address($task_id, $type); } if (!is_array($to)) { settype($to, 'array'); } if (!count($to)) { return false; } $languages = array(); $emails = array(); $jabbers = array(); $onlines = array(); if (isset($to[0])) { foreach ($to[0] as $recipient) { if (!empty($recipient['lang'])) { $lang = $recipient['lang']; } else if (!empty($proj_lang)) { $lang = $proj_lang; } else { $lang = $fs->prefs['lang_code']; } $emails[$lang][] = $recipient['recipient']; if (!in_array($lang, $languages)) { $languages[] = $lang; } } } if (isset($to[1])) { foreach ($to[1] as $recipient) { if (!empty($recipient['lang'])) { $lang = $recipient['lang']; } else if (!empty($proj_lang)) { $lang = $proj_lang; } else { $lang = $fs->prefs['lang_code']; } $jabbers[$lang][] = $recipient['recipient']; if (!in_array($lang, $languages)) { $languages[] = $lang; } } } /* if (isset($to[2])) { foreach ($to[2] as $recipient) { $lang = $recipient['lang']; if ($lang == 'j') echo "
Error 3!
"; $onlines[$lang][] = $recipient['recipient']; if (!in_array($lang, $languages)) { $languages[] = $lang; } } } */ $result = true; foreach ($languages as $lang) { $msg = $this->generateMsg($type, $task_id, $info, $lang); if (isset($emails[$lang]) && ($ntype == NOTIFY_EMAIL || $ntype == NOTIFY_BOTH)) { if (!$this->sendEmail($emails[$lang], $msg[0], $msg[1], $task_id)) { $result = false; } } if (isset($jabbers[$lang]) && ($ntype == NOTIFY_JABBER || $ntype == NOTIFY_BOTH)) { if (!$this->storeJabber($jabbers[$lang], $msg[0], $msg[1])) { $result = false; } } // Get rid of undefined offset 2 when notify type is explicitly set, // in these cases caller really has not set offset 2. Track down the // callers later. /* if (isset($onlines[$lang]) && ($ntype != NOTIFY_EMAIL && $ntype != NOTIFY_JABBER)) { if (!$this->StoreOnline($onlines[$lang], $msg[2], $msg[3], $task_id)) { $result = false; } } */ } return $result; // End of Create() function } function storeOnline($to, $subject, $body, $online, $task_id = null) { global $db, $fs; if (!count($to)) { return false; } $date = time(); // store notification in table $db->query("INSERT INTO {notification_messages} (message_subject, message_body, time_created) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", array($online, '', $date) ); // grab notification id /* $result = $db->query("SELECT message_id FROM {notification_messages} WHERE time_created = ? ORDER BY message_id DESC", array($date), 1); $row = $db->fetchRow($result); $message_id = $row['message_id']; */ $message_id = $db->insert_ID(); // If message could not be inserted for whatever reason... if (!$message_id) { return false; } // make sure every user is only added once settype($to, 'array'); $to = array_unique($to); foreach ($to as $jid) { // store each recipient in table $db->query("INSERT INTO {notification_recipients} (notify_method, message_id, notify_address) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", array('o', $message_id, $jid) ); } return true; } static function getUnreadNotifications() { global $db, $fs, $user; $notifications = $db->query('SELECT r.recipient_id, m.message_subject FROM {notification_recipients} r JOIN {notification_messages} m ON r.message_id = m.message_id WHERE r.notify_method = ? AND notify_address = ?', array('o', $user['user_id'])); return $db->fetchAllArray($notifications); } static function NotificationsHaveBeenRead($ids) { global $db, $fs, $user; $readones = join(",", array_map('intval', $ids)); if($readones !=''){ $db->query(" DELETE FROM {notification_recipients} WHERE message_id IN ($readones) AND notify_method = ? AND notify_address = ?", array('o', $user['user_id'] ) ); } } // {{{ Store Jabber messages for sending later function storeJabber( $to, $subject, $body ) { global $db, $fs; if (empty($fs->prefs['jabber_server']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_port']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_username']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_password'])) { return false; } if (empty($to)) { return false; } $date = time(); // store notification in table $db->query("INSERT INTO {notification_messages} (message_subject, message_body, time_created) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", array($subject, $body, $date) ); // grab notification id /* $result = $db->query("SELECT message_id FROM {notification_messages} WHERE time_created = ? ORDER BY message_id DESC", array($date), 1); $row = $db->fetchRow($result); $message_id = $row['message_id']; */ $message_id = $db->insert_ID(); // If message could not be inserted for whatever reason... if (!