# asp32 asp32 is a fork of `asp` to work with the Archlinux32 packages. # asp `asp` is a tool to manage the build source files used to create Arch Linux packages. It replaces the `abs` tool, offering more up to date sources (via the svntogit repositories) and uses a sparse checkout model to conserve diskspace. This probably won't be interesting to users who want a full checkout (for whatever reason that may be). # Setup None! Though, it should be noted that the `ASPROOT` environment variable will control where `asp` keeps its local git repo. By default, this is `${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/asp`. # Examples Get the source files for some packages: ~~~ asp export pacman testing/systemd extra/pkgfile ~~~ Get a fully functional git checkout of a single package: ~~~ asp checkout pkgfile ~~~ List the repositories a package has been pushed to: ~~~ asp list-repos pacman ~~~