/* * conflict.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <orelien@chez.com> * Copyright (c) 2006 by David Kimpe <dnaku@frugalware.org> * Copyright (c) 2006 by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@frugalware.org> * Copyright (c) 2006 by Christian Hamar <krics@linuxforum.hu> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) #include <sys/syslimits.h> #endif #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <libintl.h> /* pacman */ #include "handle.h" #include "alpm_list.h" #include "trans.h" #include "util.h" #include "error.h" #include "log.h" #include "cache.h" #include "deps.h" #include "conflict.h" /* Returns a alpm_list_t* of pmdepmissing_t pointers. * * conflicts are always name only */ alpm_list_t *_alpm_checkconflicts(pmdb_t *db, alpm_list_t *packages) { pmpkg_t *info = NULL; alpm_list_t *i, *j, *k; alpm_list_t *baddeps = NULL; pmdepmissing_t *miss = NULL; ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(db == NULL) { return(NULL); } for(i = packages; i; i = i->next) { pmpkg_t *tp = i->data; if(tp == NULL) { continue; } for(j = tp->conflicts; j; j = j->next) { if(!strcmp(tp->name, j->data)) { /* a package cannot conflict with itself -- that's just not nice */ continue; } /* CHECK 1: check targets against database */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("checkconflicts: targ '%s' vs db"), tp->name); for(k = _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(db, INFRQ_DEPENDS); k; k = k->next) { pmpkg_t *dp = (pmpkg_t *)k->data; if(!strcmp(dp->name, tp->name)) { /* a package cannot conflict with itself -- that's just not nice */ continue; } if(!strcmp(j->data, dp->name)) { /* conflict */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("targs vs db: found %s as a conflict for %s"), dp->name, tp->name); miss = _alpm_depmiss_new(tp->name, PM_DEP_TYPE_CONFLICT, PM_DEP_MOD_ANY, dp->name, NULL); if(!_alpm_depmiss_isin(miss, baddeps)) { baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss); } else { FREE(miss); } } else { /* see if dp provides something in tp's conflict list */ alpm_list_t *m; for(m = dp->provides; m; m = m->next) { if(!strcmp(m->data, j->data)) { /* confict */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("targs vs db: found %s as a conflict for %s"), dp->name, tp->name); miss = _alpm_depmiss_new(tp->name, PM_DEP_TYPE_CONFLICT, PM_DEP_MOD_ANY, dp->name, NULL); if(!_alpm_depmiss_isin(miss, baddeps)) { baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss); } else { FREE(miss); } } } } } /* CHECK 2: check targets against targets */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("checkconflicts: targ '%s' vs targs"), tp->name); for(k = packages; k; k = k->next) { pmpkg_t *otp = (pmpkg_t *)k->data; if(!strcmp(otp->name, tp->name)) { /* a package cannot conflict with itself -- that's just not nice */ continue; } if(!strcmp(otp->name, (char *)j->data)) { /* otp is listed in tp's conflict list */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("targs vs targs: found %s as a conflict for %s"), otp->name, tp->name); miss = _alpm_depmiss_new(tp->name, PM_DEP_TYPE_CONFLICT, PM_DEP_MOD_ANY, otp->name, NULL); if(!_alpm_depmiss_isin(miss, baddeps)) { baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss); } else { FREE(miss); } } else { /* see if otp provides something in tp's conflict list */ alpm_list_t *m; for(m = otp->provides; m; m = m->next) { if(!strcmp(m->data, j->data)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("targs vs targs: found %s as a conflict for %s"), otp->name, tp->name); miss = _alpm_depmiss_new(tp->name, PM_DEP_TYPE_CONFLICT, PM_DEP_MOD_ANY, otp->name, NULL); if(!_alpm_depmiss_isin(miss, baddeps)) { baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss); } else { FREE(miss); } } } } } } /* CHECK 3: check database against targets */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("checkconflicts: db vs targ '%s'"), tp->name); for(k = _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(db, INFRQ_DEPENDS); k; k = k->next) { alpm_list_t *conflicts = NULL; int usenewconflicts = 0; info = k->data; if(!strcmp(info->name, tp->name)) { /* a package cannot conflict with itself -- that's just not nice */ continue; } /* If this package (*info) is also in our packages alpm_list_t, use the * conflicts list from the new package, not the old one (*info) */ for(j = packages; j; j = j->next) { pmpkg_t *pkg = j->data; if(!strcmp(pkg->name, info->name)) { /* Use the new, to-be-installed package's conflicts */ conflicts = pkg->conflicts; usenewconflicts = 1; } } if(!usenewconflicts) { /* Use the old package's conflicts, it's the only set we have */ conflicts = info->conflicts; } for(j = conflicts; j; j = j->next) { if(!strcmp((char *)j->data, tp->name)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("db vs targs: found %s as a conflict for %s"), info->name, tp->name); miss = _alpm_depmiss_new(tp->name, PM_DEP_TYPE_CONFLICT, PM_DEP_MOD_ANY, info->name, NULL); if(!_alpm_depmiss_isin(miss, baddeps)) { baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss); } else { FREE(miss); } } else { /* see if the db package conflicts with something we provide */ alpm_list_t *m; for(m = conflicts; m; m = m->next) { alpm_list_t *n; for(n = tp->provides; n; n = n->next) { if(!strcmp(m->data, n->data)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("db vs targs: found %s as a conflict for %s"), info->name, tp->name); miss = _alpm_depmiss_new(tp->name, PM_DEP_TYPE_CONFLICT, PM_DEP_MOD_ANY, info->name, NULL); if(!_alpm_depmiss_isin(miss, baddeps)) { baddeps = alpm_list_add(baddeps, miss); } else { FREE(miss); } } } } } } } } return(baddeps); } /* Returns a alpm_list_t* of file conflicts. * Hooray for set-intersects! * Pre-condition: both lists are sorted! */ static alpm_list_t *chk_fileconflicts(alpm_list_t *filesA, alpm_list_t *filesB) { alpm_list_t *ret = NULL; alpm_list_t *pA = filesA, *pB = filesB; while(pA && pB) { const char *strA = pA->data; const char *strB = pB->data; /* skip directories, we don't care about dir conflicts */ if(strA[strlen(strA)-1] == '/') { pA = pA->next; } else if(strB[strlen(strB)-1] == '/') { pB = pB->next; } else { int cmp = strcmp(strA, strB); if(cmp < 0) { /* item only in filesA, ignore it */ pA = pA->next; } else if(cmp > 0) { /* item only in filesB, ignore it */ pB = pB->next; } else { /* item in both, record it */ ret = alpm_list_add(ret, strdup(strA)); pA = pA->next; pB = pB->next; } } } for(alpm_list_t *i = ret; i; i = i->next) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "found conflict = %s", i->data); } return(ret); } /* Returns a alpm_list_t* of files that are in filesA but *NOT* in filesB * This is an 'A minus B' set operation * Pre-condition: both lists are sorted! */ static alpm_list_t *chk_filedifference(alpm_list_t *filesA, alpm_list_t *filesB) { alpm_list_t *ret = NULL; alpm_list_t *pA = filesA, *pB = filesB; while(pA && pB) { const char *strA = pA->data; const char *strB = pB->data; /* skip directories, we don't care about dir conflicts */ if(strA[strlen(strA)-1] == '/') { pA = pA->next; } else if(strB[strlen(strB)-1] == '/') { pB = pB->next; } else { int cmp = strcmp(strA, strB); if(cmp < 0) { /* item only in filesA, record it */ ret = alpm_list_add(ret, strdup(strA)); pA = pA->next; } else if(cmp > 0) { /* item only in fileB, but this means nothing */ pB = pB->next; } else { /* item in both, ignore it */ pA = pA->next; pB = pB->next; } } } for(alpm_list_t *i = ret; i; i = i->next) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "found conflict = %s", i->data); } return(ret); } /* Adds a PM_CONFLICT_TYPE_FILE to a conflicts list. * Pass the conflicts list, package name, and a file string of the conflict. */ static alpm_list_t *add_fileconflict(alpm_list_t *conflicts, char *name, char *filestr) { pmconflict_t *conflict = malloc(sizeof(pmconflict_t)); if(conflict == NULL) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("malloc failure: could not allocate %d bytes"), sizeof(pmconflict_t)); return(conflicts); } conflict->type = PM_CONFLICT_TYPE_FILE; STRNCPY(conflict->target, name, PKG_NAME_LEN); STRNCPY(conflict->file, filestr, CONFLICT_FILE_LEN); conflict->ctarget[0] = 0; conflicts = alpm_list_add(conflicts, conflict); return(conflicts); } alpm_list_t *_alpm_db_find_conflicts(pmdb_t *db, pmtrans_t *trans, char *root, alpm_list_t **skip_list) { alpm_list_t *i, *j, *k; alpm_list_t *conflicts = NULL; alpm_list_t *tmpfiles = NULL; alpm_list_t *targets = trans->packages; int numtargs = alpm_list_count(targets); double percent; ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(db == NULL || targets == NULL || root == NULL) { return(NULL); } for(i = targets; i; i = i->next) { pmpkg_t *p1, *p2, *dbpkg; char *filestr = NULL; char path[PATH_MAX+1]; struct stat buf; p1 = (pmpkg_t*)i->data; percent = (double)(alpm_list_count(targets) - alpm_list_count(i) + 1) / alpm_list_count(targets); PROGRESS(trans, PM_TRANS_PROGRESS_CONFLICTS_START, "", (percent * 100), numtargs, (numtargs - alpm_list_count(i) +1)); /* CHECK 1: check every target against every target */ for(j = i->next; j; j = j->next) { p2 = (pmpkg_t*)j->data; tmpfiles = chk_fileconflicts(p1->files, p2->files); if(tmpfiles) { for(k = tmpfiles; k; k = k->next) { pmconflict_t *conflict = malloc(sizeof(pmconflict_t)); if(conflict == NULL) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("malloc failure: could not allocate %d bytes"), sizeof(pmconflict_t)); continue; } conflict->type = PM_CONFLICT_TYPE_TARGET; STRNCPY(conflict->target, p1->name, PKG_NAME_LEN); STRNCPY(conflict->file, k->data, CONFLICT_FILE_LEN); STRNCPY(conflict->ctarget, p2->name, PKG_NAME_LEN); conflicts = alpm_list_add(conflicts, conflict); } alpm_list_free_inner(tmpfiles, &free); alpm_list_free(tmpfiles); } } /* CHECK 2: check every target against the filesystem */ dbpkg = _alpm_db_get_pkgfromcache(db, p1->name); /* Do two different checks here. f the package is currently installed, * then only check files that are new in the new package. If the package * is not currently installed, then simply stat the whole filelist */ if(dbpkg) { /* older ver of package currently installed */ tmpfiles = chk_filedifference(p1->files, alpm_pkg_get_files(dbpkg)); for(j = tmpfiles; j; j = j->next) { filestr = j->data; snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", root, filestr); /* stat the file - if it exists and is not a dir, do some checks */ if(lstat(path, &buf) == 0 && !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { /* Look at all the targets to see if file has changed hands */ for(k = targets; k; k = k->next) { pmpkg_t *p2 = (pmpkg_t *)k->data; /* Ensure we aren't looking at current package */ if(strcmp(p2->name, p1->name)) { pmpkg_t *localp2 = _alpm_db_get_pkgfromcache(db, p2->name); /* Check if it used to exist in a package, but doesn't anymore */ if(localp2 && !alpm_list_find_str(alpm_pkg_get_files(p2), filestr) && alpm_list_find_str(alpm_pkg_get_files(localp2), filestr)) { *skip_list = alpm_list_add(*skip_list, strdup(filestr)); } else { conflicts = add_fileconflict(conflicts, p1->name, filestr); break; } } } } } alpm_list_free_inner(tmpfiles, &free); alpm_list_free(tmpfiles); } else { /* no version of package currently installed */ for(j = p1->files; j; j = j->next) { filestr = j->data; snprintf(path, PATH_MAX, "%s%s", root, filestr); /* stat the file - if it exists and is not a dir, report a conflict */ if(lstat(path, &buf) == 0 && !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { conflicts = add_fileconflict(conflicts, p1->name, filestr); } } } } return(conflicts); } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_conflict_get_target(pmconflict_t *conflict) { ALPM_LOG_FUNC; /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(handle != NULL, return(NULL)); ASSERT(conflict != NULL, return(NULL)); return conflict->target; } pmconflicttype_t SYMEXPORT alpm_conflict_get_type(pmconflict_t *conflict) { ALPM_LOG_FUNC; /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(handle != NULL, return(-1)); ASSERT(conflict != NULL, return(-1)); return conflict->type; } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_conflict_get_file(pmconflict_t *conflict) { ALPM_LOG_FUNC; /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(handle != NULL, return(NULL)); ASSERT(conflict != NULL, return(NULL)); return conflict->file; } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_conflict_get_ctarget(pmconflict_t *conflict) { ALPM_LOG_FUNC; /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(handle != NULL, return(NULL)); ASSERT(conflict != NULL, return(NULL)); return conflict->ctarget; } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */