# builder tools for building 32-bit archlinux packages from archlinux.org's official, 64-bit tested PKGBUILDs et al. This includes scripts to be run on the build master as well as scripts to be run on the build slaves (both residing in `bin`). ## requirements * `git` ### build master only * some ssh-server * `pkgbuild-introspection` ### build slave only * some ssh-client * `devtools32` * set `keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve` in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf ## configuration The standard configuration in `conf/default.conf` can be locally overwritten by `conf/local.conf`. ## tools for the build master * `get-assignment`: Receive a build assignment from the `build-list`. * `get-package-updates`: Update the `build-list`. * `build-slave-connect`: Proxy command to be allowed for connection via ssh from build slaves - this way, they can execute exactly the commands they need to operate. ## tools for the build slaves * `build-packages`: Get a build assignment from the build master, build it and report back. ## working directory In the standard configuration, the directory `work` will be used to cache the following data: * `build-list`, `build-list.loops`, `build-order`, `tsort.error`: order of builds of packages and dependency loops * `deletion-list`: packages to be deleted * `*.revision`: current revisions of the respective repository * `package-infos`: meta data of packages * `packages`, `community`, `packages32`: git repositories of PKGBUILDs and modifications