1) $result = sprintf( "%d days and %s", $tmp, $result ); elseif ($tmp == 1) $result = sprintf( "%d day and %s", $tmp, $result ); else $printed_conjunction = false; $val = floor($val / 7); if ($val == 0) return $result; if ($printed_conjunction) $result = sprintf( ", %s", $result ); else $result = sprintf( " and %s", $result ); if ($val>1) $result = sprintf( "%d weeks%s", $val, $result ); else $result = sprintf( "%d week%s", $val, $result ); return $result; }; function git_url($repository,$type,$commit,$path,$line = null,$commit_is_hash = null) { global $git_available; # TODO: we might want to cache this value (with memcached ?) if (!isset($git_available)) { $git_available = preg_match( "/ 200 OK$/", get_headers("https://git.archlinux32.org/archlinux32/packages")[0] ) == 1; } if (!isset($commit_is_hash)) $commit_is_hash = preg_match("/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/",$commit)==1; if ($git_available) { if (isset($line)) $line = "#L" . $line; else $line = ""; if ($commit_is_hash) $commit = "commit/" . $commit; else $commit = "branch/" . $commit; switch ($type) { case "tree": return "https://git.archlinux32.org/archlinux32/" . $repository . "/src/" . $commit . "/" . $path . $line; case "log": return "https://git.archlinux32.org/archlinux32/" . $repository . "/commits/" . $commit . "/" . $path . $line; } } else { if (isset($line)) $line = "#n" . $line; else $line = ""; if ($commit_is_hash) $commit = "?id=" . $commit; else $commit = "?h=" . $commit; switch ($type) { case "tree": return "https://git2.archlinux32.org/Archlinux32/" . $repository . "/tree/" . $path . $commit . $line; case "log": return "https://git2.archlinux32.org/Archlinux32/" . $repository . "/log/" . $path . $commit . $line; } }; };