#Building perl-net-ssleay on target.. #Could not find a port to bind to at t/local/06_tcpecho.t line 37. ## Looks like your test exited with 99 just after 2. #t/local/06_tcpecho.t ................... #Dubious, test returned 99 (wstat 25344, 0x6300) #Failed 4/4 subtests #Bailout called. Further testing stopped: Could not find a port to bind to: Cannot assign requested address #FAILED--Further testing stopped: Could not find a port to bind to: Cannot assign requested address #make: *** [Makefile:977: test_dynamic] Error 255 #==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check(). # Aborting... #ERROR building package perl-net-ssleay SKIP_CHECK=1