$message_id) { return false; } settype($to, 'array'); $duplicates = array(); foreach ($to as $jid) { // make sure every recipient is only added once if (in_array($jid, $duplicates)) { continue; } $duplicates[] = $jid; // store each recipient in table $db->query("INSERT INTO {notification_recipients} (notify_method, message_id, notify_address) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", array('j', $message_id, $jid) ); } return true; } // }}} static function jabberRequestAuth($email) { global $fs; include_once BASEDIR . '/includes/class.jabber2.php'; if (empty($fs->prefs['jabber_server']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_port']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_username']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_password'])) { return false; } $JABBER = new Jabber($fs->prefs['jabber_username'] . '@' . $fs->prefs['jabber_server'], $fs->prefs['jabber_password'], $fs->prefs['jabber_ssl'], $fs->prefs['jabber_port']); $JABBER->login(); $JABBER->send(""); $JABBER->disconnect(); } // {{{ send Jabber messages that were stored earlier function sendJabber() { global $db, $fs; include_once BASEDIR . '/includes/class.jabber2.php'; if ( empty($fs->prefs['jabber_server']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_port']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_username']) || empty($fs->prefs['jabber_password'])) { return false; } // get listing of all pending jabber notifications $result = $db->query("SELECT DISTINCT message_id FROM {notification_recipients} WHERE notify_method='j'"); if (!$db->countRows($result)) { return false; } $JABBER = new Jabber($fs->prefs['jabber_username'] . '@' . $fs->prefs['jabber_server'], $fs->prefs['jabber_password'], $fs->prefs['jabber_ssl'], $fs->prefs['jabber_port']); $JABBER->login(); // we have notifications to process - connect $JABBER->log("We have notifications to process..."); $JABBER->log("Starting Jabber session:"); $ids = array(); while ( $row = $db->fetchRow($result) ) { $ids[] = $row['message_id']; } $desired = join(",", array_map('intval', $ids)); $JABBER->log("message ids to send = {" . $desired . "}"); // removed array usage as it's messing up the select // I suspect this is due to the variable being comma separated // Jamin W. Collins 20050328 $notifications = $db->query(" SELECT * FROM {notification_messages} WHERE message_id IN ($desired) ORDER BY time_created ASC" ); $JABBER->log("number of notifications {" . $db->countRows($notifications) . "}"); // loop through notifications while ( $notification = $db->fetchRow($notifications) ) { $subject = $notification['message_subject']; $body = $notification['message_body']; $JABBER->log("Processing notification {" . $notification['message_id'] . "}"); $recipients = $db->query(" SELECT * FROM {notification_recipients} WHERE message_id = ? AND notify_method = 'j'", array($notification['message_id']) ); // loop through recipients while ($recipient = $db->fetchRow($recipients) ) { $jid = $recipient['notify_address']; $JABBER->log("- attempting send to {" . $jid . "}"); // send notification if ($JABBER->send_message($jid, $body, $subject, 'normal')) { // delete entry from notification_recipients $result = $db->query("DELETE FROM {notification_recipients} WHERE message_id = ? AND notify_method = 'j' AND notify_address = ?", array($notification['message_id'], $jid) ); $JABBER->log("- notification sent"); } else { $JABBER->log("- notification not sent"); } } // check to see if there are still recipients for this notification $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {notification_recipients} WHERE message_id = ?", array($notification['message_id']) ); if ( $db->countRows($result) == 0 ) { $JABBER->log("No further recipients for message id {" . $notification['message_id'] . "}"); // remove notification no more recipients $result = $db->query("DELETE FROM {notification_messages} WHERE message_id = ?", array($notification['message_id']) ); $JABBER->log("- Notification deleted"); } } // disconnect from server $JABBER->disconnect(); $JABBER->log("Disconnected from Jabber server"); return true; } // }}} // {{{ send email function sendEmail($to, $subject, $body, $task_id = null) { global $fs, $proj, $user; if (empty($to) || empty($to[0])) { return; } // Do we want to use a remote mail server? if (!empty($fs->prefs['smtp_server'])) { // connection... SSL, TLS or none if ($fs->prefs['email_tls']) { $swiftconn = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($fs->prefs['smtp_server'], 587, 'tls'); } else if ($fs->prefs['email_ssl']) { $swiftconn = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($fs->prefs['smtp_server'], 465, 'ssl'); } else { $swiftconn = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($fs->prefs['smtp_server']); } if ($fs->prefs['smtp_user']) { $swiftconn->setUsername($fs->prefs['smtp_user']); } if ($fs->prefs['smtp_pass']){ $swiftconn->setPassword($fs->prefs['smtp_pass']); } if(defined('FS_SMTP_TIMEOUT')) { $swiftconn->setTimeout(FS_SMTP_TIMEOUT); } // Use php's built-in mail() function } else { $swiftconn = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance(); } // Make plaintext URLs into hyperlinks, but don't disturb existing ones! $htmlbody = preg_replace("/(?$2', $body); $htmlbody = str_replace("\n","
