#!/bin/sh # check the bug tracker for packages in testing and community-testing # with issues and mark these packages as "testing" if they are currently # marked as "tested" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 # shellcheck source=conf/default.conf . "${0%/*}/../conf/default.conf" # TODO: read information from database tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d 'tmp.check-bugtracker.XXXXXXXXXX' --tmpdir) trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT receive_buglist 'Testing' | \ tr ' ,;' '\n' | \ sed -n ' s/^\[// T s/]$// T p ' | \ sort -u > \ "${tmp_dir}/faulty-packages" find "${work_dir}/package-states" -name '*.tested' -printf '%f\n' | \ sed ' s|\.[^.]\+$|| s|^\(.*\)\(\.[^.]\+\)\{3\}$|\1 \0| ' | \ sort -k1,1 | \ join -1 1 -2 1 -o 1.2 - "${tmp_dir}/faulty-packages" | \ "${base_dir}/bin/modify-package-state" -n --faulty /dev/stdin