#!/bin/sh # shellcheck source=./default.conf . "./default.conf" # builds and installs one package for stage 1 if test "$(id -u)" = 0; then sudo -u cross "$0" "$1" exit 0 fi PACKAGE=$1 # set PATH to use the proper cross-compiler binaries export PATH="$XTOOLS_ARCH/bin:${PATH}" # draw in default values for build variables . "$SCRIPT_DIR/$TARGET_CPU-stage1/template/DESCR" if test "$(pacman --config "$STAGE1_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" -r "$STAGE1_CHROOT" -Q | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | grep -c "^${PACKAGE}$")" = 0 -o "$(find "$STAGE1_PACKAGES" -regex ".*/$PACKAGE-.*pkg\\.tar\\.xz" | grep -cv shim)" = 0; then echo "Building package $PACKAGE." cd $STAGE1_BUILD || exit 1 # clean up old build sudo rm -rf "$PACKAGE" rm -f "$STAGE1_PACKAGES/$PACKAGE"-*pkg.tar.xz # check out the package build information from the upstream git rep # using asp (or from the AUR using yaourt) PACKAGE_DIR="$SCRIPT_DIR/$TARGET_CPU-stage1/$PACKAGE" PACKAGE_CONF="$PACKAGE_DIR/DESCR" if test -f "$PACKAGE_CONF"; then if test "$(grep -c FETCH_METHOD "$PACKAGE_CONF")" = 1; then FETCH_METHOD=$(grep FETCH_METHOD "$PACKAGE_CONF" | cut -f 2 -d = | tr -d '"') fi fi case $FETCH_METHOD in "asp") $ASP export "$PACKAGE" ;; "yaourt") yaourt -G "$PACKAGE" ;; "packages32") # (we assume, we only take core packages) cp -a "$ARCHLINUX32_PACKAGES/core/$PACKAGE" . ;; *) print "ERROR: unknown FETCH_METHOD '$FETCH_METHOD'.." >&2 exit 1 esac cd "$PACKAGE" || exit 1 # attach our destination platform to be a supported architecture sed -i "/^arch=[^#]*any/!{/^arch=(/s/(/($TARGET_CPU /}" PKGBUILD # if there is a packages32 diff-PKGBUILD, attach it at the end # (we assume, we build only 'core' packages during stage1) DIFF_PKGBUILD="$ARCHLINUX32_PACKAGES/core/$PACKAGE/PKGBUILD" if test -f "$DIFF_PKGBUILD"; then cat "$DIFF_PKGBUILD" >> PKGBUILD fi # copy all other files from Archlinux32, if they exist # (we assume, we only take core packages during stage1) if test -f "$DIFF_PKGBUILD"; then find "$ARCHLINUX32_PACKAGES/core/$PACKAGE"/* ! -name PKGBUILD \ -exec cp {} . \; fi # source package descriptions, sets variables for this script # and executes whatever is needed to build the package if test -f "$PACKAGE_CONF"; then . "$PACKAGE_CONF" fi # copy all files into the build area (but the package DESCR file) if test -d "$PACKAGE_DIR"; then find "$PACKAGE_DIR"/* ! -name DESCR \ -exec cp {} . \; fi # disable or enable parallel builds if test "$NOPARALLEL_BUILD" = 0; then CPUS=$(nproc) else CPUS=1 fi sed -i "s@^.*MAKEFLAGS=.*@MAKEFLAGS=\"-j$CPUS\"@" $STAGE1_BUILD/makepkg-$TARGET_CPU.conf # building the actual package $STAGE1_BUILD/makepkg-$TARGET_CPU -C --config $STAGE1_BUILD/makepkg-$TARGET_CPU.conf \ --skipchecksums --skippgpcheck --nocheck > "$PACKAGE.log" 2>&1 RES=$? tail "$PACKAGE.log" if test $RES = 0; then # copy to our package folder in the first stage chroot rm -f ./*debug*.pkg.tar.xz cp -v ./*.pkg.tar.xz $STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/. # redo the whole pacman cache and repo (always running into trouble # there, packages seem to reappear in old versions) rm -rf $STAGE1_CHROOT/var/cache/pacman/pkg/* rm -rf $STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/temp.db* rm -rf $STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/temp.files* repo-add $STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/temp.db.tar.gz $STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/*pkg.tar.xz # install into chroot via pacman if test "$FORCE_INSTALL"; then FORCE="--force" fi if test "x$ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE" != "x"; then sudo pacman $FORCE --noconfirm --config "$STAGE1_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" -r "$STAGE1_CHROOT" -Syy "$PACKAGE" "$ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE" else sudo pacman $FORCE --noconfirm --config "$STAGE1_CHROOT/etc/pacman.conf" -r "$STAGE1_CHROOT" -Syy "$PACKAGE" fi # optionally install into cross-compiler sysroot with bsdtar if test "$SYSROOT_INSTALL" = 1; then cd "$XTOOLS_ARCH/$TARGET_CPU-unknown-linux-gnu/sysroot" || exit 1 sudo bsdtar xf "$STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/$PACKAGE"-*.pkg.tar.xz if test "x$ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE" != "x"; then sudo bsdtar xf "$STAGE1_CHROOT/packages/$TARGET_CPU/$ADDITIONAL_INSTALL_PACKAGE"-*.pkg.tar.xz fi cd "$STAGE1_BUILD/$PACKAGE" || exit 1 fi echo "Built package $PACKAGE." else echo "ERROR building package $PACKAGE" exit 1 fi cd $STAGE1_BUILD || exit 1 else echo "$PACKAGE exists." fi