", $htmlbody); // Those constants used were introduced in 5.4. if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<')) { $plainbody= html_entity_decode(strip_tags($body)); } else { $plainbody= html_entity_decode(strip_tags($body), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401, 'utf-8'); } $swift = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($swiftconn); if(defined('FS_MAIL_LOGFILE')) { $logger = new Swift_Plugins_Loggers_ArrayLogger(); $swift->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_LoggerPlugin($logger)); } $message = new Swift_Message($subject); if (isset($fs->prefs['emailNoHTML']) && $fs->prefs['emailNoHTML'] == '1'){ $message->setBody($plainbody, 'text/plain'); }else{ $message->setBody($htmlbody, 'text/html'); $message->addPart($plainbody, 'text/plain'); } $type = $message->getHeaders()->get('Content-Type'); $type->setParameter('charset', 'utf-8'); $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('Precedence', 'list'); $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('X-Mailer', 'Flyspray'); if ($proj->prefs['notify_reply']) { $message->setReplyTo($proj->prefs['notify_reply']); } if (isset($task_id)) { $hostdata = parse_url($GLOBALS['baseurl']); $inreplyto = sprintf('', $task_id, $hostdata['host']); // see this does not seems to work though :( $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('In-Reply-To', $inreplyto); $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader('References', $inreplyto); } // accepts string, array, or Swift_Address if( is_array($to) && count($to)>1 ){ $message->setTo($fs->prefs['admin_email']); $message->setBcc($to); } else{ $message->setTo($to); } $message->setFrom(array($fs->prefs['admin_email'] => $proj->prefs['project_title'])); $swift->send($message); if(defined('FS_MAIL_LOGFILE')) { if(is_writable(dirname(FS_MAIL_LOGFILE))) { if($fh = fopen(FS_MAIL_LOGFILE, 'ab')) { fwrite($fh, $logger->dump()); fwrite($fh, php_uname()); fclose($fh); } } } return true; } //}}} // {{{ create a message for any occasion function generateMsg($type, $task_id, $arg1 = '0', $lang) { global $db, $fs, $user, $proj; // Get the task details $task_details = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($task_id); if ($task_id) { $proj = new Project($task_details['project_id']); } // Set the due date correctly if ($task_details['due_date'] == '0') { $due_date = tL('undecided', $lang); } else { $due_date = formatDate($task_details['due_date']); } // Set the due version correctly if ($task_details['closedby_version'] == '0') { $task_details['due_in_version_name'] = tL('undecided', $lang); } // Get the string of modification $notify_type_msg = array( 0 => tL('none'), NOTIFY_TASK_OPENED => tL('taskopened', $lang), NOTIFY_TASK_CHANGED => tL('pm.taskchanged', $lang), NOTIFY_TASK_CLOSED => tL('taskclosed', $lang), NOTIFY_TASK_REOPENED => tL('pm.taskreopened', $lang), NOTIFY_DEP_ADDED => tL('pm.depadded', $lang), NOTIFY_DEP_REMOVED => tL('pm.depremoved', $lang), NOTIFY_COMMENT_ADDED => tL('commentadded', $lang), NOTIFY_ATT_ADDED => tL('attachmentadded', $lang), NOTIFY_REL_ADDED => tL('relatedadded', $lang), NOTIFY_OWNERSHIP => tL('ownershiptaken', $lang), NOTIFY_PM_REQUEST => tL('pmrequest', $lang), NOTIFY_PM_DENY_REQUEST => tL('pmrequestdenied', $lang), NOTIFY_NEW_ASSIGNEE => tL('newassignee', $lang), NOTIFY_REV_DEP => tL('revdepadded', $lang), NOTIFY_REV_DEP_REMOVED => tL('revdepaddedremoved', $lang), NOTIFY_ADDED_ASSIGNEES => tL('assigneeadded', $lang), ); // Generate the nofication message if (isset($proj->prefs['notify_subject']) && !$proj->prefs['notify_subject']) { $proj->prefs['notify_subject'] = '[%p][#%t] %s'; } if (!isset($proj->prefs['notify_subject']) || $type == NOTIFY_CONFIRMATION || $type == NOTIFY_ANON_TASK || $type == NOTIFY_PW_CHANGE || $type == NOTIFY_NEW_USER || $type == NOTIFY_OWN_REGISTRATION) { $subject = tL('notifyfromfs', $lang); } else { $subject = strtr($proj->prefs['notify_subject'], array('%p' => $proj->prefs['project_title'], '%s' => $task_details['item_summary'], '%t' => $task_id, '%a' => $notify_type_msg[$type], '%u' => $user->infos['user_name'])); } $subject = strtr($subject, "\n", ''); /* ------------------------------- | List of notification types: | | 1. Task opened | | 2. Task details changed | | 3. Task closed | | 4. Task re-opened | | 5. Dependency added | | 6. Dependency removed | | 7. Comment added | | 8. Attachment added | | 9. Related task added | |10. Taken ownership | |11. Confirmation code | |12. PM request | |13. PM denied request | |14. New assignee | |15. Reversed dep | |16. Reversed dep removed | |17. Added to assignees list | |18. Anon-task opened | |19. Password change | |20. New user | |21. User registration | ------------------------------- */ $body = tL('donotreply', $lang) . "\n\n"; $online = ''; // {{{ New task opened if ($type == NOTIFY_TASK_OPENED) { $body .