log('Error: No XML functions available, Jabber functions can not operate.'); return false; } //bug in php 5.2.1 renders this stuff more or less useless. if ((version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.1', '>=') && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.3RC2', '<')) && $security != SECURITY_NONE) { $this->log('Error: PHP ' . phpversion() . ' + SSL is incompatible with jabber, see http://bugs.php.net/41236'); return false; } if (!Jabber::check_jid($login)) { $this->log('Error: Jabber ID is not valid: ' . $login); return false; } // Extract data from user@server.org list($username, $server) = explode('@', $login); // Decide whether or not to use encryption if ($security == SECURITY_SSL && !Jabber::can_use_ssl()) { $this->log('Warning: SSL encryption is not supported (openssl required). Falling back to no encryption.'); $security = SECURITY_NONE; } if ($security == SECURITY_TLS && !Jabber::can_use_tls()) { $this->log('Warning: TLS encryption is not supported (openssl and stream_socket_enable_crypto() required). Falling back to no encryption.'); $security = SECURITY_NONE; } $this->session['security'] = $security; $this->server = $server; $this->user = $username; $this->password = $password; if ($this->open_socket( ($host != '') ? $host : $server, $port, $security == SECURITY_SSL)) { $this->send("\n"); $this->send("\n"); } else { return false; } // Now we listen what the server has to say...and give appropriate responses $this->response($this->listen()); } /** * Sets the resource which is used. No validation is done here, only escaping. * @param string $$name * @access public */ public function setResource($name) { $this->resource = $name; } /** * Send data to the Jabber server * @param string $xml * @access public * @return bool */ public function send($xml) { if ($this->connected()) { $xml = trim($xml); $this->log('SEND: '. $xml); return fwrite($this->connection, $xml); } else { $this->log('Error: Could not send, connection lost (flood?).'); return false; } } /** * OpenSocket * @param string $server host to connect to * @param int $port port number * @param bool $ssl use ssl or not * @access public * @return bool */ public function open_socket($server, $port, $ssl = false) { if (function_exists("dns_get_record")) { $record = dns_get_record("_xmpp-client._tcp.$server", DNS_SRV); if (!empty($record)) { $server = $record[0]['target']; } } else { $this->log('Warning: dns_get_record function not found. gtalk will not work.'); } $server = $ssl ? 'ssl://' . $server : $server; if ($ssl) { $this->session['ssl'] = true; } if ($this->connection = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errorno, $errorstr, $this->timeout)) { socket_set_blocking($this->connection, 0); socket_set_timeout($this->connection, 60); return true; } // Apparently an error occured... $this->log('Error: ' . $errorstr); return false; } public function log($msg) { if ($this->log_enabled) { $this->log[] = $msg; return true; } return false; } /** * Listens to the connection until it gets data or the timeout is reached. * Thus, it should only be called if data is expected to be received. * @access public * @return mixed either false for timeout or an array with the received data */ public function listen($timeout = 10, $wait = false) { if (!$this->connected()) { return false; } // Wait for a response until timeout is reached $start = time(); $data = ''; do { $read = trim(fread($this->connection, 4096)); $data .= $read; } while (time() <= $start + $timeout && !feof($this->connection) && ($wait || $data == '' || $read != '' || (substr(rtrim($data), -1) != '>'))); if ($data != '') { $this->log('RECV: '. $data); return Jabber::xmlize($data); } else { $this->log('Timeout, no response from server.'); return false; } } /** * Initiates login (using data from contructor) * @access public * @return bool */ public function login() { if (!count($this->features)) { $this->log('Error: No feature information from server available.'); return false; } return $this->response($this->features); } /** * Initiates account registration (based on data used for contructor) * @access public * @return bool */ public function register() { if (!isset($this->session['id']) || isset($this->session['jid'])) { $this->log('Error: Cannot initiate registration.'); return false; } $this->send(" "); return $this->response($this->listen()); } /** * Initiates account un-registration (based on data used for contructor) * @access public * @return bool */ public function unregister() { if (!isset($this->session['id']) || !isset($this->session['jid'])) { $this->log('Error: Cannot initiate un-registration.'); return false; } $this->send(" "); return $this->response($this->listen(2)); // maybe we don't even get a response } /** * Sets account presence. No additional info required (default is "online" status) * @param $type dnd, away, chat, xa or nothing * @param $message * @param $unavailable set this to true if you want to become unavailable * @access public * @return bool */ public function presence($type = '', $message = '', $unavailable = false) { if (!isset($this->session['jid'])) { $this->log('Error: Cannot set presence at this point.'); return false; } if (in_array($type, array('dnd', 'away', 'chat', 'xa'))) { $type = ''. $type .''; } else { $type = ''; } $unavailable = ($unavailable) ? " type='unavailable'" : ''; $message = ($message) ? '' . Jabber::jspecialchars($message) .'' : ''; $this->session['sent_presence'] = !$unavailable; return $this->send("" . $type . $message . ''); } /** * This handles all the different XML elements * @param array $xml * @access public * @return bool */ public function response($xml) { if (!is_array($xml) || !count($xml)) { return false; } // did we get multiple elements? do one after another // array('message' => ..., 'presence' => ...) if (count($xml) > 1) { foreach ($xml as $key => $value) { $this->response(array($key => $value)); } return; } else // or even multiple elements of the same type? // array('message' => array(0 => ..., 1 => ...)) if (count(reset($xml)) > 1) { foreach (reset($xml) as $value) { $this->response(array(key($xml) => array(0 => $value))); } return; } switch (key($xml)) { case 'stream:stream': // Connection initialised (or after authentication). Not much to do here... if (isset($xml['stream:stream'][0]['#']['stream:features'])) { // we already got all info we need $this->features = $xml['stream:stream'][0]['#']; } else { $this->features = $this->listen(); } $second_time = isset($this->session['id']); $this->session['id'] = $xml['stream:stream'][0]['@']['id']; if ($second_time) { // If we are here for the second time after TLS, we need to continue logging in $this->login(); return; } // go on with authentication? if (isset($this->features['stream:features'][0]['#']['bind'])) { return $this->response($this->features); } break; case 'stream:features': // Resource binding after successful authentication if (isset($this->session['authenticated'])) { // session required? $this->session['sess_required'] = isset($xml['stream:features'][0]['#']['session']); $this->send(" " . Jabber::jspecialchars($this->resource) . " "); return $this->response($this->listen()); } // Let's use TLS if SSL is not enabled and we can actually use it if ($this->session['security'] == SECURITY_TLS && isset($xml['stream:features'][0]['#']['starttls'])) { $this->log('Switching to TLS.'); $this->send("\n"); return $this->response($this->listen()); } // Does the server support SASL authentication? // I hope so, because we do (and no other method). if (isset($xml['stream:features'][0]['#']['mechanisms'][0]['@']['xmlns']) && $xml['stream:features'][0]['#']['mechanisms'][0]['@']['xmlns'] == 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl') { // Now decide on method $methods = array(); foreach ($xml['stream:features'][0]['#']['mechanisms'][0]['#']['mechanism'] as $value) { $methods[] = $value['#']; } // we prefer this one if (in_array('DIGEST-MD5', $methods)) { $this->send(""); // we don't want to use this (neither does the server usually) if no encryption is in place # http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/attic/jep-0078-1.7.html # The plaintext mechanism SHOULD NOT be used unless the underlying stream is encrypted (using SSL or TLS) # and the client has verified that the server certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority. } else if (in_array('PLAIN', $methods) && (isset($this->session['ssl']) || isset($this->session['tls']))) { $this->send("" . base64_encode(chr(0) . $this->user . '@' . $this->server . chr(0) . $this->password) . ""); } else if (in_array('ANONYMOUS', $methods)) { $this->send(""); // not good... } else { $this->log('Error: No