path: root/bin/build-master-status
diff options
authorErich Eckner <>2018-03-20 12:19:57 +0100
committerErich Eckner <>2018-03-20 12:19:57 +0100
commit31b97c033f957bbd0cd3f63eef1dc38e7e4eb5d6 (patch)
tree4743a20382aa37d5b2cede45f4c30c90ee3c756c /bin/build-master-status
parent301b04263a7d6343704b35bfd68961d536772daf (diff)
bin/build-master-status: cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/build-master-status')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 677 deletions
diff --git a/bin/build-master-status b/bin/build-master-status
index aa15fd4..9e3f377 100755
--- a/bin/build-master-status
+++ b/bin/build-master-status
@@ -12,32 +12,24 @@ usage() {
>&2 echo 'build-master-status: report about status of build master'
>&2 echo ''
>&2 echo 'possible options:'
- >&2 echo ' -w|--web:'
- >&2 echo ' Output to webserver instead of stdout.'
>&2 echo ' -h|--help:'
>&2 echo ' Show this help and exit.'
[ -z "$1" ] && exit 1 || exit "$1"
eval set -- "$(
- getopt -o hw \
+ getopt -o h \
--long help \
- --long web \
-n "$(basename "$0")" -- "$@" || \
echo usage
while true
case "$1" in
usage 0
- -w|--web)
- web=true
- ;;
@@ -63,691 +55,215 @@ fi
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d '' --tmpdir)
trap 'rm -rf --one-file-system "${tmp_dir}"' EXIT
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities
- printf ' WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`="stable";\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_assignments`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_assignments`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`name`="build-list";\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`name`="build-list";\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_assignments`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_assignments`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
- printf ' AND NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT * FROM `dependencies`'
- mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types
- printf ' AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers
- mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages '' 'prov_bp'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories 'prov_bp' 'prov_r'
- printf ' WHERE `prov_r`.`name`="build-list"'
- printf ' AND `dependencies`.`dependent`=`binary_packages`.`id`'
- printf ')'
- printf ';\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities
- printf ' WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`="staging";\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities
- printf ' WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`="testing"'
- printf ' AND NOT `binary_packages`.`is_tested`;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `binary_packages`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `binary_packages`'
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities
- printf ' WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`="testing"'
- printf ' AND `binary_packages`.`is_tested`;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- find "${work_dir}/package-states/" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.broken' -printf '%f\n' | \
- sed 's|\.\([^.]\+\)\.\([^.]\+\)\.\([^.]\+\)\.[^.]\+$| \1 \2 \3|' | \
- while read -r pkg rev mod_rev repo; do
- if [ -z "$(find_dependencies_on_build_list "${pkg}" "${rev}" "${mod_rev}" "${repo}")" ]; then
- echo "${pkg}"
- fi
- done
- {
- find "${work_dir}/build-list.loops" -maxdepth 1 -regextype grep \
- -regex '.*/loop_[0-9]\+' \
- -exec cat '{}' \; | \
- sort -u
- find "${work_dir}/package-states/" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.broken' -printf '%f\n' | \
- sed 's|\(\.[^.]\+\)\{4\}||' | \
- sort -u
- } | \
- sort | \
- uniq -d
-} | \
- sort -u > \
- "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages-names"
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_assignments`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_assignments`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