= tL('newtaskopened', $lang) . " \n\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ") \n\n"; $body .= tL('attachedtoproject', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['project_title'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('summary', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('tasktype', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['tasktype_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('category', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['category_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('status', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['status_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('assignedto', $lang) . ' - ' . implode(', ', $task_details['assigned_to_name']) . "\n"; $body .= tL('operatingsystem', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['os_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('severity', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['severity_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('priority', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['priority_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('reportedversion', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['reported_version_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('dueinversion', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['due_in_version_name'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('duedate', $lang) . ' - ' . $due_date . "\n"; $body .= tL('details', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['detailed_desc'] . "\n\n"; if ($arg1 == 'files') { $body .= tL('fileaddedtoo', $lang) . "\n\n"; $subject .= ' (' . tL('attachmentadded', $lang) . ')'; } $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('newtaskopened', $lang) . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; $online .= tL('attachedtoproject', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['project_title'] . ". "; $online .= tL('summary', $lang) . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary']; } // }}} // {{{ Task details changed if ($type == NOTIFY_TASK_CHANGED) { $translation = array('priority_name' => tL('priority', $lang), 'severity_name' => tL('severity', $lang), 'status_name' => tL('status', $lang), 'assigned_to_name' => tL('assignedto', $lang), 'due_in_version_name' => tL('dueinversion', $lang), 'reported_version_name' => tL('reportedversion', $lang), 'tasktype_name' => tL('tasktype', $lang), 'os_name' => tL('operatingsystem', $lang), 'category_name' => tL('category', $lang), 'due_date' => tL('duedate', $lang), 'percent_complete' => tL('percentcomplete', $lang), 'mark_private' => tL('visibility', $lang), 'item_summary' => tL('summary', $lang), 'detailed_desc' => tL('taskedited', $lang), 'project_title' => tL('attachedtoproject', $lang), 'estimated_effort' => tL('estimatedeffort', $lang)); $body .= tL('taskchanged', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ': ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $online .= tL('taskchanged', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary']; foreach ($arg1 as $change) { if ($change[0] == 'assigned_to_name') { $change[1] = implode(', ', $change[1]); $change[2] = implode(', ', $change[2]); } if ($change[0] == 'detailed_desc') { $body .= $translation[$change[0]] . ":\n-------\n" . $change[2] . "\n-------\n"; } else { $body .= $translation[$change[0]] . ': ' . ( ($change[1]) ? $change[1] : '[-]' ) . ' -> ' . ( ($change[2]) ? $change[2] : '[-]' ) . "\n"; } } $body .= "\n" . tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); } // }}} // {{{ Task closed if ($type == NOTIFY_TASK_CLOSED) { $body .= tL('notify.taskclosed', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= tL('reasonforclosing', $lang) . ' ' . $task_details['resolution_name'] . "\n"; if (!empty($task_details['closure_comment'])) { $body .= tL('closurecomment', $lang) . ' ' . $task_details['closure_comment'] . "\n\n"; } $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('notify.taskclosed', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Task re-opened if ($type == NOTIFY_TASK_REOPENED) { $body .