authentication method supported.'); $this->disconnect(); return false; } return $this->response($this->listen()); } else { // ok, this is it. bye. $this->log('Error: Server does not offer SASL authentication.'); $this->disconnect(); return false; } break; case 'challenge': // continue with authentication...a challenge literally -_- $decoded = base64_decode($xml['challenge'][0]['#']); $decoded = Jabber::parse_data($decoded); if (!isset($decoded['digest-uri'])) { $decoded['digest-uri'] = 'xmpp/'. $this->server; } // better generate a cnonce, maybe it's needed $decoded['cnonce'] = base64_encode(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true))); // second challenge? if (isset($decoded['rspauth'])) { $this->send(""); } else { $response = array('username' => $this->user, 'response' => $this->encrypt_password(array_merge($decoded, array('nc' => '00000001'))), 'charset' => 'utf-8', 'nc' => '00000001', 'qop' => 'auth'); // the only option we support anyway foreach (array('nonce', 'digest-uri', 'realm', 'cnonce') as $key) { if (isset($decoded[$key])) { $response[$key] = $decoded[$key]; } } $this->send("" . base64_encode(Jabber::implode_data($response)) . ""); } return $this->response($this->listen()); case 'failure': $this->log('Error: Server sent "failure".'); $this->disconnect(); return false; case 'proceed': // continue switching to TLS $meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->connection); socket_set_blocking($this->connection, 1); if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->connection, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) { $this->log('Error: TLS mode change failed.'); return false; } socket_set_blocking($this->connection, $meta['blocked']); $this->session['tls'] = true; // new stream $this->send("\n"); $this->send("\n"); return $this->response($this->listen()); case 'success': // Yay, authentication successful. $this->send("\n"); $this->session['authenticated'] = true; return $this->response($this->listen()); // we have to wait for another response case 'iq': // we are not interested in IQs we did not expect if (!isset($xml['iq'][0]['@']['id'])) { return false; } // multiple possibilities here switch ($xml['iq'][0]['@']['id']) { case 'bind_1': $this->session['jid'] = $xml['iq'][0]['#']['bind'][0]['#']['jid'][0]['#']; // and (maybe) yet another request to be able to send messages *finally* if ($this->session['sess_required']) { $this->send(" "); return $this->response($this->listen()); } return true; case 'sess_1': return true; case 'reg_1': $this->send(" " . Jabber::jspecialchars($this->user) . " " . Jabber::jspecialchars($this->password) . " "); return $this->response($this->listen()); case 'reg_2': // registration end if (isset($xml['iq'][0]['#']['error'])) { $this->log('Warning: Registration failed.'); return false; } return true; case 'unreg_1': return true; default: $this->log('Notice: Received unexpected IQ.'); return false; } break; case 'message': // we are only interested in content... if (!isset($xml['message'][0]['#']['body'])) { return false; } $message['body'] = $xml['message'][0]['#']['body'][0]['#']; $message['from'] = $xml['message'][0]['@']['from']; if (isset($xml['message'][0]['#']['subject'])) { $message['subject'] = $xml['message'][0]['#']['subject'][0]['#']; } $this->session['messages'][] = $message; break; default: // hm...don't know this response $this->log('Notice: Unknown server response (' . key($xml) . ')'); return false; } } public function send_message($to, $text, $subject = '', $type = 'normal') { if (!isset($this->session['jid'])) { return false; } if (!in_array($type, array('chat', 'normal', 'error', 'groupchat', 'headline'))) { $type = 'normal'; } return $this->send(" " . Jabber::jspecialchars($subject) . " " . Jabber::jspecialchars($text) . " "); } public function get_messages($waitfor = 3) { if (!isset($this->session['sent_presence']) || !