id) { $sql_project = sprintf(' p.project_id = %d', $proj->id); } $feed_type = Req::val('feed_type', 'rss2'); if ($feed_type != 'rss1' && $feed_type != 'rss2') { $feed_type = 'atom'; } switch (Req::val('topic')) { case 'clo': $orderby = 'date_closed'; $closed = 't.is_closed = 1 '; $topic = 1; $title = 'Recently closed tasks'; break; case 'edit':$orderby = 'last_edited_time'; $closed = '1=1'; $topic = 2; $title = 'Recently edited tasks'; break; case 'open': $orderby = 'date_opened'; $closed = 't.is_closed = 0 '; $topic = 4; $title = 'Latest open tasks'; break; default: $orderby = 'date_opened'; $closed = '1=1'; $topic = 3; $title = 'Recently opened tasks'; break; } $filename = md5(sprintf('%s-%s-%d-%d', $feed_type, $orderby, $proj->id, $max_items) . $conf['general']['cookiesalt']); $cachefile = sprintf('%s/%s', FS_CACHE_DIR, $filename); // Get the time when a task has been changed last $most_recent = 0; if($proj->prefs['others_view']){ $sql = $db->query("SELECT t.date_opened, t.date_closed, t.last_edited_time, t.item_summary FROM {tasks} t INNER JOIN {projects} p ON t.project_id = p.project_id AND p.project_is_active = '1' WHERE $closed AND $sql_project AND t.mark_private <> '1' AND p.others_view = '1' ORDER BY $orderby DESC", false, $max_items ); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($sql)) { $most_recent = max($most_recent, $row['date_opened'], $row['date_closed'], $row['last_edited_time']); } } if ($fs->prefs['cache_feeds']) { if ($fs->prefs['cache_feeds'] == '1') { if (!is_link($cachefile) && is_file($cachefile) && $most_recent <= filemtime($cachefile)) { readfile($cachefile); exit; } } else { $sql = $db->query("SELECT content FROM {cache} p WHERE type = ? AND topic = ? AND $sql_project AND max_items = ? AND last_updated >= ?", array($feed_type, $topic, $max_items, $most_recent) ); if ($content = $db->fetchOne($sql)) { echo $content; exit; } } } /* build a new feed if cache didn't work */ if($proj->prefs['others_view']){ $sql = $db->query("SELECT t.task_id, t.item_summary, t.detailed_desc, t.date_opened, t.date_closed, t.last_edited_time, t.opened_by, COALESCE(u.real_name, 'anonymous') AS real_name, COALESCE(u.email_address, t.anon_email) AS email_address FROM {tasks} t LEFT JOIN {users} u ON t.opened_by = u.user_id INNER JOIN {projects} p ON t.project_id = p.project_id AND p.project_is_active = '1' WHERE $closed AND $sql_project AND t.mark_private <> '1' AND p.others_view = '1' ORDER BY $orderby DESC", false, $max_items ); $task_details = $db->fetchAllArray($sql); } else{ $task_details = array(); } if($proj->prefs['others_view'] || $proj->prefs['others_viewroadmap']){ $feed_description = $proj->prefs['feed_description'] ? $proj->prefs['feed_description'] : $fs->prefs['page_title'] . $proj->prefs['project_title'].': '.$title; } else{ $feed_description = $fs->prefs['page_title']; # do not show info about the project } $feed_image = false; if ($proj->prefs['feed_img_url'] && !strncmp($proj->prefs['feed_img_url'], 'http://', 7)) { $feed_image = $proj->prefs['feed_img_url']; } $page->uses('most_recent', 'feed_description', 'feed_image', 'task_details'); $content = $page->fetch('feed.'.$feed_type.'.tpl'); // cache feed if ($fs->prefs['cache_feeds']) { if ($fs->prefs['cache_feeds'] == '1') { // Remove old cached files if(!is_link($cachefile) && ($handle = @fopen($cachefile, 'w+b'))) { if (flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) { fwrite($handle, $content); flock($handle, LOCK_UN); } fclose($handle); chmod($cachefile, 0600); } } else { /** * See * * " Try to update a record, and if the record is not found, * an insert statement is generated and executed " */ $fields = array('content'=> $content , 'type'=> $feed_type , 'topic'=> $topic , 'project_id'=> $proj->id ,'max_items'=> $max_items , 'last_updated'=> time() ); $keys = array('type','topic','project_id','max_items'); $db->replace('{cache}', $fields, $keys) or die ('error updating the database cache'); } } echo $content; ?>