path: root/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/renderer.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/renderer.php')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/renderer.php b/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/renderer.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9dcaab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/parser/renderer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+ * Renderer output base class
+ *
+ * @author Harry Fuecks <>
+ * @author Andreas Gohr <>
+ */
+if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/');
+require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/renderer.php';
+require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/pluginutils.php';
+class Doku_Renderer {
+ var $info = array(
+ 'cache' => TRUE, // may the rendered result cached?
+ 'toc' => TRUE, // render the TOC?
+ );
+ function nocache() {
+ $this->info['cache'] = FALSE;
+ }
+ function notoc() {
+ $this->info['toc'] = FALSE;
+ }
+ //handle plugin rendering
+ function plugin($name,$data){
+ $plugin =& plugin_load('syntax',$name);
+ if($plugin != null){
+ // determine mode from renderer class name - format = "Doku_Renderer_<mode>"
+ $mode = substr(get_class($this), 14);
+ $plugin->render($mode,$this,$data);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * handle nested render instructions
+ * this method (and nest_close method) should not be overloaded in actual renderer output classes
+ */
+ function nest($instructions) {
+ foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) {
+ // execute the callback against ourself
+ call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $instruction[0]),$instruction[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ // dummy closing instruction issued by Doku_Handler_Nest, normally the syntax mode should
+ // override this instruction when instantiating Doku_Handler_Nest - however plugins will not
+ // be able to - as their instructions require data.
+ function nest_close() {}
+ function document_start() {}
+ function document_end() {}
+ function render_TOC() { return ''; }
+ function header($text, $level, $pos) {}
+ function section_edit($start, $end, $level, $name) {}
+ function section_open($level) {}
+ function section_close() {}
+ function cdata($text) {}
+ function p_open() {}
+ function p_close() {}
+ function linebreak() {}
+ function hr() {}
+ function strong_open() {}
+ function strong_close() {}
+ function emphasis_open() {}
+ function emphasis_close() {}
+ function underline_open() {}
+ function underline_close() {}
+ function monospace_open() {}
+ function monospace_close() {}
+ function subscript_open() {}
+ function subscript_close() {}
+ function superscript_open() {}
+ function superscript_close() {}
+ function deleted_open() {}
+ function deleted_close() {}
+ function footnote_open() {}
+ function footnote_close() {}
+ function listu_open() {}
+ function listu_close() {}
+ function listo_open() {}
+ function listo_close() {}
+ function listitem_open($level) {}
+ function listitem_close() {}
+ function listcontent_open() {}
+ function listcontent_close() {}
+ function unformatted($text) {}
+ function php($text) {}
+ function html($text) {}
+ function preformatted($text) {}
+ function file($text) {}
+ function quote_open() {}
+ function quote_close() {}
+ function code($text, $lang = NULL) {}
+ function acronym($acronym) {}
+ function smiley($smiley) {}
+ function wordblock($word) {}
+ function entity($entity) {}
+ // 640x480 ($x=640, $y=480)
+ function multiplyentity($x, $y) {}
+ function singlequoteopening() {}
+ function singlequoteclosing() {}
+ function doublequoteopening() {}
+ function doublequoteclosing() {}
+ // $link like 'SomePage'
+ function camelcaselink($link) {}
+ // $link like 'wiki:syntax', $title could be an array (media)
+ function internallink($link, $title = NULL) {}
+ // $link is full URL with scheme, $title could be an array (media)
+ function externallink($link, $title = NULL) {}
+ // $link is the original link - probably not much use
+ // $wikiName is an indentifier for the wiki
+ // $wikiUri is the URL fragment to append to some known URL
+ function interwikilink($link, $title = NULL, $wikiName, $wikiUri) {}
+ // Link to file on users OS, $title could be an array (media)
+ function filelink($link, $title = NULL) {}
+ // Link to a Windows share, , $title could be an array (media)
+ function windowssharelink($link, $title = NULL) {}
+// function email($address, $title = NULL) {}
+ function emaillink($address, $name = NULL) {}
+ function internalmedialink (
+ $src,$title=NULL,$align=NULL,$width=NULL,$height=NULL,$cache=NULL
+ ) {}
+ function externalmedialink(
+ $src,$title=NULL,$align=NULL,$width=NULL,$height=NULL,$cache=NULL
+ ) {}
+ function table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL){}
+ function table_close(){}
+ function tablerow_open(){}
+ function tablerow_close(){}
+ function tableheader_open($colspan = 1, $align = NULL){}
+ function tableheader_close(){}
+ function tablecell_open($colspan = 1, $align = NULL){}
+ function tablecell_close(){}
+//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :