source+=('mozconfig.patch') sha256sums+=('4f94ab5e8442a032edfd457ac5d4a2d237db0093906c97e82436af56e0500b52') eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' 2 a export RUSTFLAGS+=" -Cdebuginfo=0 -Clto=off" 2 a export LDFLAGS+=" -Wl,--no-keep-memory -Wl,--reduce-memory-overheads" ' declare -f prepare | \ sed ' $ i export MOZ_SOURCE_CHANGESET="DEVEDITION_${pkgver//./_}_RELEASE" $ i patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/mozconfig.patch" ' )" for ((i=0; i<${#source[@]}; i++)); do infos=$( printf '%s\n' "${source[${i}]}" | \ sed -n ' s@^\(\([^:]\+\)::\)\?\(git\|hg\)+\([^?#]\+\)\(?signed\)\?#\(\(tag\|commit\)=\S\+\)$@\3 \2 \4 \5 \6@ T p ' ) if [ -n "${infos}" ]; then source[${i}]=$( type="${infos%% *}" infos="${infos#* }" if [ -n "${infos%% *}" ]; then prefix="${infos%% *}" else prefix='' fi infos="${infos#* }" repo="${infos%% *}" repo64=$( printf '%s' "${repo}" | \ base64 -w0 | \ sed 's/=/%3D/g' ) infos="${infos#* }" if [ "${infos%% *}" = '?signed' ]; then key_check=$( printf '&valid_keys=' printf '%s,' "${validpgpkeys[@]}" | \ sed 's/,$//' ) else key_check='' fi infos="${infos#* }" if [ -z "${prefix}" ]; then prefix="${repo%.git}" prefix="${prefix##*/}" fi prefix_64=$( printf '%s/' "${prefix}" | \ base64 -w0 | \ sed 's/=/%3D/g' ) printf '%s-%s.tar.gz::\n' \ "${prefix}" \ "${pkgver}" \ "${type}" \ "${prefix_64}" \ "${repo64}" \ "${key_check}" \ "${infos}" ) fi done # from VoidLinux, avoid excessive debug symbols in rust leading # to out-of-memory situations eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' 5 a sed -i "s/debug_info = '\''2'\''/debug_info = '\''1'\''/" build/moz.configure/toolchain.configure ' )" # don't kill build slaves by auto-guessing available CPU cores eval "$( declare -f build | \ sed ' 2 a export MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS=-j1 ' )" # test failure in rust code (complaining about network functions) when PGO is used, # see source+=('rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch') sha256sums+=('34eea882ba21a0ce641f352a200ede115a8d4befd16fe43303ba1d0aa7f90abd') eval "$( declare -f prepare | \ sed ' $ i patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/rust-static-disable-network-test-on-static-libraries.patch" ' )" # readelf: Error: Unable to seek to 0x801db328 for section headers source+=('avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch') sha256sums+=('00b7019218d015a11670d566bff6d62872357c29ee7f9ef4d29a7f63c46227b6') eval "$( declare -f prepare | \ sed ' $ i patch -p1 -i "$srcdir/avoid-libxul-OOM-python-check.patch" ' )" # cannot find it's libraries eval "$( declare -f package | \ sed ' /}/ i \ install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/etc/" \ echo "/usr/lib/${pkgname}" > "${pkgdir}"/etc/${pkgname}.conf \ ' )"