path: root/buildmaster
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'buildmaster')
14 files changed, 2451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/buildmaster/blacklist.php b/buildmaster/blacklist.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24247e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/blacklist.php
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ " GROUP_CONCAT(`architectures`.`name`) AS `architectures`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`," .
+ "`build_assignments`.`is_black_listed` " .
+ "FROM `build_assignments` " .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ "WHERE `build_assignments`.`is_black_listed` IS NOT NULL " .
+ "GROUP BY CONCAT(to_base64(`package_sources`.`pkgbase`),\" - \",to_base64(`build_assignments`.`is_black_listed`)) " .
+ "ORDER BY `package_sources`.`pkgbase`"
+ );
+ <head>
+ <title>Blacklisted packages</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<?php show_warning_on_offline_slave(); ?>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>architectures</th>
+ <th>package</th>
+ <th>reason</th>
+ </tr>
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ print " <tr>\n";
+ print " <td>";
+ print $row["architectures"];
+ print "</td>\n";
+ print " <td>";
+ print $row["pkgbase"];
+ print "</td>\n";
+ print " <td>";
+ print preg_replace(
+ array (
+ "/FS32#(\\d+)/",
+ "/FS#(\\d+)/"
+ ),
+ array (
+ "<a href=\"$1\">$0</a>",
+ "<a href=\"$1\">$0</a>"
+ ),
+ $row["is_black_listed"]
+ );
+ print "</td>\n";
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ }
+ </table>
+ </body>
diff --git a/buildmaster/build-list-links.php b/buildmaster/build-list-links.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3d2779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/build-list-links.php
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+$edges = "";
+$knots = "";
+if (!isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ $limit = " LIMIT 150";
+$query =
+ "`id` BIGINT, " .
+ "`group` VARCHAR(256), " .
+ "`color` VARCHAR(7), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`), " .
+ "KEY `group` (`group`)" .
+ ")";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `ba` (`id`,`color`)" .
+ " `build_assignments`.`id`," .
+ "IF(`build_assignments`.`is_broken`,\"#ff0000\",IF(`build_assignments`.`is_blocked` IS NULL,\"#000000\",\"#800000\"))" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ " WHERE `repositories`.`name`=\"build-list\"" .
+ $limit;
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `ba_copy` (" .
+ "`id` BIGINT, " .
+ "`group` VARCHAR(256), " .
+ "`color` VARCHAR(7), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)" .
+ ")";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `ba_copy` (`id`,`color`)" .
+ " SELECT `ba`.`id`,`ba`.`color`" .
+ " FROM `ba`";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `ba_links` (" .
+ "`from` BIGINT, " .
+ "`to` BIGINT, " .
+ "`type` MEDIUMINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`from`,`to`,`type`)" .
+ ")";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `ba_links` (`from`,`to`,`type`)" .
+ "SELECT `i_bp`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "`d_bp`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "`dependencies`.`dependency_type`" .
+ " FROM `ba`" .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages('ba','d_bp') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies('d_bp') .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers() .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages('','i_bp') .
+ " JOIN `ba_copy` ON `i_bp`.`build_assignment`=`ba_copy`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE `d_bp`.`build_assignment`!=`i_bp`.`build_assignment`";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `ba_links_copy` (" .
+ "`from` BIGINT, " .
+ "`to` BIGINT, " .
+ "`type` MEDIUMINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`from`,`to`,`type`)" .
+ ")";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `ba_links_copy` (`from`,`to`,`type`)" .
+ " SELECT `ba_links`.`from`,`ba_links`.`to`,`ba_links`.`type` FROM `ba_links`";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "UPDATE `ba`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT" .
+ " `ba_copy`.`id`," .
+ "SHA2(" .
+ "IFNULL(`ba_copy`.`color`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`ba_links`.`to`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`ba_links`.`type`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`ba_links_copy`.`from`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`ba_links_copy`.`type`,\"0\")" .
+ "))" .
+ ",256) AS `hash`" .
