batchSize = $batchSize; } /** * Creates batches by grouping commands by their associated client * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createBatches(\SplQueue $queue) { $groups = new \SplObjectStorage(); foreach ($queue as $item) { if (!$item instanceof CommandInterface) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('All items must implement Guzzle\Service\Command\CommandInterface'); } $client = $item->getClient(); if (!$groups->contains($client)) { $groups->attach($client, new \ArrayObject(array($item))); } else { $groups[$client]->append($item); } } $batches = array(); foreach ($groups as $batch) { $batches = array_merge($batches, array_chunk($groups[$batch]->getArrayCopy(), $this->batchSize)); } return $batches; } public function transfer(array $batch) { if (empty($batch)) { return; } // Get the client of the first found command $client = reset($batch)->getClient(); // Keep a list of all commands with invalid clients $invalid = array_filter($batch, function ($command) use ($client) { return $command->getClient() !== $client; }); if (!empty($invalid)) { throw new InconsistentClientTransferException($invalid); } $client->execute($batch); } }