- printf ' AND `build_assignments`.`is_broken`;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_assignments`.`id`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_assignments`'
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`name`="build-list"'
- printf ' AND `build_assignments`.`is_blocked` IS NOT NULL;\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_slaves`.`currently_building`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_slaves`'
- mysql_join_build_slaves_build_assignments
- mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages
- mysql_join_binary_packages_repositories
- printf ' WHERE `repositories`.`name`="build-list";\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_dependency_loops`.`loop`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_dependency_loops`'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT `build_dependency_loops`.`build_assignment`) FROM'
- printf ' `build_dependency_loops`'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- printf 'The mirror master contains %d stable packages (vs. ca. %d planned).\n' \
- "${stable}" \
- "$((staging+testing+tested+pending_packages))"
- printf 'The build list contains %d tasks (incl. broken: %d, leading to %d packages), of which %s can be built immediately.\n' \
- "$((tasks-broken))" \
- "${tasks}" \
- "${pending_packages}" \
- "${next_tasks}"
- printf 'There are %d testing (of which are %s tested) and %d staging packages.\n' \
- "$((testing+tested))" \
- "${tested}" \
- "${staging}"
- printf 'There are %d broken package builds.\n' \
- "${broken}"
- if [ "${loops}" -ne 0 ]; then
- printf 'There are %d loops containing %d package builds.\n' \
- "${loops}" \
- "${looped_packages}"
- fi
- if [ $((broken+testing+tested+staging)) -ne 0 ]; then
- printf '%.1f%% of all packages are broken.\n' \
- "$(
- echo "scale=10; 100*${broken}/(${broken}+${testing}+${tested}+${staging})" | \
- bc
- )"
- fi
- if [ $((testing+tested+staging+pending_packages-broken)) -ne 0 ]; then
- printf '%.1f%% of the planned work has been done.\n' \
- "$(
- echo "scale=10; 100*(${testing}+${staging})/(${testing}+${tested}+${staging}+${pending_packages}-${broken})" | \
- bc
- )"
- fi
-} > \
- "${tmp_dir}/build-master-status.html"
-if ${web}; then
- "${base_dir}/bin/calculate-dependent-packages"
- {
- printf '%s\n' \
- '<html>' \
- '<head>' \
- '<title>Status of archlinux32 build master</title>' \
- '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">' \
- '</head>' \
- '<body>'
- sed 's|$|<br>|' "${tmp_dir}/build-master-status.html"
- printf '%s\n' \
- '<br>' \
- 'currently building packages:<br>' \
- '<table>'
- printf '<tr>'
- printf '<th>%s</th>' \
- 'since (UTC)' \
- 'pkgname' \
- 'git revision' \
- 'modification git revision' \
- 'package repository' \
- 'build slave'
- printf '</tr>'
- find "${work_dir}/package-states" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.locked' \
- -printf '%T@ %TY-%Tm-%Td %TH:%TM %f ' \
- -execdir sed '
- :a
- $!{
- N
- s/\n/, /
- ba
- }
- ' '{}' \; | \
- sort -k1n,1 | \
- sed '
- s|^\S\+ ||
- s|\.locked | |
- s|\.\([^.]\+\)$| \1|
- s|\.\([^.]\+\)$| \1|
- s|\.\([^.]\+\)$| \1|
- ' | \
- while read -r date time pkg rev mod_rev repo slaves; do
- printf '<tr>'
- printf '<td>%s</td>' \
- "${date} ${time}" \
- "${pkg}" \
- "<p style=\"font-size:8px\">${rev}</p>" \
- "<p style=\"font-size:8px\">$(modification_revision_link "${mod_rev}" "${repo}" "${pkg}")</p>" \
- "${repo}" \
- "${slaves}"
- printf '</tr>\n'
- done
- printf '%s\n' \
- '</table>' \
- '</body>' \
- '</html>'
- } | \
- sponge "${tmp_dir}/build-master-status.html"
- end=$(($(date +%s)-7*24*60*60))
- {
- [ -f "${webserver_directory}/statistics" ] && \
- cat "${webserver_directory}/statistics"
- printf '%s ' \
- "$(date +%s)" \
- "${stable}" \
- "${tasks}" \
- "${pending_packages}" \
- "${staging}" \
- "${testing}" \
- "${broken}" \
- "${loops}" \
- "${looped_packages}" \
- "${locked}" \
