'GET', 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.1', 'request_url' => array( 'scheme' => 'http', 'host' => '', 'port' => '', 'path' => '/', 'query' => '' ), 'headers' => array(), 'body' => '' )), // Path and query string, multiple header values per header and case sensitive storage array("HEAD /path?query=foo HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: example.com\r\nX-Foo: foo\r\nx-foo: Bar\r\nX-Foo: foo\r\nX-Foo: Baz\r\n\r\n", array( 'method' => 'HEAD', 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.0', 'request_url' => array( 'scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'example.com', 'port' => '', 'path' => '/path', 'query' => 'query=foo' ), 'headers' => array( 'Host' => 'example.com', 'X-Foo' => array('foo', 'foo', 'Baz'), 'x-foo' => 'Bar' ), 'body' => '' )), // Includes a body array("PUT / HTTP/1.0\r\nhost: example.com:443\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\ntest", array( 'method' => 'PUT', 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.0', 'request_url' => array( 'scheme' => 'https', 'host' => 'example.com', 'port' => '443', 'path' => '/', 'query' => '' ), 'headers' => array( 'host' => 'example.com:443', 'Content-Length' => '4' ), 'body' => 'test' )), // Includes Authorization headers array("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com:8080\r\nAuthorization: Basic {$auth}\r\n\r\n", array( 'method' => 'GET', 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.1', 'request_url' => array( 'scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'example.com', 'port' => '8080', 'path' => '/', 'query' => '' ), 'headers' => array( 'Host' => 'example.com:8080', 'Authorization' => "Basic {$auth}" ), 'body' => '' )), // Include authorization header array("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com:8080\r\nauthorization: Basic {$auth}\r\n\r\n", array( 'method' => 'GET', 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.1', 'request_url' => array( 'scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'example.com', 'port' => '8080', 'path' => '/', 'query' => '' ), 'headers' => array( 'Host' => 'example.com:8080', 'authorization' => "Basic {$auth}" ), 'body' => '' )), ); } public function responseProvider() { return array( // Empty request array('', false), array("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", array( 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.1', 'code' => '200', 'reason_phrase' => 'OK', 'headers' => array( 'Content-Length' => 0 ), 'body' => '' )), array("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", array( 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.0', 'code' => '400', 'reason_phrase' => 'Bad Request', 'headers' => array( 'Content-Length' => 0 ), 'body' => '' )), array("HTTP/1.0 100 Continue\r\n\r\n", array( 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.0', 'code' => '100', 'reason_phrase' => 'Continue', 'headers' => array(), 'body' => '' )), array("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\nX-Foo: foo\r\nx-foo: Bar\r\nX-Foo: foo\r\n\r\n", array( 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.1', 'code' => '204', 'reason_phrase' => 'No Content', 'headers' => array( 'X-Foo' => array('foo', 'foo'), 'x-foo' => 'Bar' ), 'body' => '' )), array("HTTP/1.1 200 Ok that is great!\r\nContent-Length: 4\r\n\r\nTest", array( 'protocol' => 'HTTP', 'version' => '1.1', 'code' => '200', 'reason_phrase' => 'Ok that is great!', 'headers' => array( 'Content-Length' => 4 ), 'body' => 'Test' )), ); } public function compareRequestResults($result, $expected) { if (!$result) { $this->assertFalse($expected); return; } $this->assertEquals($result['method'], $expected['method']); $this->assertEquals($result['protocol'], $expected['protocol']); $this->assertEquals($result['version'], $expected['version']); $this->assertEquals($result['request_url'], $expected['request_url']); $this->assertEquals($result['body'], $expected['body']); $this->compareHttpHeaders($result['headers'], $expected['headers']); } public function compareResponseResults($result, $expected) { if (!$result) { $this->assertFalse($expected); return; } $this->assertEquals($result['protocol'], $expected['protocol']); $this->assertEquals($result['version'], $expected['version']); $this->assertEquals($result['code'], $expected['code']); $this->assertEquals($result['reason_phrase'], $expected['reason_phrase']); $this->assertEquals($result['body'], $expected['body']); $this->compareHttpHeaders($result['headers'], $expected['headers']); } protected function normalizeHeaders($headers) { $normalized = array(); foreach ($headers as $key => $value) { $key = strtolower($key); if (!isset($normalized[$key])) { $normalized[$key] = $value; } elseif (!is_array($normalized[$key])) { $normalized[$key] = array($value); } else { $normalized[$key][] = $value; } } foreach ($normalized as $key => &$value) { if (is_array($value)) { sort($value); } } return $normalized; } public function compareHttpHeaders($result, $expected) { // Aggregate all headers case-insensitively $result = $this->normalizeHeaders($result); $expected = $this->normalizeHeaders($expected); $this->assertEquals($result, $expected); } }