$this->session['sent_presence']) { $this->presence(); } if ($waitfor > 0) { $this->response($this->listen($waitfor, $wait = true)); // let's see if any messages fly in } return isset($this->session['messages']) ? $this->session['messages'] : array(); } public function connected() { return is_resource($this->connection) && !feof($this->connection); } public function disconnect() { if ($this->connected()) { // disconnect gracefully if (isset($this->session['sent_presence'])) { $this->presence('', 'offline', $unavailable = true); } $this->send(''); $this->session = array(); return fclose($this->connection); } return false; } public static function can_use_ssl() { return extension_loaded('openssl'); } public static function can_use_tls() { return Jabber::can_use_ssl() && function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto'); } /** * Encrypts a password as in RFC 2831 * @param array $data Needs data from the client-server connection * @access public * @return string */ public function encrypt_password($data) { // let's me think about again... foreach (array('realm', 'cnonce', 'digest-uri') as $key) { if (!isset($data[$key])) { $data[$key] = ''; } } $pack = md5($this->user . ':' . $data['realm'] . ':' . $this->password); if (isset($data['authzid'])) { $a1 = pack('H32', $pack) . sprintf(':%s:%s:%s', $data['nonce'], $data['cnonce'], $data['authzid']); } else { $a1 = pack('H32', $pack) . sprintf(':%s:%s', $data['nonce'], $data['cnonce']); } // should be: qop = auth $a2 = 'AUTHENTICATE:'. $data['digest-uri']; return md5(sprintf('%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s', md5($a1), $data['nonce'], $data['nc'], $data['cnonce'], $data['qop'], md5($a2))); } /** * parse_data like a="b",c="d",... * @param string $data * @access public * @return array a => b ... */ public function parse_data($data) { // super basic, but should suffice $data = explode(',', $data); $pairs = array(); foreach ($data as $pair) { $dd = strpos($pair, '='); if ($dd) { $pairs[substr($pair, 0, $dd)] = trim(substr($pair, $dd + 1), '"'); } } return $pairs; } /** * opposite of Jabber::parse_data() * @param array $data * @access public * @return string */ public function implode_data($data) { $return = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $return[] = $key . '="' . $value . '"'; } return implode(',', $return); } /** * Checks whether or not a Jabber ID is valid (FS#1131) * @param string $jid * @access public * @return string */ public function check_jid($jid) { $i = strpos($jid, '@'); if ($i === false) { return false; } $username = substr($jid, 0, $i); $realm = substr($jid, $i + 1); if (strlen($username) == 0 || strlen($realm) < 3) { return false; } $arr = explode('.', $realm); if (count($arr) == 0) { return false; } foreach ($arr as $part) { if (substr($part, 0, 1) == '-' || substr($part, -1, 1) == '-') { return false; } if (preg_match("@^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$@", $part) == false) { return false; } } $b = array(array(0, 127), array(192, 223), array(224, 239), array(240, 247), array(248, 251), array(252, 253)); // Prohibited Characters RFC3454 + RFC3920 $p = array( // Table C.1.1 array(0x0020, 0x0020), // SPACE // Table C.1.2 array(0x00A0, 0x00A0), // NO-BREAK SPACE array(0x1680, 0x1680), // OGHAM SPACE MARK array(0x2000, 0x2001), // EN QUAD array(0x2001, 0x2001), // EM QUAD array(0x2002, 0x2002), // EN SPACE array(0x2003, 0x2003), // EM SPACE array(0x2004, 0x2004), // THREE-PER-EM SPACE array(0x2005, 0x2005), // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE array(0x2006, 0x2006), // SIX-PER-EM SPACE array(0x2007, 0x2007), // FIGURE SPACE array(0x2008, 0x2008), // PUNCTUATION SPACE array(0x2009, 0x2009), // THIN SPACE array(0x200A, 0x200A), // HAIR SPACE array(0x200B, 0x200B), // ZERO WIDTH SPACE array(0x202F, 0x202F), // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE array(0x205F, 0x205F), // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE array(0x3000, 0x3000), // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE // Table C.2.1 array(0x0000, 0x001F), // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] array(0x007F, 0x007F), // DELETE // Table C.2.2 array(0x0080, 0x009F), // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] array(0x06DD, 0x06DD), // ARABIC END OF AYAH array(0x070F, 0x070F), // SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK array(0x180E, 0x180E), // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR array(0x200C, 0x200C), // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER array(0x200D, 0x200D), // ZERO WIDTH JOINER array(0x2028, 0x2028), // LINE SEPARATOR array(0x2029, 0x2029), // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR array(0x2060, 0x2060), // WORD JOINER array(0x2061, 0x2061), // FUNCTION APPLICATION array(0x2062, 0x2062), // INVISIBLE