array( 'CMOV' => 0, 'MMX' => 0, 'SSE' => 0, 'SSE2' => 0 ), 'i686' => array( 'CMOV' => 1, 'MMX' => 1, 'SSE' => 1, 'SSE2' => 0 ), 'pentium4' => array( 'CMOV' => 1, 'MMX' => 1, 'SSE' => 1, 'SSE2' => 1 ) ); print_header('Architecture Overview', 'home'); print "
\n"; print "

\n"; print " The below table lists the compatibility of CPUs (identified by their available flags) with architectures (as defined by Arch Linux 32).\n"; print " To determine which architecture is suited best for your CPU, check the available flags listed in /proc/cpuinfo.\n"; print "

\n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; print " \n"; foreach ($flags['i486'] as $flag => $dummy) { print " \n"; } print " \n"; $oddity = "odd"; foreach ($flags as $arch => $arch_flags) { print " \n"; print " \n"; foreach ($arch_flags as $flag => $required) { print " \n"; } print " \n"; if ($oddity == "odd") $oddity = "even"; else $oddity = "odd"; } print "
\n"; print " Architecture\n"; print " \n"; print " " . $flag . "\n"; print "
\n"; print " " . $arch . "\n"; print " \n"; if ($required == 1) print " \n"; else print " \n"; print " " . $flag . " is "; if ($required == 0) print "not "; print "required"; print " \n"; print "
\n"; print "

\n"; print " Hint:\n"; print " Currently some i686 packages require SSE2 - which is a bug we're trying to solve.\n"; print " If you experience any problems related to illegal instructions although your cpu should support the architecture (as listed above), please report the issue to us in the forums, on irc or on the bug tracker.\n"; print "

\n"; print "
\n"; print_footer();