# symlink for 32-bit Pascal compiler # temporary: # the package has been built wrongly in the past, so we have to force # a ppc386 symlink in build (PP variable) because the Makefile is trying to # guess the target platform by executing fpc eval "$( declare -f package | \ sed ' 2 a _pkgver=$(find /usr/lib/fpc -name ppc386 | cut -d/ -f5 | sort -V | tail -n1) /"\$CARCH" = "x86_64"/ { p s@ppcx64@ppc386@g s@x86_64@i686@ p s@i686@i486@ p s@i486@pentium4@ } s@NOGDB=1@NOGDB=1 PP=/usr/lib/fpc/$_pkgver/ppc386 @ ' declare -f build | \ sed ' 2 a _pkgver=$(find /usr/lib/fpc -name ppc386 | cut -d/ -f5 | sort -V | tail -n1) s@NOGDB=1@NOGDB=1 PP=/usr/lib/fpc/$_pkgver/ppc386 @ ' )"