perms('manage_project')) { Flyspray::show_error(28); } // Make it possible to reload page after updating language // Don't want to send form data again if user reloads the page ob_start(); ?> \n"; } if(!file_exists('en.php')) { $fail .= "The english language file en.php is missing. Make sure this script is run from the same directory as the language files .../flyspray/lang/
\n"; } if($fail) { die($fail."Usage: <lang code> where <lang code> should be replaced by your language, e.g. de for German."); } // Read english language file in array $language (assumed to be UTF-8 encoded) require('en.php'); if(!is_array(@$language)){ die("Invalid language file for english"); } $count = count($language); // Read the translation file in array $translation (assumed to be UTF-8 encoded) $working_copy = false; if(!file_exists($lang.'.php') && !file_exists('.'.$lang.'')) { echo '

A new language file will be created: '.$lang.'.php

'; } else { if($lang != 'en') { if(file_exists('.'.$lang.'')) { $working_copy = true; include_once('.'.$lang.''); // Read the translation array (work in progress) } else{ include($lang.'.php'); // Read the original translation array - maybe again, no _once here! } } else if(file_exists('')){ $working_copy = true; $tmp = $language; include_once(''); // Read the language array (work in progress) $translation = $language; // Edit the english language file $language = $tmp; } else{ $translation = $language; // Edit the english language file } if(!is_array(@$translation)){ echo "Warning: the translation file does not contain the \$translation array, a new file will be created: $lang.php\n"; } } $limit = 30; $begin = isset($_GET['begin']) ? (int)($_GET['begin'] / $limit) * $limit : 0; // Was show missing pressed? $show_empty = (!isset($_POST['search']) && isset($_REQUEST['empty'])); // Either POST or URL // Any text in search box? if(!$show_empty && isset($_POST['search_for'])) { $search = trim($_POST['search_for']); } else if(!$show_empty && isset($_GET['search_for'])) { $search = trim(urldecode($_GET['search_for'])); } else { $search = ""; } // Path to this file $self = "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?do=langedit&lang=$lang"; if(isset($_POST['confirm'])) { // Make a backup unlink(".$lang.php.bak"); rename("$lang.php", ".$lang.php.bak"); rename(".$", "$lang.php"); // Reload page, so that form data won't get posted again on refresh header("location: $self&begin=$begin" . ($search? "&search_for=".urlencode($search): "") . ($show_empty? "&empty=": "")); exit; } else if(isset($_POST['submit']) && isset($_POST['L'])) { // Save button was pressed update_language($lang, $_POST['L'], @$_POST['E']); // Reload page, so that form data won't get posted again on refresh header("location: $self&begin=$begin" . ($search? "&search_for=".urlencode($search): "") . ($show_empty? "&empty=": "")); exit; } // One form for all buttons and inputs echo 'Overview'; echo "
\n"; echo "\n $val){ $trans = @$translation[$key]; if((!$search && !$show_empty && $i >= $begin) || ($search && (stristr($key, $search) || stristr($val, $search) || stristr($trans, $search))) || ($show_empty && !$trans)){ $bg = ($j++ & 1)? '#fff': '#eed'; // Key echo ''; // English (underline leading and trailing spaces) $space = '_'; echo '\n"; echo '\n"; if(--$limit == 0 && !$search && !$show_empty){ break; } } $i++; } ?>
"; // Make page links for($p = 0; $p < $count; $p += $limit){ if($p){ echo " | "; } $bgn = $p+1; $end = min($p+$limit, $count); if($p != $begin || $search || $show_empty) { echo "$bgn…$end\n"; // Show all links when searching or display all missing strings } else { echo "$bgn…$end\n"; } } ?> title="Confirm all changes and replace the original language file">
.$ until you press 'Confirm all changes'
"; } // Search echo ''; // List empty if($lang != 'en') { echo ''; } ?>
'.($i+1).''.$key.''. (preg_match("/^[ \t]/",$val)? $space: "") . nl2br(htmlentities($val)). (preg_match("/[ \t]$/",$val)? $space: "") ."'; echo ''; echo ''; // Count lines in both english and translation $lines = 1 + max(preg_match_all("/\n/", $val, $matches), preg_match_all("/\n/", $trans, $matches)); // Javascript call on some input events $onchange = 'onchange="set(\''.$key.'\');" onkeypress="set(\''.$key.'\');"'; // \ is displayed as \\ in edit fields to allow \n as line feed $trans = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $trans); if($lines > 1 || strlen(utf8_decode($val)) > 60 || strlen(utf8_decode($trans)) > 60){ // Format long texts for '; } else{ // Format short texts for $trans = str_replace(array("\n", "\""), array("\\n", """), $trans); echo ''; } echo "

The language files are UTF-8 encoded, avoid manual editing if You are not sure that your editor supports UTF-8
Syntax for \ is \\ and for line feed type \\n in single line edit fields
langedit by
uses('content'); $page->pushTpl('admin.translation.tpl'); // Parse string for \n and \\ to be replaced by and \ function parseNL($str) { $pos = 0; while(($pos = strpos($str, "\\", $pos)) !== false){ switch(substr($str, $pos, 2)){ case "\\n": $str = substr_replace($str, "\n", $pos, 2); break; case "\\\\": $str = substr_replace($str, "\\", $pos, 2); break; } $pos++; } return $str; } function update_language($lang, &$strings, $edit) { global $language, $translation; if(!is_array($edit)) { return; } // Form data contains UTF-8 encoded text foreach($edit as $key => $dummy){ if(@$strings[$key]) { $translation[$key] = parseNL($strings[$key]); } else { unset($translation[$key]); } } // Make a backup just in case! if(!file_exists(".$")){ // Make one safe backup that will NOT be changed by this script copy("$lang.php", ".$"); } if(file_exists(".$")){ // Then make ordinary backups copy(".$", ".$lang.php.bak"); } // Write the translation array to file with UNIX style line endings $file = fopen(".$", "w"); // Write the UTF-8 BOM, Byte Order Marker //fprintf($file, chr(0xef).chr(0xbb).chr(0xbf)); // Header fprintf($file, " \\ // " => \" // $ => \$ // => \n // are removed if any $pattern = array("\\", "\"", "\$", "\n", "\r"); $replace = array("\\\\", "\\\"", "\\\$", "\\n", ""); // Write the array to the file, ordered as the english language file foreach($language as $key => $val){ $trans = @$translation[$key]; if(!$trans) { continue; } if(strstr($trans, "\n")) { // Use double quotes for multiline fprintf($file, "%-26s=> \"%s\",\n", "'$key'", str_replace($pattern, $replace, $trans)); } else { // Use single quotes for single lines, only \ and ' needs escaping fprintf($file, "%-26s=> '%s',\n", "'$key'", str_replace(array("\\","'"), array("\\\\", "\\'"), $trans)); } } fprintf($file, ");\n\n?".">\n"); // PHP end tag currupts some syntax color coders fclose($file); } ?>