BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterfixed locations of archlinux32 reposAndreas Baumann4 years
nextMerge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'Erich Eckner5 years
0.5.1asp32-0.5.1.tar.xz  Erich Eckner4 years
v0.5.1asp32-v0.5.1.tar.xz  Erich Eckner4 years
0.0asp32-0.0.tar.xz  Erich Eckner5 years
0.5asp32-0.5.tar.xz  Erich Eckner5 years
v0.5asp32-v0.5.tar.xz  Erich Eckner5 years
v5asp32-5.tar.xz  Dave Reisner5 years
v4asp32-4.tar.xz  Dave Reisner5 years
0.3asp32-0.3.tar.xz  Erich Eckner5 years
0.2asp32-0.2.tar.xz  Erich Eckner5 years
0.1asp32-0.1.tar.xz  Erich Eckner6 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2017-08-20Bump version to v2v2Dave Reisner
2017-08-20Use https as the default git transportDave Reisner
2017-08-20simplify subtree decision makingDave Reisner
2017-07-08add set-git-protocol commandDave Reisner
2017-07-08avoid the need to maintain a separate list of actionsDave Reisner
2017-07-07fully qualify remote ref to avoid ambiguityDave Reisner
2017-07-07ensure package_resolve returns an error on failed lookupDave Reisner
2017-06-19alphabetize action list, usage, manpageDave Reisner
2017-06-18package: prefer tar over bsdtarDave Reisner
2017-05-30hide git repo prefix in list-{all,local} outputDave Reisner