path: root/buildmaster/deletion-links.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildmaster/deletion-links.php')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildmaster/deletion-links.php b/buildmaster/deletion-links.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066bf8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/deletion-links.php
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+$edges = "";
+$knots = "";
+if (isset($_GET["show_all"]))
+ $available_filter = " LEFT";
+ $available_filter = "";
+if (isset($_GET["pkgname"]))
+ $filter = " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname` REGEXP from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["pkgname"]) . "\")";
+ $filter = "";
+$memcache = new Memcache;
+$memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ('Memcached Connection Error');
+$available_upstream_packages = $memcache->get('available_upstream_packages');
+if ($available_upstream_packages === false) {
+ $available_upstream_packages = explode(
+ "\n",
+ shell_exec(
+ "find /var/lib/pacman/ -name '*.db' -exec tar -tzf {} \; " .
+ "| sed -n 's,-[^-]\+-[^-]\+/$,,;T;p' " .
+ "| sort -u"
+ )
+ );
+ $memcache->set('available_upstream_packages',$available_upstream_packages,0,1800);
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `available` (" .
+ "`pkgname` VARCHAR(88), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `name` (`pkgname`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT INTO `available` (`pkgname`) VALUES (\"" .
+ implode(array_map("base64_encode", $available_upstream_packages), "\"),(\"") .
+ "\")"
+ "DELETE FROM `available` WHERE `available`.`pkgname`=\"\""
+ "UPDATE `available` SET `available`.`pkgname`=from_base64(`available`.`pkgname`)"
+ "`id` BIGINT, " .
+ "`group` VARCHAR(256), " .
+ "`color` VARCHAR(7), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir` (`id`,`color`)" .
+ " SELECT" .
+ " `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`id`," .
+ "IF(" .
+ "`available`.`pkgname` IS NULL," .
+ "\"#00ff00\"," .
+ "IF(" .
+ "`build_assignments`.`is_black_listed` IS NULL," .
+ "\"#800000\"," .
+ "\"#ff0000\"" .
+ ")" .
+ ") AS `color`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ $available_filter .
+ " JOIN `available` ON `available`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ " WHERE `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`" .
+ " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname` NOT LIKE \"lib32-%\"" .
+ $filter
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `d_bpir_copy` (" .
+ "`id` BIGINT, " .
+ "`group` VARCHAR(256), " .
+ "`color` VARCHAR(7), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir_copy` (`id`,`color`)" .
+ " SELECT `d_bpir`.`id`,`d_bpir`.`color`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir`"
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `d_bpir_links` (" .
+ "`dependent` BIGINT, " .
+ "`depending_on` BIGINT, " .
+ "`dep_type` SMALLINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir_links` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ " SELECT `d_bpir`.`id`," .
+ " `itp_bpir`.`id`," .
+ " `dependencies`.`dependency_type`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages_in_repositories` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers() .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages_in_repositories('','itp_bpir') .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir_copy` ON `itp_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE `dependencies`.`dependent`!=`install_target_providers`.`package`"
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `d_bpir_links_copy` (" .
+ "`dependent` BIGINT, " .
+ "`depending_on` BIGINT, " .
+ "`dep_type` SMALLINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir_links_copy` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ " SELECT `d_bpir_links`.`dependent`,`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`,`d_bpir_links`.`dep_type`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir_links`"
+ "UPDATE `d_bpir`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT" .
+ " `d_bpir_copy`.`id`," .
+ "SHA2(" .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_copy`.`color`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links`.`dep_type`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links_copy`.`dependent`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links_copy`.`dep_type`,\"0\")" .
+ "))" .
+ ",256) AS `hash`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir_copy`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN `d_bpir_links` ON `d_bpir_links`.`dependent`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN `d_bpir_links_copy` ON `d_bpir_links_copy`.`depending_on`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " GROUP BY `d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ ") AS `grouped_d_bpir` ON `grouped_d_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir`.`id`" .
+ " SET `d_bpir`.`group`=`grouped_d_bpir`.`hash`"
+ "UPDATE `d_bpir_copy`" .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " SET `d_bpir_copy`.`group`=`d_bpir`.`group`"
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`d_bpir`.`id`) AS `id`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`repositories`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ ") SEPARATOR \",\n\") AS `name`," .
+ "`d_bpir`.`color`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages_in_repositories` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures() .
+ " GROUP BY `d_bpir`.`group`"
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .=
+ "\"p" .
+ $row["id"] .
+ "\" [label = \"" .
+ $row["name"] .
+ "\",
+ fontcolor = \"" .
+ $row["color"] .
+ "\"];\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`d_bpir_links`.`dependent`) AS `dependent`," .
+ "`dependency_types`.`name` AS `dep_type`," .
+ "MAX(`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`) AS `depending_on`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir_links`" .
+ " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `d_bpir_links`.`dep_type`=`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir_links`.`dependent`" .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir_copy` ON `d_bpir_copy`.`id`=`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`" .
+ " GROUP BY CONCAT(`d_bpir`.`group`,\"-\",`d_bpir_copy`.`group`)"
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ $edges .=
+ "\"p" .
+ $row["depending_on"] .
+ "\" -> \"p" .
+ $row["dependent"] .
+ "\" [color = \"";
+ switch ($row["dep_type"]) {
+ case "run":
+ $edges .= "#000000";
+ break;
+ case "make":
+ $edges .= "#0000ff";
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ $edges .= "#008000";
+ break;
+ case "check":
+ $edges .= "#000080";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $edges .= "#ff00ff";
+ }
+ $edges .=
+ "#000080";
+ $edges .=
+ "\"];\n";
+header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ "echo '" . base64_encode(
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n"
+ ) . "' | " .
+ "base64 -d | " .
+ "timeout 30 dot -Tpng -o/dev/stdout /dev/stdin"