {
+ // Check the Database support on the server.
+ $this->checkDatabaseSupport();
+ $templates =
+ array(
+ 'index_body' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'pre_install.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'product_name' => $this->mProductName,
+ 'required_php' => $this->mPhpRequired,
+ 'php_output' => $this->checkPhpCompatibility(),
+ 'database_output' => $this->getDatabaseOutput(),
+ 'config_output' => $this->checkWriteability('flyspray.conf.php'),
+ 'cache_output' => $this->checkWriteability('cache'),
+ 'att_output' => $this->checkWriteability('attachments'),
+ 'ava_output' => $this->checkWriteability('avatars'),
+ 'config_status' => $this->mWriteStatus['flyspray.conf.php'],
+ 'xmlStatus' => $this->xmlStatus,
+ 'sapiStatus' => $this->sapiStatus,
+ 'php_settings' => $this->getPhpSettings(),
+ 'status' => $this->checkPreStatus(),
+ 'message' => $this->getPageMessage(),
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'structure' => array(
+ 'path' => TEMPLATE_FOLDER,
+ 'template' => 'structure.tpl',
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'title' => 'Pre-Installation Check for',
+ 'headers' => '',
+ 'version' => $this->version,
+ ),
+ 'block' => array('body' => 'index_body')
+ )
+ );
+ // Output the final template.
+ $this->outputPage($templates);
+ }
+ public function getDatabaseOutput()
+ {
+ $output = '';
+ // Loop through the supported databases array
+ foreach ($this->mSupportedDatabases as $which => $database)
+ {
+ $output .= "
+ <tr>
+ <td> - $which support</td>
+ <td align=\"left\"><strong>{$this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['status_output']}</strong></td>
+ <td align=\"center\"><strong>". $this->returnStatus($this->mAvailableDatabases[$which]['supported'], $type = 'support') . "</strong></td>
+ </tr>";
+ }
+ // Return the html formatted results
+ return $output;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to get the php ini config values
+ * @param string $option The ini setting name to check the status for
+ * @return string The status of the setting either "On" or "OFF"
+ */
+ public function getIniSetting($option)
+ {
+ return (ini_get($option) == '1' ? L('on') : L('off'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to get the error messages and generate an error output for the template
+ * @string $heading The value for the Error message heading
+ * The error message is stored in the $_SESSION Global array
+ * $_SESSION[PASS_PHRASE]['page_message']. If there is no value in
+ * this array, then there will be no error message outputed.
+ * @return string $message The message which needs outputting
+ */
+ public function getPageMessage()
+ {
+ // If there is an error
+ if (isset($_SESSION['page_message']) || isset($_SESSION['page_heading']))
+ {
+ $message = '';
+ if (isset($_SESSION['page_heading'])) {
+ $message = '<h1 class="error">' . $_SESSION['page_heading'] . '</h1>';
+ }
+ if (isset($_SESSION['page_message'])) {
+ // Get an html formated list
+ $message .= '<div class="box"><div class="shade">' . $this->outputHtmlList($_SESSION['page_message'],'ul') . '</div></div>';
+ }
+ // Destroy the session value
+ unset($_SESSION['page_heading']);
+ unset($_SESSION['page_message']);
+ return $message;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility function to return a value from a named array or a specified default
+ * @param array &$arr The array to get the values from
+ * @param string $name The name of the key to check the value for
+ * @param string $default The default value if the value is not set with the array
+ * @return string $value The value to be returned
+ */
+ public function getParamValue(&$arr, $name, $default=null )
+ {
+ $value = isset($arr[$name]) ? $arr[$name] : $default;
+ return $value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to get a listing of recommended and actual settings
+ * for php.
+ * @param void
+ * @return string $output HTML formatted string.