= tL('notify.taskreopened', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('notify.taskreopened', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Dependency added if ($type == NOTIFY_DEP_ADDED) { $depend_task = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($arg1); $body .= tL('newdep', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id) . "\n\n\n"; $body .= tL('newdepis', $lang) . ':' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $depend_task['task_id'] . ' - ' . $depend_task['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $depend_task['task_id']); $online .= tL('newdep', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Dependency removed if ($type == NOTIFY_DEP_REMOVED) { $depend_task = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($arg1); $body .= tL('notify.depremoved', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id) . "\n\n\n"; $body .= tL('removeddepis', $lang) . ':' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $depend_task['task_id'] . ' - ' . $depend_task['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $depend_task['task_id']); $online .= tL('notify.depremoved', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Comment added if ($type == NOTIFY_COMMENT_ADDED) { // Get the comment information $result = $db->query("SELECT comment_id, comment_text FROM {comments} WHERE user_id = ? AND task_id = ? ORDER BY comment_id DESC", array($user->id, $task_id), '1'); $comment = $db->fetchRow($result); $body .= tL('notify.commentadded', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= "----------\n"; $body .= $comment['comment_text'] . "\n"; $body .= "----------\n\n"; if ($arg1 == 'files') { $body .= tL('fileaddedtoo', $lang) . "\n\n"; $subject .= ' (' . tL('attachmentadded', $lang) . ')'; } $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id) . '#comment' . $comment['comment_id']; $online .= tL('notify.commentadded', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Attachment added if ($type == NOTIFY_ATT_ADDED) { $body .= tL('newattachment', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('newattachment', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Related task added if ($type == NOTIFY_REL_ADDED) { $related_task = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($arg1); $body .= tL('notify.relatedadded', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id) . "\n\n\n"; $body .= tL('relatedis', $lang) . ':' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $related_task['task_id'] . ' - ' . $related_task['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $related_task['task_id']); $online .= tL('notify.relatedadded', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Ownership taken if ($type == NOTIFY_OWNERSHIP) { $body .= implode(', ', $task_details['assigned_to_name']) . ' ' . tL('takenownership', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n\n"; $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= implode(', ', $task_details['assigned_to_name']) . ' ' . tL('takenownership', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "."; } // }}} // {{{ Confirmation code if ($type == NOTIFY_CONFIRMATION) { $body .= tL('noticefrom', $lang) . " {$proj->prefs['project_title']}\n\n" . tL('addressused', $lang) . "\n\n" . " {$arg1[0]}index.php?do=register&magic_url={$arg1[1]} \n\n" // In case that spaces in the username have been removed . tL('username', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[2] . "\n" . tL('confirmcodeis', $lang) . " $arg1[3] \n\n"; $online = $body; } // }}} // {{{ Pending PM request if ($type == NOTIFY_PM_REQUEST) { $body .= tL('requiresaction', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho') . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('requiresaction', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ PM request denied if ($type == NOTIFY_PM_DENY_REQUEST) { $body .= tL('pmdeny', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= tL('denialreason', $lang) . ':' . "\n"; $body .= $arg1 . "\n\n"; $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('pmdeny', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ New assignee if ($type == NOTIFY_NEW_ASSIGNEE) { $body .= tL('assignedtoyou', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n\n"; $body .= tL('moreinfo', $lang) . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('assignedtoyou', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Reversed dep if ($type == NOTIFY_REV_DEP) { $depend_task = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($arg1); $body .= tL('taskwatching', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id) . "\n\n\n"; $body .= tL('isdepfor', $lang) . ':' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $depend_task['task_id'] . ' - ' . $depend_task['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $depend_task['task_id']); $online .= tL('taskwatching', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Reversed dep - removed if ($type == NOTIFY_REV_DEP_REMOVED) { $depend_task = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($arg1); $body .= tL('taskwatching', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id) . "\n\n\n"; $body .= tL('isnodepfor', $lang) . ':' . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $depend_task['task_id'] . ' - ' . $depend_task['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $depend_task['task_id']); $online .= tL('taskwatching', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ User added to assignees list if ($type == NOTIFY_ADDED_ASSIGNEES) { $body .= tL('useraddedtoassignees', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . "\n"; $body .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . ")\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id); $online .= tL('useraddedtoassignees', $lang) . ". "; $online .= 'FS#' . $task_id . ' - ' . $task_details['item_summary'] . ". "; $online .= tL('userwho', $lang) . ' - ' . $user->infos['real_name'] . ' (' . $user->infos['user_name'] . "). "; } // }}} // {{{ Anon-task has been opened if ($type == NOTIFY_ANON_TASK) { $body .= tL('thankyouforbug', $lang) . "\n\n"; $body .= createURL('details', $task_id, null, array('task_token' => $arg1)) . "\n\n"; $online .= tL('thankyouforbug') . ""; } // }}} // {{{ Password change if ($type == NOTIFY_PW_CHANGE) { $body = tL('magicurlmessage', $lang) . " \n" . "{$arg1[0]}index.php?do=lostpw&magic_url=$arg1[1]\n\n" . tL('messagefrom', $lang) . $arg1[0]; $online = $body; } // } }} // {{{ New user if ($type == NOTIFY_NEW_USER) { $body = tL('newuserregistered', $lang) . " \n\n" . tL('username', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[1] . "\n" . tL('realname', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[2] . "\n"; $online = $body; if ($arg1[6]) { $body .= tL('password', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[5] . "\n"; } $body .= tL('emailaddress', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[3] . "\n"; $body .= tL('jabberid', $lang) . ':' . $arg1[4] . "\n\n"; $body .= tL('messagefrom', $lang) . $arg1[0]; } // }}} // {{{ New user him/herself if ($type == NOTIFY_OWN_REGISTRATION) { $body = tL('youhaveregistered', $lang) . " \n\n" . tL('username', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[1] . "\n" . tL('realname', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[2] . "\n"; $online = $body; if ($arg1[6]) { $body .= tL('password', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[5] . "\n"; } $body .= tL('emailaddress', $lang) . ': ' . $arg1[3] . "\n"; $body .= tL('jabberid', $lang) . ':' . $arg1[4] . "\n\n"; // Add something here to tell the user whether the registration must // first be accepted by Administrators or not. And if it had and was // rejected, the reason. Check first what happening when requests are // either denied or accepted. $body .= tL('messagefrom', $lang) . $arg1[0]; } // }}} $body .= "\n\n" . tL('disclaimer', $lang); return array(Notifications::fixMsgData($subject), Notifications::fixMsgData($body), $online); } // }}} public static function assignRecipients($recipients, &$emails, &$jabbers, &$onlines, $ignoretype = false) { global $db, $fs, $user; if (!is_array($recipients)) { return false; } foreach ($recipients as $recipient) { if ($recipient['user_id'] == $user->id && !$user->infos['notify_own']) { continue; } if (($fs->prefs['user_notify'] == '1' && ($recipient['notify_type'] == NOTIFY_EMAIL || $recipient['notify_type'] == NOTIFY_BOTH) ) || $fs->prefs['user_notify'] == '2' || $ignoretype) { if (isset($recipient['email_address']) && !empty($recipient['email_address'])) { $emails[$recipient['email_address']] = array('recipient' => $recipient['email_address'], 'lang' => $recipient['lang_code']); } } if (($fs->prefs['user_notify'] == '1' && ($recipient['notify_type'] == NOTIFY_JABBER || $recipient['notify_type'] == NOTIFY_BOTH) ) || $fs->prefs['user_notify'] == '3' || $ignoretype) { if (isset($recipient['jabber_id']) && !empty($recipient['jabber_id']) && $recipient['jabber_id']) { $jabbers[$recipient['jabber_id']] = array('recipient' => $recipient['jabber_id'], 'lang' => $recipient['lang_code']); } } /* if ($fs->prefs['user_notify'] == '1' && $recipient['notify_online']) { $onlines[$recipient['user_id']] = array('recipient' => $recipient['user_id'], 'lang' => $recipient['lang_code']); } */ } } // {{{ Create an address list for specific users function specificAddresses($users, $ignoretype = false) { global $db, $fs, $user; $emails = array(); $jabbers = array(); $onlines = array(); if (!is_array($users)) { settype($users, 'array'); } if (count($users) < 1) { return array(); } $sql = $db->query('SELECT u.user_id, u.email_address, u.jabber_id, u.notify_online, u.notify_type, u.notify_own, u.lang_code FROM {users} u WHERE' . substr(str_repeat(' user_id = ? OR ', count($users)), 0, -3), array_values($users)); self::assignRecipients($db->fetchAllArray($sql), $emails, $jabbers, $onlines, $ignoretype); return array($emails, $jabbers, $onlines); } // }}} // {{{ Create a standard address list of users (assignees, notif tab and proj addresses) function address($task_id, $type) { global $db, $fs, $proj, $user; $users = array(); $emails = array(); $jabbers = array(); $onlines = array(); $task_details = Flyspray::getTaskDetails($task_id); // Get list of users from the notification tab $get_users = $db->query(' SELECT * FROM {notifications} n LEFT JOIN {users} u ON n.user_id = u.user_id WHERE n.task_id = ?', array($task_id) ); self::assignRecipients($db->fetchAllArray($get_users), $emails, $jabbers, $onlines); // Get list of assignees $get_users = $db->query(' SELECT * FROM {assigned} a LEFT JOIN {users} u ON a.user_id = u.user_id WHERE a.task_id = ?', array($task_id) ); self::assignRecipients($db->fetchAllArray($get_users), $emails, $jabbers, $onlines); // Now, we add the project contact addresses... // ...but only if the task is public if ($task_details['mark_private'] != '1' && in_array($type, Flyspray::int_explode(' ', $proj->prefs['notify_types']))) { // FIXME! Have to find users preferred language here too, // must fetch from database. But the address could also be a mailing // list address and user not exist in database, use fs->prefs in that case, $proj_emails = preg_split('/[\s,;]+/', $proj->prefs['notify_email'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $desired = implode("','", $proj_emails); if($desired !=''){ $get_users = $db->query(" SELECT DISTINCT u.user_id, u.email_address, u.jabber_id, u.notify_online, u.notify_type, u.notify_own, u.lang_code FROM {users} u WHERE u.email_address IN ('$desired')" ); self::assignRecipients($db->fetchAllArray($get_users), $emails, $jabbers, $onlines); } $proj_jids = explode(',', $proj->prefs['notify_jabber']); $desired = implode("','", $proj_jids); if($desired!='') { $get_users = $db->query(" SELECT DISTINCT u.user_id, u.email_address, u.jabber_id, u.notify_online, u.notify_type, u.notify_own, u.lang_code FROM {users} u WHERE u.jabber_id IN ('$desired')" ); self::assignRecipients($db->fetchAllArray($get_users), $emails, $jabbers, $onlines); } // Now, handle notification addresses that are not assigned to any user... foreach ($proj_emails as $email) { if (!array_key_exists($email, $emails)) { $emails[$email] = array('recipient' => $email, 'lang' => $fs->prefs['lang_code']); } } foreach ($proj_jids as $jabber) { if (!array_key_exists($jabber, $jabbers)) { $jabbers[$jabber] = array('recipient' => $jabber, 'lang' => $fs->prefs['lang_code']); } } /* echo "
            echo var_dump($proj_emails);
            echo var_dump($proj_jids);
            echo "
"; */ // End of checking if a task is private } // Send back three arrays containing the notification addresses return array($emails, $jabbers, $onlines); } // }}} // {{{ Fix the message data /** * fixMsgData * a 0.9.9.x ONLY workaround for the "truncated email problem" * based on code Henri Sivonen ( * @param mixed $data * @access public * @return void */ function fixMsgData($data) { // at the first step, remove all NUL bytes //users with broken databases encoding can give us this :( $data = str_replace(chr(0), '', $data); //then remove all invalid utf8 secuences $UTF8_BAD = '([\x00-\x7F]'. # ASCII (including control chars) '|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]'. # non-overlong 2-byte '|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]'. # excluding overlongs '|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}'. # straight 3-byte '|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]'. # excluding surrogates '|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}'. # planes 1-3 '|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}'. # planes 4-15 '|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}'. # plane 16 '|(.{1}))'; # invalid byte $valid_data = ''; while (preg_match('/'.$UTF8_BAD.'/S', $data, $matches)) { if ( !isset($matches[2])) { $valid_data .= $matches[0]; } else { $valid_data .= '?'; } $data = substr($data, strlen($matches[0])); } return $valid_data; } //}}} // End of Notify class }