# install two packages: libutil-linux and util-linux ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE=libutil-linux # disable some dependencies on systemd, python, libcap-ng sed -i "/makedepends=/s/'systemd'//" PKGBUILD sed -i "/makedepends=/s/'python'//" PKGBUILD sed -i "/makedepends=/s/'libcap-ng'//" PKGBUILD sed -i "/depends=/s/'libsystemd'//" PKGBUILD sed -i "/depends=/s/'libcap-ng'//" PKGBUILD # no python sed -i 's@--with-python=3@--without-python \\@g' PKGBUILD # no systemd sed -i '/--without-python/ a \ --without-systemd --without-systemdsystemunitdir' PKGBUILD sed -i "s@\(sed.*\)@#\1@" PKGBUILD # TODO: needed? # sed -i '/ListenStream/ aRuntimeDirectory=uuidd' "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/uuidd.socket" # tty group for util-linux, later, systemd will have the group already # we do this in prepare_stage2_repo.sh