+ */
+ public function getPhpSettings()
+ {
+ // Array of the setting name, php ini name and the recommended value
+ $test_settings =
+ array(
+ //array ('Safe Mode','safe_mode', L('off')), # removed since PHP5.4
+ array ('File Uploads','file_uploads', L('on')),
+ //array ('Magic Quotes GPC','magic_quotes_gpc', L('off')), # removed since PHP5.4
+ //array ('Register Globals','register_globals', L('off')), # removed since PHP5.4
+ //array ('Output Buffering','output_buffering', L('off')),
+ );
+ if (substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) == 'cgi') {
+ $test_settings[] = array('CGI fix pathinfo','cgi.fix_pathinfo', L('on'));
+ }
+ $output = '';
+ foreach ($test_settings as $recommended)
+ {
+ $actual_setting = $this->getIniSetting($recommended[1]);
+ $result = ($actual_setting == $recommended[2] )
+ ? '<span class="green"><strong>' . $recommended[2] . '</strong></span>'
+ : '<span class="red"><strong>' . $actual_setting . '</strong></span>';
+ $output .=
+ "
+ <tr>
+ <td>{$recommended[0]}</td><td align=\"center\"><strong>{$recommended[2]}</strong></td><td align=\"center\">{$result}</td>
+ </tr>
+ ";
+ }
+ return $output;
+ }
+ public function getReminderDaemonSelection($value)
+ {
+ $selection = '<input type="radio" id="schedyes" name="reminder_daemon" value="1"'.($value==1 ? ' checked="checked"':'').' /> <label for="schedyes">'.L('enable').'</label>';
+ $selection .= '<input type="radio" id="schedno" name="reminder_daemon" value="0"'.($value==0 ? ' checked="checked"':'').' /> <label for="schedno">'.L('disable').'</label>';
+ return $selection;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to check if a particular folder/file is writeable.
+ * @param string $fileSystem Path to check
+ * $return boolean true/false
+ */
+ public function isWriteable($fileSystem)
+ {
+ // Clear the cache
+ clearstatcache();
+ // Return the status of the permission
+ return is_writable($fileSystem);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to Output an Ordered/Un-ordered list from an array. Default list type is un-ordered.
+ * @param array() $list_array An array list of data to be made into a list.
+ * @return string $list An HTML list
+ */
+ public function outputHtmlList($list_array = array(), $list_type = 'ul')
+ {
+ $list = "<$list_type>";
+ foreach ($list_array as $list_item)
+ {
+ $list .= '<li>' . $list_item .'</li>';
+ }
+ $list .= "</$list_type>";
+ return $list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to act on all the actions during Flyspray Setup
+ * The Post variables are extracted for deciding which function to call.
+ */
+ public function processActions()
+ {
+ $action = 'index';
+ $what = '';
+ extract($_POST);
+ switch($action)
+ {
+ case 'database':
+ $this->displayDatabaseSetup();
+ break;
+ case 'administration':
+ // Prepare the required data
+ $required_data =
+ array(
+ 'db_hostname' => array('Database hostname', 'string', true),
+ 'db_type' => array('Database type', 'string', true),
+ 'db_username' => array('Database username', 'string', true),
+ 'db_password' => array('Database password', 'string', false),
+ 'db_name' => array('Database name', 'string', true),
+ 'db_prefix' => array('Table prefix', 'string', false),
+ );
+ if ($data = $this->checkPostedData($required_data, $message = 'Configuration Error'))
+ {
+ // Process the database checks and install tables
+ if ($this->processDatabaseSetup($data))
+ {
+ // Proceed to Administration part
+ $this->displayAdministration();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $_POST['action'] = 'database';
+ $this->displayDatabaseSetup();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $_POST['action'] = 'database';
+ $this->displayDatabaseSetup();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'complete':
+ // Prepare the required data
+ $required_data = array(
+ 'db_hostname' => array('Database hostname', 'string', true),
+ 'db_type' => array('Database type', 'string', true),
+ 'db_username' => array('Database username', 'string', true),
+ 'db_password' => array('Database password', 'string', false),
+ 'db_name' => array('Database name', 'string', true),
+ 'db_prefix' => array('Table prefix', 'string', false),
+ 'admin_username' => array('Administrator\'s username', 'string', true),
+ 'admin_realname' => array('Administrator\'s realname', 'string', false),
+ 'admin_password' => array("Administrator's Password must be minimum {$this->mMinPasswordLength} characters long and", 'password', true),
+ 'admin_email' => array('Administrator\'s email address', 'email address', true),
+ 'admin_xmpp' => array('Administrator\'s jabber/xmpp address', 'xmpp address', false),
+ 'syntax_plugin' => array('Syntax', 'option', true),
+ 'reminder_daemon' => array('Reminder Daemon', 'option', false),
+ );
+ if ($data = $this->checkPostedData($required_data, $message = 'Missing config values')) {
+ // Set a page heading in case of errors.
