#!/hint/bash CHROOT_VERSION='v4' ## # usage : check_root ## orig_argv=("$0" "$@") check_root() { (( EUID == 0 )) && return if type -P sudo >/dev/null; then exec sudo -- "${orig_argv[@]}" else exec su root -c "$(printf ' %q' "${orig_argv[@]}")" fi } ## # usage : is_btrfs( $path ) # return : whether $path is on a btrfs ## is_btrfs() { [[ -e "$1" && "$(stat -f -c %T "$1")" == btrfs ]] } ## # usage : subvolume_delete_recursive( $path ) # # Find all btrfs subvolumes under and including $path and delete them. ## subvolume_delete_recursive() { local subvol is_btrfs "$1" || return 0 while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r subvol; do if ! btrfs subvolume delete "$subvol" &>/dev/null; then error "Unable to delete subvolume %s" "$subvol" return 1 fi done < <(find "$1" -xdev -depth -inum 256 -print0) return 0 }