# enable i686-unknown-linux-gnu target # and replace pentium4 (SSE2) with pentium3 (no SSE2) in the compiler spec file # # Also trying to reduce memory usage by building with # -debuginfo-level-std=1 # see https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/60294 source+=(config.toml.patch) sha256sums+=('fcd8125f57295537a4f775c5b1966e548d9ac453fce513061d39957a1d0cfa45') eval "$( declare -f prepare | \ sed ' $ i patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/config.toml.patch" ' )" # stop insanity of nproc (see FS#62952) eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' s/-j"$(nproc)"/-j1/ ' )" if [ "${CARCH}" != 'pentium4' ]; then eval "$( declare -f prepare | \ sed ' $ i sed -i "s/pentium4/pentium3/g" "$srcdir/rustc-$pkgver-src/vendor/rustc-ap-rustc_target/spec/i686_unknown_linux_gnu.rs" $ i sed -i "s/pentium4/pentium3/g" "$srcdir/rustc-$pkgver-src/src/librustc_target/spec/i686_unknown_linux_gnu.rs" $ i sed -i "s/254a116e0cfbce81d1d38ddd59e1086228332746ae8916647b990dd8226079d3/30594a90c83b496630d0b8d80ce2f93671ab6afedadcdc79afd832f4dfe499fd/g" "$srcdir/rustc-$pkgver-src/vendor/rustc-ap-rustc_target/.cargo-checksum.json" ' )" fi # use binary rust-bin instead of rust (till we can bootstrap rust on IA-32) # rust is ok on pentium4 but broken on i686 in bootstrap! makedepends=(${makedepends[@]//rust/}) makedepends+=('rust-bin')