- "${blocked}" \
- "${next_tasks}" \
- "${tested}" | \
- sed 's| $|\n|'
- echo "${end}"
- } | \
- sort -k1nr,1 | \
- sed -n "
- /^${end}\$/q
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ '<html>' \
+ '<head>' \
+ '<title>Todos in the build scripts</title>' \
+ '</head>' \
+ '<body>'
+ find "${base_dir}/bin/" "${base_dir}/conf/" -type f \
+ -exec grep -nHF '' '{}' \; | \
+ awk '
+ { print $0 }
+ /^[^:]+:[0-9]+:\s*#\s*TODO:/{print ++i}
+ ' | \
+ sed -n '
+ s/^\([^:]\+\):\([0-9]\+\):\s*#\s*TODO:\s*/\1\n\2\n/
+ T
+ N
+ s/\n\(.*\)\n\([0-9]\+\)$/\n\2\n\1/
+ :a
+ N
+ s/\n[^:\n]\+:[0-9]\+:[ \t]*#[ \t]*\(\S[^\n]*\)$/\n\1/
+ ta
+ s/\n[^:\n]\+:[0-9]\+:[^\n]*$/\n/
- " | \
- tac > \
- "${tmp_dir}/statistics"
- find "${build_log_directory}/error" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.build-log.gz' \( \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build()\.$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f build()\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check()\.$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f check()\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare()\.$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f prepare()\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package\(_\S\+\)\?()\.$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f package()\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: Could not download sources\.$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f source\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: '"'"'pacman'"'"' failed to install missing dependencies\.$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f dependencies\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q 'error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)$' {} \; \
- -printf '%f package-cache\n' \
- \) -o \
- \( \
- -exec zgrep -q '^==> ERROR: Running makepkg as root is not allowed as it can cause permanent,' {} \; \
- -printf '%f run-as-root\n' \
- \) -o \
- -printf '%f unknown\n' \
- \) | \
- sed '
- s|\(\.[^.]\+\)\{3\} | |
' | \
- sort -u | \
+ tee "${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
sed '
- $!N
- s/^\(\S\+\) \([^\n]\+\)\n\1 /\1 \2,/
- ta
- P
- D
+ N
+ /\n$/!ba
+ s|^[^\n]*/\([^/\n]\+/[^/\n]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n|<a href="#TODO\2" name="TODO\2">TODO #\2</a> - <a href="\1#L\3">\1 (line \3)</a>:\n|
' | \
- sort -k1,1 > \
- "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages.reason"
- {
- printf '%s\n' \
- '<html>' \
- '<head>' \
- '<title>List of broken package builds</title>' \
- '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">' \
- '</head>' \
- '<body>' \
- '<a href="build-logs/">build logs</a><br>' \
- '<table>' \
- '<tr>'
- printf '<th>%s</th>' \
- 'package' \
- 'git revision' \
- 'modification git revision' \
- 'package repository' \
- 'compilations' \
- 'dependent' \
- 'build error' \
- 'blocked'
- printf '</tr>\n'
- find "${work_dir}/package-states" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.broken' -printf '%f\n' | \
- sed 's|\.broken$||' | \
- sort -k1,1 | \
- join -j 1 - "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages.reason" | \
- sed 's|^\(\(.\+\)\.\([^.]\+\)\.\([^.]\+\)\.\([^.]\+\)\) \(\S\+\)$|\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6|' | \
- while read -r sf pkg rev mod_rev repo build_error; do
- if grep -qxF "${pkg}" "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages-names"; then
- printf '1 '
- else
- printf '0 '
- fi
- printf '%s ' \
- "${pkg}" \
- "${rev}" \
- "${mod_rev}" \
- "${repo}" \
- "$(wc -l < "${work_dir}/package-states/${sf}.broken")" \
- "$(
- # shellcheck disable=SC2010
- ls -t "${webserver_directory}/build-logs/error" | \
- grep -m1 '^'"$(str_to_regex "${sf}.")"'[^.]\+\.build-log\.gz$'
- )" \
- "$(
- {
- grep -m1 "^$(str_to_regex "${sf}") " "${work_dir}/dependent-count" || \
- echo 'x &nbsp;'
- } | \
- cut -d' ' -f2
- )" \
- "${build_error}"
- if [ -f "${work_dir}/package-states/${sf}.blocked" ]; then
