isAnon()) { Flyspray::show_error(13); } # maybe add some checks for output if a task or project or user changed permissions # for example the user is moved from developer to basic # or a task is changed to private modus # or a task is closed now # maybe add 'AND t.is_closed<>1' if we want only show votes of active tasks, that are taken for the votes limit. # How can a user unvote such now unvisible tasks to get back under his voting limit for the project? $votes=$db->query(' SELECT v.*, t.project_id, t.item_summary, t.task_type, t.is_closed, p.project_title FROM {votes} v JOIN {tasks} t ON t.task_id=v.task_id LEFT JOIN {projects} p ON p.project_id=t.project_id WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY t.project_id, t.task_id', $user->id ); $votes=$db->fetchAllArray($votes); $page->assign('votes', $votes); $page->assign('groups', Flyspray::listGroups()); $page->assign('project_groups', Flyspray::listGroups($proj->id)); $page->assign('theuser', $user); $page->setTitle($fs->prefs['page_title'] . L('editmydetails')); $page->pushTpl('myprofile.tpl'); ?>