#!/bin/bash # remove run-time dependencies from the database which are not recorded # in the package itself # This should only be run manually, as it cleans something, that should # never get dirty in the first place! # It only shows what is superfluid - unless "-f" is provided. # shellcheck source=../lib/load-configuration . "${0%/*}/../lib/load-configuration" echo 'do not run this - it will remove too many dependencies' exit 42 deps_file=$(mktemp 'tmp.clean-dependencies.XXXXXXXXXX' --tmpdir) trap 'rm "${deps_file}"' EXIT # shellcheck disable=2016 { printf 'SELECT DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`id`,' printf 'CONCAT(' printf '`architectures`.`name`,"/",' printf '`repositories`.`name`,"/",' printf '`binary_packages`.`pkgname`)' printf ' FROM `binary_packages`' mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories printf ' AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`' mysql_join_repositories_architectures mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`' printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`' mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets printf ' AND `install_targets`.`name` NOT IN ("base","base-devel");\n' } | \ mysql_run_query | \ while read -r id path; do >&2 printf '.' infos=$( curl -Ss "https://pkgapi.archlinux32.org/$path" ) || \ continue printf '%s\n' "${infos}" | \ sed ' s/^.*"Requires":\("[^"]\+"\|\[[^[]]\+\]\).*$/\1/ t d ' | \ tr '"[],' '\n' | \ grep -vxF '' | \ sed 's/^/'"${id}"'\t/' printf '%s\tbase\n' "${id}" done > \ "${deps_file}" # shellcheck disable=2016 { printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `deps`(' printf '`bp` BIGINT,' printf '`dep` VARCHAR(128),' printf 'UNIQUE KEY `content`(`bp`,`dep`));\n' printf 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "%s" INTO TABLE `deps`(`bp`,`dep`);\n' \ "${deps_file}" printf 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `bps`(' printf '`bp` BIGINT,' printf 'UNIQUE KEY `bp`(`bp`));\n' printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `bps`(`bp`)' printf ' SELECT `deps`.`bp`' printf ' FROM `deps`;\n' if [ $# -eq 1 ] && [ "x$1" = 'x-f' ]; then printf 'DELETE `dependencies`' else printf 'SELECT *' fi printf ' FROM `bps`' printf ' JOIN `dependencies`' printf ' ON `dependencies`.`dependent`=`bps`.`bp`' mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`' printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`' mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets printf ' AND `install_targets`.`name` NOT IN ("base","base-devel")' printf ' LEFT JOIN `deps`' printf ' ON `deps`.`dep`=`install_targets`.`name`' printf ' AND `deps`.`bp`=`dependencies`.`dependent`' printf ' WHERE `deps`.`dep` IS NULL;\n' } | \ mysql_run_query