TIMES array(0x2063, 0x2063), // INVISIBLE SEPARATOR array(0x206A, 0x206F), // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] array(0xFEFF, 0xFEFF), // ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE array(0xFFF9, 0xFFFC), // [CONTROL CHARACTERS] array(0x1D173, 0x1D17A), // [MUSICAL CONTROL CHARACTERS] // Table C.3 array(0xE000, 0xF8FF), // [PRIVATE USE, PLANE 0] array(0xF0000, 0xFFFFD), // [PRIVATE USE, PLANE 15] array(0x100000, 0x10FFFD), // [PRIVATE USE, PLANE 16] // Table C.4 array(0xFDD0, 0xFDEF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xFFFE, 0xFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x6FFFE, 0x6FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] array(0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF), // [NONCHARACTER CODE POINTS] // Table C.5 array(0xD800, 0xDFFF), // [SURROGATE CODES] // Table C.6 array(0xFFF9, 0xFFF9), // INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION ANCHOR array(0xFFFA, 0xFFFA), // INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION SEPARATOR array(0xFFFB, 0xFFFB), // INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION TERMINATOR array(0xFFFC, 0xFFFC), // OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER array(0xFFFD, 0xFFFD), // REPLACEMENT CHARACTER // Table C.7 array(0x2FF0, 0x2FFB), // [IDEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION CHARACTERS] // Table C.8 array(0x0340, 0x0340), // COMBINING GRAVE TONE MARK array(0x0341, 0x0341), // COMBINING ACUTE TONE MARK array(0x200E, 0x200E), // LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK array(0x200F, 0x200F), // RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK array(0x202A, 0x202A), // LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING array(0x202B, 0x202B), // RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING array(0x202C, 0x202C), // POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING array(0x202D, 0x202D), // LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE array(0x202E, 0x202E), // RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE array(0x206A, 0x206A), // INHIBIT SYMMETRIC SWAPPING array(0x206B, 0x206B), // ACTIVATE SYMMETRIC SWAPPING array(0x206C, 0x206C), // INHIBIT ARABIC FORM SHAPING array(0x206D, 0x206D), // ACTIVATE ARABIC FORM SHAPING array(0x206E, 0x206E), // NATIONAL DIGIT SHAPES array(0x206F, 0x206F), // NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES // Table C.9 array(0xE0001, 0xE0001), // LANGUAGE TAG array(0xE0020, 0xE007F), // [TAGGING CHARACTERS] // RFC3920 array(0x22, 0x22), // " array(0x26, 0x26), // & array(0x27, 0x27), // ' array(0x2F, 0x2F), // / array(0x3A, 0x3A), // : array(0x3C, 0x3C), // < array(0x3E, 0x3E), // > array(0x40, 0x40) // @ ); $pos = 0; $result = true; while ($pos < strlen($username)) { $len = 0; $uni = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) { if (ord($username[$pos]) >= $b[$i][0] && ord($username[$pos]) <= $b[$i][1]) { $len = $i + 1; $uni = (ord($username[$pos]) - $b[$i][0]) * pow(2, $i * 6); for ($k = 1; $k < $len; $k++) { $uni += (ord($username[$pos + $k]) - 128) * pow(2, ($i - $k) * 6); } break; } } if ($len == 0) { return false; } foreach ($p as $pval) { if ($uni >= $pval[0] && $uni <= $pval[1]) { $result = false; break 2; } } $pos = $pos + $len; } return $result; } public static function jspecialchars($data) { return htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); } // ====================================================================== // Third party code, taken from old jabber lib (the only usable code left) // ====================================================================== // xmlize() // (c) Hans Anderson / http://www.hansanderson.com/php/xml/ public static function xmlize($data, $WHITE=1, $encoding='UTF-8') { $data = trim($data); if (substr($data, 0, 5) != ''. $data . ''; // mod } $vals = $array = array(); $parser = xml_parser_create($encoding); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, $WHITE); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $vals); xml_parser_free($parser); $i = 0; $tagname = $vals[$i]['tag']; if ( isset ($vals[$i]['attributes'] ) ) { $array[$tagname][0]['@'] = $vals[$i]['attributes']; // mod } else { $array[$tagname][0]['@'] = array(); // mod } $array[$tagname][0]["#"] = Jabber::_xml_depth($vals, $i); // mod if (substr($data, 0, 5) != '