+ $_SESSION['page_heading'] = 'Administration Processing';
+ if ($this->processAdminConfig($data)) {
+ $this->displayCompletion($data);
+ } else {
+ $_POST['action'] = 'administration';
+ $this->displayAdministration();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $_POST['action'] = 'administration';
+ $this->displayAdministration();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ $this->displayPreInstall();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public function processAdminConfig($data)
+ {
+ // Extract the variables to local namespace
+ extract($data);
+ if(!isset($db_password)) {
+ $db_password = '';
+ }
+ if(!isset($admin_xmpp)) {
+ $admin_xmpp = '';
+ }
+ if(!isset($admin_realname)) {
+ $admin_realname = '';
+ }
+ if(!isset($syntax_plugin)) {
+ $syntax_plugin = '';
+ }
+ $config_intro =
+ "; <?php die( 'Do not access this page directly.' ); ?>
+ ; This is the Flysplay configuration file. It contains the basic settings
+ ; needed for Flyspray to operate. All other preferences are stored in the
+ ; database itself and are managed directly within the Flyspray admin interface.
+ ; You should consider putting this file somewhere that isn't accessible using
+ ; a web browser, and editing header.php to point to wherever you put this file.\n";
+ $config_intro = str_replace("\t", "", $config_intro);
+ // Create a random cookie salt
+ $cookiesalt = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
+ // check to see if to enable the Reminder Daemon.
+ $daemonise = ( (isset($data['reminder_daemon'])) && ($data['reminder_daemon'] == 1) )
+ ? 1
+ : 0;
+ $db_prefix = (isset($data['db_prefix']) ? $data['db_prefix'] : '');
+ $config = array();
+ $config[] = "[database]";
+ $config[] = "dbtype = \"$db_type\" ; Type of database (\"mysql\", \"mysqli\" or \"pgsql\" are currently supported)";
+ $config[] = "dbhost = \"$db_hostname\" ; Name or IP of your database server";
+ $config[] = "dbname = \"$db_name\" ; The name of the database";
+ $config[] = "dbuser = \"$db_username\" ; The user to access the database";
+ $config[] = "dbpass = \"$db_password\" ; The password to go with that username above";
+ $config[] = "dbprefix = \"$db_prefix\" ; The prefix to the {$this->mProductName} tables";
+ $config[] = "\n";
+ $config[] = '[general]';
+ $config[] = "cookiesalt = \"$cookiesalt\" ; Randomisation value for cookie encoding";
+ $config[] = 'output_buffering = "on" ; Available options: "on" or "gzip"';
+ $config[] = 'passwdcrypt = "" ; Available options: "" which chooses best default (coming FS1.0: using crypt/password_hash() with blowfish), "crypt" (auto salted md5), "md5", "sha1" Note: md5 and sha1 are considered insecure for hashing passwords, avoid if possible.';
+ $config[] = "dot_path = \"\" ; Path to the dot executable (for graphs either dot_public or dot_path must be set)";
+ $config[] = "dot_format = \"png\" ; \"png\" or \"svg\"";
+ $config[] = "reminder_daemon = \"$daemonise\" ; Boolean. 0 = off, 1 = on (cron job), 2 = on (PHP).";
