perms('manage_project')) { Flyspray::show_error(28); } ob_start(); ?> Diff report for language ',$lang,'',"\n"; echo '

The following translation keys are missing in the translation:

'; echo ''; $i = 0; foreach ($orig_language as $key => $val) { if (!isset($translation[$key])) { echo '',"\n"; $i++; } } echo '
'; if ( $i > 0 ){ echo '

',$i,' out of ',sizeof($language),' keys to translate.

'; } echo '

The following translation keys should be deleted from the translation:

'; echo ''; $i = 0; foreach ($translation as $key => $val) { if ( !isset($orig_language[$key])) { echo '',"\n"; $i++; } } echo '
'; if ( $i > 0 ){ echo '

'.$i.' entries can be removed from this translation.

'; } else{ echo '


'; } echo '

Direct comparision between english and '.htmlspecialchars($lang).'

'; echo ''; $i = 0; foreach ($orig_language as $key => $val) { if (!isset($translation[$key])) { echo ''."\n"; }else{ echo ' '."\n"; } $i++; } echo '
translation key en '.htmlspecialchars($lang).'
',$key,''.htmlspecialchars($val).' '.htmlspecialchars($translation[$key]).'
'; } else { # TODO show all existing translations overview and selection # readdir $english=$language; $max=count($english); $langfiles=array(); $workfiles=array(); if ($handle = opendir('lang')) { $languages=array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file!='.langdiff.php' && $file!='.langedit.php' && !(substr($file,-4)=='.bak') && !(substr($file,-5)=='.safe') ) { # if a .$ file but no $lang.php exists yet if( substr($file,-5)=='.work'){ if(!is_file('lang/'.substr($file,1,-5)) ){ $workfiles[]=$file; } } else{ $langfiles[]=$file; } } } asort($langfiles); asort($workfiles); echo ''; foreach($langfiles as $lang){ unset($translation); require('lang/'.$lang); # file $language variable $i=0; $empty=0; foreach ($orig_language as $key => $val) { if (!isset($translation[$key])) { $i++; }else{ if($val==''){ $empty++; } } } $progress=floor(($max-$i)*100/$max*10)/10; if($lang!='en.php'){ echo ' '; }else{ echo ''; } } foreach($workfiles as $workfile){ echo ''; } closedir($handle); echo '
'.$lang.' '.$progress.' % '.L('translate').' '.substr($lang,0,-4).'
en.phpis reference and fallbackTranslate '.substr($lang,0,-4).'
'.$workfile.' '.L('translate').' '.substr($workfile,1,-9).'
'; } } $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $page->uses('content'); $page->pushTpl('admin.translation.tpl'); ?>