if [ "$CARCH" = 'i486' -o "$CARCH" = 'i686' ]; then eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' s@./configure@./configure -no-sse2@g ' )" fi # enable XCB explicitely for now on i486 (rather fail early than to # get weird startup messages of Qt5 applications hours later) if [ "$CARCH" = 'i486' ]; then eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' s/configure/configure -xcb / ' )" fi # no LTO on 486 slaves, they die with out-of-memory if [ "$CARCH" = 'i486' ]; then eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' s/-ltcg/-no-ltcg/ s/\(.*qmake *\)CONFIG+=fat-static-lto\(.*\)/\1 \2/ ' )" fi # -no-ltcg is partially ignored, patching it directly in the mkspecs source+=('qtbase-no-ltcg-broken.patch') sha256sums+=('024549dbb8cc76921c16070b4cf1253e88fd33f78d6756e2ee398c405b8d1979') if [ "$CARCH" = 'i486' ]; then eval "$( declare -f prepare | \ sed ' $ i \ patch -p1 < ../qtbase-no-ltcg-broken.patch ' )" fi