+ $config[] = "doku_url = \"\" ; URL to your external wiki for [[dokulinks]] in FS";
+ $config[] = 'syntax_plugin = "'.$syntax_plugin.'" ; dokuwiki, none, or html';
+ $config[] = "update_check = \"1\" ; Boolean. 0=off, 1=on";
+ $config[] = "\n";
+ $config[] = "[attachments]";
+ $config[] = "zip = \"application/zip\" ; MIME-type for ZIP files";
+ $config[] = "\n";
+ $config[] = "[oauth]";
+ $config[] = "; These are only needed if you plan to use them. You can turn them on in the admin panel.";
+ $config[] = "\n";
+ $config[] = 'github_secret = ""';
+ $config[] = 'github_id = ""';
+ $config[] = 'github_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php?do=oauth&provider=github"';
+ $config[] = 'google_secret = ""';
+ $config[] = 'google_id = ""';
+ $config[] = 'google_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php?do=oauth&provider=google"';
+ $config[] = 'facebook_secret = ""';
+ $config[] = 'facebook_id = ""';
+ $config[] = 'facebook_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php?do=oauth&provider=facebook"';
+ $config[] = 'microsoft_secret = ""';
+ $config[] = 'microsoft_id = ""';
+ $config[] = 'microsoft_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php"';
+ $config_text = $config_intro . implode( "\n", $config );
+ if (is_writable('../flyspray.conf.php') && ($fp = fopen('../flyspray.conf.php', "wb")))
+ {
+ fputs($fp, $config_text, strlen($config_text));
+ fclose($fp);
+ $this->mWriteStatus['flyspray.conf.php'] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->mConfigText = $config_text;
+ $this->mWriteStatus['flyspray.conf.php'] = false;
+ }
+ // Setting the database for the ADODB connection
+ require_once($this->mAdodbPath);
+ # 20160408 peterdd: hack to enable database socket usage with adodb-5.20.3 . For instance on german 1und1 managed linux servers ( e.g. $db_hostname ='localhost:/tmp/mysql5.sock' )
+ if( $db_type=='mysqli' && 'localhost:/'==substr($db_hostname,0,11) ){
+ $dbsocket=substr($db_hostname,10);
+ $db_hostname='localhost';
+ ini_set( 'mysqli.default_socket', $dbsocket );
+ }
+ $this->mDbConnection = ADONewConnection(strtolower($db_type));
+ $this->mDbConnection->connect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name);
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8');
+ // Get the users table name.
+ $users_table = (isset($db_prefix) ? $db_prefix : '') . 'users';
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM $users_table WHERE user_id = '1'";
+ // Check if we already have an Admin user.
+ $result = $this->mDbConnection->execute($sql);
+ if ($result)
+ {
+ // If the record exists, we update it.
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ $this->mAdminUsername = $row['user_name'];
+ $this->mAdminPassword = $row['user_pass'];
+ }
+ $pwhash= Flyspray::cryptPassword($admin_password);
+ $update_user = "
+ $users_table
+ user_name = ?,
+ user_pass = ?,
+ email_address = ?,
+ jabber_id = ?,
+ real_name = ?