- sed '
- s|\s\(wait for \)|\n\1|g
- ' "${work_dir}/package-states/${sf}.blocked" | \
- while read -r blocked_reason; do
- if echo "${blocked_reason}" | \
- grep -q '^wait for '; then
- printf 'wait for '
- echo "${blocked_reason}" | \
- sed '
- s|^wait for ||
- s@\( and \| or \)@\n\1\n@
- ' | \
- while read -r reason; do
- if [ "FS#${reason#FS#}" = "${reason}" ]; then
- printf '<a href="">%s</a>' \
- "${reason#FS#}" \
- "${reason}"
- elif [ "FS32#${reason#FS32#}" = "${reason}" ]; then
- printf '<a href="">%s</a>' \
- "${reason#FS32#}" \
- "${reason}"
- elif grep -q "^$(str_to_regex "${reason}") " "${work_dir}/build-list"; then
- printf '<a href="graphs/%s.png">%s</a>' \
- "${reason}" \
- "${reason}"
- elif [ "${reason% *}" != "${reason}" ]; then
- printf '%s' \
- "${reason}"
- else
- printf '<font color="red">%s</font>' \
- "${reason}"
- fi
- if read -r operator; then
- printf ' %s ' "${operator}"
- fi
- done
- else
- echo "${blocked_reason}"
- fi
- done | \
- tr '\n' ' '
- else
- printf '&nbsp;'
- fi
- printf '\n'
- done | \
- sort -k6n,6 | \
- while read -r buildable pkg rev mod_rev repo count log_file dependent build_error reason; do
- if [ "${buildable}" -eq 0 ]; then
- left='('
- right=')'
- else
- unset left
- unset right
- fi
- printf '<tr>'
- mod_rev=$(
- modification_revision_link "${mod_rev}" "${repo}" "${pkg}"
- )
- build_error=$(
- echo "${build_error}" | \
- sed 's|,|, |g'
- )
- printf '<td>%s</td>' \
- '<a href="graphs/'"${pkg}"'.png">'"${left}${pkg}${right}"'</a>' \
- "<p style=\"font-size:8px\">${rev}</p>" \
- "<p style=\"font-size:8px\">${mod_rev}</p>" \
- "${repo}" \
- '<a href="build-logs/error/'"${log_file}"'">'"${count}"'</a>' \
- "${dependent}" \
- "${build_error}" \
- "${reason}"
- printf '</tr>\n'
- done
- printf '%s\n' \
- '</table>' \
- '</body>' \
- '</html>'
- } > \
- "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages.html"
+ sed '
+ s|$|<br>|
+ '
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ '</body>' \
+ '</html>'
+} > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/todos.html"
- rm -f "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages-names" "${tmp_dir}/broken-packages.reason"
+if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/todos" ]; then
+ sed '
+ :a
+ N
+ /\n$/!ba
+ s|^[^\n]*/\([^/\n]\+/[^/\n]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n|\1 \3 |
+ s/\n$//
+ s/\n/\\n/g
+ ' -i "${tmp_dir}/todos"
+ while read -r file line desc; do
+ printf '%s %s %s\n' \
+ "$(printf '%s' "${file}" | base64 -w0)" \
+ "$(printf '%s' "${line}" | base64 -w0)" \
+ "$(printf '%s' "${desc}" | base64 -w0)"
+ done < \
+ "${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
+ sponge "${tmp_dir}/todos"
+ # update todos
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ while read -r file line desc; do
+ printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `todos`'
+ printf ' SET `todos`.`line`=from_base64("%s")' \
+ "${line}"
+ printf ' WHERE `todos`.`file`=from_base64("%s")' \
+ "${file}"
+ printf ' AND `todos`.`description`=from_base64("%s");\n' \
+ "${desc}"
+ printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `todos`'
+ printf ' SET `todos`.`description`=from_base64("%s")' \
+ "${desc}"
+ printf ' WHERE `todos`.`file`=from_base64("%s")' \
+ "${file}"
+ printf ' AND `todos`.`line`=from_base64("%s");\n' \
+ "${line}"
+ done < \
+ "${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
+ mysql_run_query
+ # insert unfound todos
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- printf '%s\n' \
- '<html>' \
- '<head>' \
- '<title>Todos in the build scripts</title>' \
- '</head>' \
- '<body>'
- find "${base_dir}/bin/" "${base_dir}/conf/" -type f \
- -exec grep -nHF '' '{}' \; | \
- awk '
- { print $0 }
- /^[^:]+:[0-9]+:\s*#\s*TODO:/{print ++i}
- ' | \
- sed -n '
- s/^\([^:]\+\):\([0-9]\+\):\s*#\s*TODO:\s*/\1\n\2\n/
- T
- N
- s/\n\(.*\)\n\([0-9]\+\)$/\n\2\n\1/
- :a
- N
- s/\n[^:\n]\+:[0-9]\+:[ \t]*#[ \t]*\(\S[^\n]*\)$/\n\1/
- ta
- s/\n[^:\n]\+:[0-9]\+:[^\n]*$/\n/
- p
- ' | \
- tee "${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
+ printf 'SHOW CREATE TABLE `todos`' | \
+ mysql_run_query | \
sed '
- :a
- N
- /\n$/!ba
- s|^[^\n]*/\([^/\n]\+/[^/\n]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n|<a href="#TODO\2" name="TODO\2">TODO #\2</a> - <a href="\1#L\3">\1 (line \3)</a>:\n|
- ' | \
- sed '
- s|$|<br>|
+ 1s/^\S\+\s\+CREATE TABLE `todos` /CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `td` /
- printf '%s\n' \
- '</body>' \
- '</html>'
- } > \
- "${tmp_dir}/todos.html"
- if [ -s "${tmp_dir}/todos" ]; then
- sed '
- :a
- N
- /\n$/!ba
- s|^[^\n]*/\([^/\n]\+/[^/\n]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n\([0-9]\+\)\n|\1 \3 |
- s/\n$//
- s/\n/\\n/g
- ' -i "${tmp_dir}/todos"
- while read -r file line desc; do
- printf '%s %s %s\n' \
- "$(printf '%s' "${file}" | base64 -w0)" \
- "$(printf '%s' "${line}" | base64 -w0)" \
- "$(printf '%s' "${desc}" | base64 -w0)"
- done < \
- "${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
- sponge "${tmp_dir}/todos"
- # update todos
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ printf ';\n'
+ printf 'INSERT INTO `td` (`file`,`line`,`description`) VALUES '
while read -r file line desc; do
- printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `todos`'
- printf ' SET `todos`.`line`=from_base64("%s")' \
- "${line}"
- printf ' WHERE `todos`.`file`=from_base64("%s")' \
- "${file}"
- printf ' AND `todos`.`description`=from_base64("%s");\n' \
- "${desc}"
- printf 'UPDATE IGNORE `todos`'
- printf ' SET `todos`.`description`=from_base64("%s")' \
- "${desc}"
- printf ' WHERE `todos`.`file`=from_base64("%s")' \
- "${file}"
- printf ' AND `todos`.`line`=from_base64("%s");\n' \
- "${line}"
+ printf '('
+ printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
+ "${file}" \
+ "${line}" \
+ "${desc}" | \
+ sed 's/,$/),/'
done < \
"${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
- mysql_run_query
- # insert unfound todos
- # shellcheck disable=SC2016
- {
- printf 'SHOW CREATE TABLE `todos`' | \
- mysql_run_query | \
- sed '
- 1s/^\S\+\s\+CREATE TABLE `todos` /CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `td` /
- '
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'INSERT INTO `td` (`file`,`line`,`description`) VALUES '
- while read -r file line desc; do
- printf '('
- printf 'from_base64("%s"),' \
- "${file}" \
- "${line}" \
- "${desc}" | \
- sed 's/,$/),/'
- done < \
- "${tmp_dir}/todos" | \
- sed '
- s/,$//
- '
- printf ';\n'
- printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `todos` (`file`,`line`,`description`) '
- printf 'SELECT `td`.`file`,`td`.`line`,`td`.`description` '
- printf 'FROM `td` '
- printf 'WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT * FROM `todos`'
- printf ' AND `td`.`%s`=`todos`.`%s`' \
- 'file' 'file' \
- 'line' 'line' \
- 'description' 'description' | \
- sed 's/^ AND / WHERE /'
- printf ');\n'
- printf 'DELETE FROM `todos` WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT * FROM `td`'
- printf ' AND `td`.`%s`=`todos`.`%s`' \
- 'file' 'file' \
- 'line' 'line' \
- 'description' 'description' | \
- sed 's/^ AND / WHERE /'
- printf ');'
- printf 'DROP TABLE `td`;\n'
- printf 'DELETE FROM `todo_links` WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT * FROM `todos` '
- printf 'WHERE `todos`.`id`=`todo_links`.`depending_on`'
- printf ') OR NOT EXISTS ('
- printf 'SELECT * FROM `todos` '
- printf 'WHERE `todos`.`id`=`todo_links`.`dependent`'
- printf ');\n'
- } | \
- mysql_run_query
- rm -f "${tmp_dir}/todos"
- fi
- {
- printf '%s\n' \
- '<html>' \
- '<head>' \
- '<title>Blacklisted packages</title>' \
- '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">' \
- '</head>' \
- '<body>' \
- '<table>'
- printf '<tr>'
- printf '<th>%s</th>' \
- 'package' \
- 'reason'
- printf '</tr>\n'
- git -C "${repo_paths__archlinux32}" archive "$(cat "${work_dir}/archlinux32.revision")" -- 'blacklist' | \
- tar -Ox | \
