#!/bin/bash shopt -s extglob m4_include(lib/common.sh) # Source makepkg.conf; fail if it is not found if [[ -r '/etc/makepkg.conf' ]]; then source '/etc/makepkg.conf' else die '/etc/makepkg.conf not found!' fi # Source user-specific makepkg.conf overrides if [[ -r ~/.makepkg.conf ]]; then source ~/.makepkg.conf fi if [[ ! -f PKGBUILD ]]; then die 'This must be run in the directory of a built package.' fi . ./PKGBUILD if [[ $arch == 'any' ]]; then CARCH='any' fi STARTDIR=$(pwd) TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir checkpkg-script.XXXX) for _pkgname in "${pkgname[@]}"; do pkgfile=(${_pkgname}-$(get_full_version $_pkgname)-${CARCH}.pkg.tar?(.?z)) if (( ${#pkgfile[*]} != 1 )); then die 'Ambiguous package name: %s\n' "${pkgfile[*]}" fi if [[ -f "$STARTDIR/$pkgfile" ]]; then ln -s "$STARTDIR/$pkgfile" "$TEMPDIR/$pkgfile" elif [[ -f "$PKGDEST/$pkgfile" ]]; then ln -s "$PKGDEST/$pkgfile" "$TEMPDIR/$pkgfile" else die "File \"$pkgfile\" doesn't exist" fi pkgurl=$(pacman -Spdd --print-format '%l' --noconfirm "$_pkgname") if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then die "Couldn't download previous package for %s." "$_pkgname" fi oldpkg=${pkgurl##*://*/} if [[ ${oldpkg##*/} = ${pkgfile##*/} ]]; then die "The built package (%s) is the one in the repo right now!" "$_pkgname" fi if [[ ! -f $oldpkg ]]; then if [[ $pkgurl = file://* ]]; then ln -s "${pkgurl#file://}" "${pkgurl##file://*/}" elif [[ -f "$PKGDEST/$oldpkg" ]]; then ln -s "$PKGDEST/$oldpkg" "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" elif [[ -f "$STARTDIR/$oldpkg" ]]; then ln -s "$STARTDIR/$oldpkg" "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" else curl -fsLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" "$pkgurl" fi fi bsdtar tf "$TEMPDIR/$oldpkg" | sort > "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname-old" bsdtar tf "$pkgfile" | sort > "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname" sdiff -s "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname-old" "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname" if diff "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname"{-old,} | grep '\.so' &>/dev/null; then mkdir -p "$TEMPDIR/pkg" bsdtar -x -C "$TEMPDIR" -f "$pkgfile" #> /dev/null diff "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname-old" "$TEMPDIR/filelist-$_pkgname" | awk '/>.*\.so/{$1 = ""; print $0}' | while read i; do echo "${i}: " "$(objdump -p "$TEMPDIR/$i" | grep SONAME)" done else msg "No soname differences for $_pkgname." fi done msg "Files saved to $TEMPDIR"