+ user_id = '1'";
+ $update_params = array($admin_username, $pwhash, $admin_email, $admin_xmpp, $admin_realname);
+ $result = $this->mDbConnection->execute($update_user, $update_params);
+ if (!$result)
+ {
+ $errorno = $this->mDbConnection->metaError();
+ $_SESSION['page_heading'] = 'Failed to update Admin users details.';
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->metaErrorMsg($errorno)) . ': '. $this->mDbConnection->errorMsg($errorno);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $this->mAdminUsername = $admin_username;
+ $this->mAdminPassword = $admin_password;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public function processDatabaseSetup($data)
+ {
+ require_once($this->mAdodbPath);
+ // Perform a number of fatality checks, then die gracefully
+ if (!defined('_ADODB_LAYER'))
+ {
+ trigger_error('ADODB Libraries missing or not correct version');
+ }
+ # 20160408 peterdd: hack to enable database socket usage with adodb-5.20.3 . For instance on german 1und1 managed linux servers ( e.g. $data['db_hostname'] ='localhost:/tmp/mysql5.sock' )
+ if( strtolower($data['db_type'])=='mysqli' && 'localhost:/'==substr($data['db_hostname'],0,11) ){
+ $dbsocket=substr($data['db_hostname'],10);
+ $data['db_hostname']='localhost';
+ ini_set( 'mysqli.default_socket', $dbsocket );
+ }
+ // Setting the database type for the ADODB connection
+ $this->mDbConnection = ADONewConnection(strtolower($data['db_type']));
+ if (!$this->mDbConnection->connect(array_get($data, 'db_hostname'), array_get($data, 'db_username'), array_get($data, 'db_password'), array_get($data, 'db_name')))
+ {
+ $_SESSION['page_heading'] = 'Database Processing';
+ switch($error_number = $this->mDbConnection->metaError())
+ {
+ case '-1':
+ // We are using the unknown error code(-1) because ADOdb library may not have the error defined.
+ // It could be totally some weird error.
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = $this->mDbConnection->errorMsg();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case '-24':
+ // Could not connect to database with the hostname provided
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->metaErrorMsg($error_number)) . ': ' . ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->ErrorMsg($error_number));
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'Usually the database host name is "localhost". In some occassions, it maybe an internal ip-address or another host name to your webserver.';
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'Double check with your hosting provider or System Administrator.';
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case '-25':
+ // Database does not exist, try to create one
+ $this->mDbConnection = ADONewConnection(strtolower($data['db_type']));
+ $this->mDbConnection->connect(array_get($data, 'db_hostname'), array_get($data, 'db_username'), array_get($data, 'db_password'));
+ $dict = NewDataDictionary($this->mDbConnection);
+ # if possible set correct default character set for mysql.
+ # MySQL below 5.5.3 only supports 1,2,3 byte chars of utf8. But some language's chars or emojis(argh) are defined as 4byte chars
+ $mysqldbcharset='DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci'; # default for mysql for compat
+ if( $data['db_type']=='mysqli' || $data['db_type']=='mysql' ) {
+ $dbinfo=$this->mDbConnection->serverInfo(); # provides 'description' and 'version'
+ if( version_compare($dbinfo['version'], '5.5.3') >=0 ){
+ $mysqldbcharset='DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8mb4');
+ }else{
+ $mysqldbcharset='DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci';
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8');
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][]='Your MySQL server '.$dbinfo['version'].' < 5.5.3, so database has limited utf8 support (no unicode emojis for instance). Upgrading your MySQL server to 5.5.3 or newer is suggested.';
+ }
+ }else{
+ # postgresql
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8');
+ }
+ $sqlarray = $dict->createDatabase(array_get($data, 'db_name'), array('mysql'=>$mysqldbcharset) );
+ if (!$dict->executeSQLArray($sqlarray)) {
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->metaErrorMsg($error_number)) . ': ' . ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->ErrorMsg($error_number));
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'Your database does not exist and could not be created. Either create the database yourself, choose an existing database or
+ use a database user with sufficient permissions to create a database.';
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ $this->mDbConnection->selectDB(array_get($data, 'db_name'));
+ unset($_SESSION['page_heading']);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '-26':
+ // Username passwords don't match for the hostname provided
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->metaErrorMsg($error_number)) . ': ' . ucfirst($this->mDbConnection->ErrorMsg($error_number));
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = "Apparently you haven't set up the right permissions for the database hostname provided.";
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'Double check the provided credentials or contact your System Administrator for further assistance.';
+ return false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = "Please verify your username/password/database details (error=$error_number)" . $this->mDbConnection->MetaErrorMsg($error_number);
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that table prefix is OK, some DBs don't like it
+ $prefix = array_get($data, 'db_prefix');
+ if (strlen($prefix) > 0 && is_numeric($prefix[0])) {
+ $_SESSION['page_heading'] = 'Database Processing';
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'The table prefix may not start with a number.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Setting the Fetch mode of the database connection.
+ $this->mDbConnection->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_BOTH);
+ if( $data['db_type']=='mysqli') {
+ $dbinfo=$this->mDbConnection->serverInfo(); # provides 'description' and 'version'
+ if( version_compare($dbinfo['version'], '5.5.3') >=0 ){
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8mb4');
+ }else{
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8');
+ }
+ }else{
+ $this->mDbConnection->setCharSet('utf8');
+ }
+ //creating the datadict object for further operations
+ $this->mDataDict = NewDataDictionary($this->mDbConnection);
+ include_once dirname($this->mAdodbPath) . '/';
+ $this->mXmlSchema = new adoSchema($this->mDbConnection);
+ // Populate the database with the new tables and return the result (boolean)
+ if (!$this->populateDb($data))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to populate the database with the sql constructs which is in an sql file
+ * @param array $data The actual database configuration values
+ * @return boolean
+ */
+ public function populateDb($data)
+ {
+ // Check available upgrade scripts, use the script of very latest version
+ $folders = glob_compat(BASEDIR . '/upgrade/[0-9]*');
+ usort($folders, 'version_compare'); // start with lowest version
+ $folders = array_reverse($folders); // start with highest version
+ $sql_file = APPLICATION_PATH . '/setup/upgrade/' . reset($folders) . '/flyspray-install.xml';
+ $upgradeInfo = APPLICATION_PATH . '/setup/upgrade/' . reset($folders) . '/';
+ $upgradeInfo = parse_ini_file($upgradeInfo, true);
+ // Check if the install/upgrade file exists
+ if (!is_readable($sql_file)) {
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'SQL file required for importing structure and data is missing.';
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Extract the variables to local namespace
+ extract($data);
+ if (!isset($db_prefix)) {
+ $db_prefix = '';
+ }
+ if(is_numeric($db_prefix)) {
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'database prefix cannot be numeric only';
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Set the prefix for database objects ( before parsing)
+ $this->mXmlSchema->setPrefix( (isset($db_prefix) ? $db_prefix : ''), false);
+ $this->mXmlSchema->parseSchema($sql_file);
+ $this->mXmlSchema->executeSchema();
+ // Last but not least global prefs update
+ if (isset($upgradeInfo['fsprefs'])) {
+ $existing = $this->mDbConnection->getCol("SELECT pref_name FROM {$db_prefix}prefs");
+ // Add what is missing
+ foreach ($upgradeInfo['fsprefs'] as $name => $value) {
+ if (!in_array($name, $existing)) {
+ $this->mDbConnection->execute("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}prefs (pref_name, pref_value) VALUES (?, ?)", array($name, $value));
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete what is too much
+ foreach ($existing as $name) {
+ if (!isset($upgradeInfo['fsprefs'][$name])) {
+ $this->mDbConnection->execute("DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}prefs WHERE pref_name = ?", array($name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->mDbConnection->execute("UPDATE {$db_prefix}prefs SET pref_value = ? WHERE pref_name = 'fs_ver'", array($this->version));
+ if (($error_no = $this->mDbConnection->metaError()))
+ {
+ $_SESSION['page_heading'] = 'Database Processing';
+ switch ($error_no)
+ {
+ case '-5':
+ // If there are tables with the same name
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'Table ' .$this->mDbConnection->metaErrorMsg($this->mDbConnection->metaError());
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'There probably are tables in the database which have the same prefix you provided.';
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'It is advised to change the prefix provided or you can drop the existing tables if you don\'t need them. Make a backup if you are not certain.';
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case '-1':
+ // We are using the unknown error code(-1) because ADOdb library may not have the error defined.
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = $this->mDbConnection->errorMsg();
+ return false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = $this->mDbConnection->errorMsg() . ': ' . $this->mDbConnection->errorNo();
+ $_SESSION['page_message'][] = 'Unknown error, please notify Developer quoting the error number';
+ return false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to return status of boolean results in html format
+ * @param boolean $boolean The status of the result in True/False form
+ * @param string $type The type of html format to return
+ * @return string Depending on the type of format to return
+ */
+ public static function returnStatus($boolean, $type = 'yes')
+ {
+ // Do a switch on the type of status
+ switch($type)
+ {
+ case 'yes':
+ return ($boolean)
+ ? '<span class="green">'.L('yes').'</span>'
+ : '<span class="red">'.L('no').'</span>';
+ break;
+ case 'available':
+ return ($boolean)
+ ? '<span class="green">'.L('available').'</span>'
+ : '<span class="red">'.L('missing').'</span>';
+ break;
+ case 'writeable':
+ return ($boolean)
+ ? '<span class="green">'.L('writeable').'</span>'
+ : '<span class="red">'.L('unwriteable').'</span>';
+ break;
+ case 'on':
+ return ($boolean)
+ ? '<span class="green">'.L('on').'</span>'
+ : '<span class="red">'.L('off').'</span>';
+ break;
+ case 'support':
+ return ($boolean)
+ ? '<span class="green">'.L('supported').'</span>'
+ : '<span class="red">'.L('x').'</span>';
+ break;
+ default:
+ return ($boolean)
+ ? '<span class="green">'.L('true').'</span>'
+ : '<span class="red">'.L('false').'</span>';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * To verify if a string was empty or not.
+ *
+ * Usually used to validate user input. If the user has inputted empty data
+ * or just blank spaces, we need to trim of such empty data and see if
+ * anything else is left after trimming. If there is data remaining, then
+ * the return value will be greater than 0 else it will be 0 (zero) which
+ * equates to a true/false scenario
+ *
+ * @param string $arg The data to be checked
+ *
+ * @return The result of the check.
+ */
+ public function trimArgs($arg)
+ {
+ return strlen(trim($arg));
+ }
+ public function verifyVariableTypes($type, $value)
+ {
+ $message = '';
+ switch($type)
+ {
+ case 'string':
+ return is_string($value);
+ break;
+ case 'number':
+ return is_numeric($value);
+ break;
+ case 'xmpp address':
+ case 'email address':
+ return filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
+ break;
+ case 'boolean':
+ return (bool) $value;
+ break;
+ case 'password':
+ return (strlen($value) >= $this->mMinPasswordLength);
+ break;
+ case 'folder':
+ return is_dir($value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Function to output the templates
+ * @param array $templates The collection of templates with their associated variables
+ *
+ */
+ public function outputPage($templates = array())
+ {
+ if (sizeof($templates) == 0)
+ {
+ trigger_error("Templates not configured properly", E_USER_ERROR);
+ }
+ // Define a set of common variables which plugin to the structure template.
+ $page = new Tpl;
+ $body = '';
+ // Loop through the templates array to dynamically create objects and assign variables to them.
+ /// XXX: this is not a common way to use our template class, but I didn't want to rewrite
+ /// the whole setup only to change the templating engine
+ foreach($templates as $name => $module)
+ {
+ foreach ($module['vars'] as $var_name => $value) {
+ $page->assign($var_name, $value);
+ }
+ if ($name == 'structure') {
+ $page->assign('body', $body);
+ $page->display('structure.tpl');
+ } else {
+ $body .= $page->fetch($module['template']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//start the installer, it handles the rest inside the class
+new Setup();