; ; This is the Flysplay configuration file. It contains the basic settings ; needed for Flyspray to operate. All other preferences are stored in the ; database itself and are managed directly within the Flyspray admin interface. ; You should consider putting this file somewhere that isn't accessible using ; a web browser, and editing header.php to point to wherever you put this file. [general] cookiesalt = "f1s" ; Randomisation value for cookie encoding output_buffering = "on" ; Available options: "off", "on" and "gzip" address_rewriting = "0" ; Boolean. 0 = off, 1 = on. reminder_daemon = "0" ; Boolean. 0 = off, 1 = on. passwdcrypt = "" ; Available options: "" - chooses best default (currently "crypt"), "crypt", "md5", "sha1", "sha512" Note: md5 and sha1 are considered insecure for hashing passwords (statement date: 2016) doku_url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" ; URL to your external wiki for [[dokulinks]] in FS syntax_plugin = "none" ; Plugin name for syntax format for task description and other textarea fields, "none" for the default ckeditor (or any nonexistent plugin folder name), popular alternative: "dokuwiki", see plugins/ directory update_check = "1" ; Boolean. 0 = off, 1 = on. securecookies = false ; Boolean false or true. You can set it only to true if you have a HTTPS Flyspray setup fully working with valid SSL/TLS certificate. ; If set to true the Flyspray session cookies should be sent only over HTTPS, never HTTP. ; Check cookie properties within devtools (press F12) of modern (year 2015) webbrowsers. [database] dbtype = "mysql" ; Type of database ("mysql" or "pgsql" are currently supported) dbhost = "localhost" ; Name or IP of your database server dbname = "DBNAME" ; The name of the database dbuser = "DBUSER" ; The user to access the database dbpass = "DBPASS" ; The password to go with that username above dbprefix = "flyspray_" ; Prefix of the Flyspray tables [attachments] zip = "application/zip" ; MIME-type for ZIP files [oauth] github_secret = "" github_id = "" github_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php?do=oauth&provider=github" google_secret = "" google_id = "" google_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php?do=oauth&provider=google" facebook_secret = "" facebook_id = "" facebook_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php?do=oauth&provider=facebook" microsoft_secret = "" microsoft_id = "" microsoft_redirect = "YOURDOMAIN/index.php"