sed '
- s@FS#\([0-9]\+\)@<a href="\1">\0</a>@
- s@FS32#\([0-9]\+\)@<a href="\&task_id=\1">\0</a>@
- /.#/!s/$/#/
- s|\(.\)#|\1</td><td>|
- /^\s*#/{
- s/^\s*#\s*//
- s|\s*\(</td><td>\)|</font></s>\1|
- s/^/<s><font color="#808080">/
- }
- s|^|<tr><td>|
- s|$|</td></tr>|
+ s/,$//
- printf '%s\n' \
- '</table>' \
- '</body>' \
- '</html>'
- } > \
- "${tmp_dir}/blacklist.html"
+ printf ';\n'
+ printf 'INSERT IGNORE INTO `todos` (`file`,`line`,`description`) '
+ printf 'SELECT `td`.`file`,`td`.`line`,`td`.`description` '
+ printf 'FROM `td` '
+ printf 'WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT * FROM `todos`'
+ printf ' AND `td`.`%s`=`todos`.`%s`' \
+ 'file' 'file' \
+ 'line' 'line' \
+ 'description' 'description' | \
+ sed 's/^ AND / WHERE /'
+ printf ');\n'
- {
- printf '%s\n' \
- '<html>' \
- '<head>' \
- '<title>log of ssh connections from build slaves</title>' \
- '</head>' \
- '<body>' \
- '<table>'
- printf '<tr>'
- printf '<th>%s</th>' \
- 'time' \
- 'build slave' \
- 'command' \
- 'arguments'
- printf '</tr>\n'
- if [ -r "${work_dir}/ssh-log" ]; then
- tac "${work_dir}/ssh-log" | \
- while read -r date time slave command arguments; do
- printf '<tr>'
- printf '<td>%s</td>' \
- "${date} ${time}" \
- "${slave}" \
- "${command}" \
- "${arguments}"
- printf '</tr>\n'
- done
- fi
- printf '%s\n' \
- '</table>' \
- '</body>' \
- '</html>'
- } > \
- "${tmp_dir}/ssh-log.html"
+ printf 'DELETE FROM `todos` WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT * FROM `td`'
+ printf ' AND `td`.`%s`=`todos`.`%s`' \
+ 'file' 'file' \
+ 'line' 'line' \
+ 'description' 'description' | \
+ sed 's/^ AND / WHERE /'
+ printf ');'
+ printf 'DROP TABLE `td`;\n'
+ printf 'DELETE FROM `todo_links` WHERE NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT * FROM `todos` '
+ printf 'WHERE `todos`.`id`=`todo_links`.`depending_on`'
+ printf ') OR NOT EXISTS ('
+ printf 'SELECT * FROM `todos` '
+ printf 'WHERE `todos`.`id`=`todo_links`.`dependent`'
+ printf ');\n'
+ } | \
+ mysql_run_query
+ rm -f "${tmp_dir}/todos"
- find "${tmp_dir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f | \
- while read -r file; do
- cat "${file}" > \
- "${webserver_directory}/${file##*/}"
- done
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ '<html>' \
+ '<head>' \
+ '<title>Blacklisted packages</title>' \
+ '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">' \
+ '</head>' \
+ '<body>' \
+ '<table>'
+ printf '<tr>'
+ printf '<th>%s</th>' \
+ 'package' \
+ 'reason'
+ printf '</tr>\n'
+ git -C "${repo_paths__archlinux32}" archive "$(cat "${work_dir}/archlinux32.revision")" -- 'blacklist' | \
+ tar -Ox | \
+ sed '
+ s@FS#\([0-9]\+\)@<a href="\1">\0</a>@
+ s@FS32#\([0-9]\+\)@<a href="\&task_id=\1">\0</a>@
+ /.#/!s/$/#/
+ s|\(.\)#|\1</td><td>|
+ /^\s*#/{
+ s/^\s*#\s*//
+ s|\s*\(</td><td>\)|</font></s>\1|
+ s/^/<s><font color="#808080">/
+ }
+ s|^|<tr><td>|
+ s|$|</td></tr>|
+ '
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ '</table>' \
+ '</body>' \
+ '</html>'
+} > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/blacklist.html"
- cat "${tmp_dir}/build-master-status.html"
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ '<html>' \
+ '<head>' \
+ '<title>log of ssh connections from build slaves</title>' \
+ '</head>' \
+ '<body>' \
+ '<table>'
+ printf '<tr>'
+ printf '<th>%s</th>' \
+ 'time' \
+ 'build slave' \
+ 'command' \
+ 'arguments'
+ printf '</tr>\n'
+ if [ -r "${work_dir}/ssh-log" ]; then
+ tac "${work_dir}/ssh-log" | \
+ while read -r date time slave command arguments; do
+ printf '<tr>'
+ printf '<td>%s</td>' \
+ "${date} ${time}" \
+ "${slave}" \
+ "${command}" \
+ "${arguments}"
+ printf '</tr>\n'
+ done
+ fi
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ '</table>' \
+ '</body>' \
+ '</html>'
+} > \
+ "${tmp_dir}/ssh-log.html"
+find "${tmp_dir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f | \
+ while read -r file; do
+ cat "${file}" > \
+ "${webserver_directory}/${file##*/}"
+ done