+ " FROM `ba_copy`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN `ba_links` ON `ba_links`.`from`=`ba_copy`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN `ba_links_copy` ON `ba_links_copy`.`to`=`ba_copy`.`id`" .
+ " GROUP BY `ba_copy`.`id`" .
+ ") AS `grouped_ba` ON `grouped_ba`.`id`=`ba`.`id`" .
+ " SET `ba`.`group`=`grouped_ba`.`hash`";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "UPDATE `ba_copy`" .
+ " JOIN `ba` ON `ba`.`id`=`ba_copy`.`id`" .
+ " SET `ba_copy`.`group`=`ba`.`group`";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$query =
+ "SELECT MAX(`build_assignments`.`id`) AS `id`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`" .
+ ") SEPARATOR \",\n\") AS `name`," .
+ " `ba`.`color`" .
+ " FROM `ba`" .
+ " JOIN `build_assignments` ON `ba`.`id`=`build_assignments`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures() .
+ " GROUP BY `ba`.`group`";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query($query);
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .=
+ "\"ba" .
+ $row["id"] .
+ "\" [label = \"" .
+ $row["name"] .
+ "\",
+ fontcolor = \"" .
+ $row["color"] .
+ "\"];\n";
+$query =
+ "SELECT MAX(`ba_links`.`to`) AS `dependent`," .
+ "`dependency_types`.`name` AS `dep_type`," .
+ "MAX(`ba_links`.`from`) AS `depending_on`" .
+ " FROM `ba_links`" .
+ " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `ba_links`.`type`=`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `ba` ON `ba_links`.`from`=`ba`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `ba_copy` ON `ba_links`.`to`=`ba_copy`.`id`" .
+ " GROUP BY CONCAT(`ba`.`group`,\"-\",`ba_copy`.`group`)";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"]))
+ print $query . ";\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query($query);
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ $edges .=
+ "\"ba" .
+ $row["depending_on"] .
+ "\" -> \"ba" .
+ $row["dependent"] .
+ "\" [color = \"";
+ switch ($row["dep_type"]) {
+ case "run":
+ $edges .= "#000000";
+ break;
+ case "make":
+ $edges .= "#0000ff";
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ $edges .= "#008000";
+ break;
+ case "check":
+ $edges .= "#000080";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $edges .= "#ff00ff";
+ }
+ $edges .=
+ "#000080";
+ $edges .=
+ "\"];\n";
+if (isset($_GET["raw"])) {
+ print
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n";
+} else {
+ $input_file = tempnam("/tmp", "build-list-links.");
+ $handle = fopen($input_file,"w");
+ fwrite($handle,
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n"
+ );
+ fclose($handle);
+ header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ passthru(
+ "timeout 30 dot -Tpng -o/dev/stdout " . $input_file
+ );
+ unlink($input_file);
diff --git a/buildmaster/build-list.php b/buildmaster/build-list.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79313e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/build-list.php
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/helper.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/style.php";
+$filter = " WHERE ";
+if (isset($_GET["invq"]))
+ $filter .= "NOT ";
+if (isset($_GET["q"]))
+ $filter .= "`ba_q`.`pkgbase` LIKE from_base64(\"".base64_encode("%".$_GET["q"]."%")."\")";
+ $filter .= "1";
+$multi_select_search_criteria = array(
+ "arch" => array(
+ "name" => "arch",
+ "title" => "CPU architecture",
+ "label" => "Arch",
+ "source_table" => "architectures",
+ "query_pre" => "`ba_q`.`arch` IN (",
+ "query_in_pre" => "\"",
+ "query_in_post" => "\",",
+ "query_post" => "\"\")",
+ "values" => array()
+ ),
+ "repo" => array(
+ "name" => "repo",
+ "title" => "Repository",
+ "label" => "Repo",
+ "source_table" => "upstream_repositories",
+ "query_pre" => "`ba_q`.`package_repository` IN (",
+ "query_in_pre" => "\"",
+ "query_in_post" => "\",",
+ "query_post" => "\"\")",
+ "values" => array()
+ ),
+ "failures" => array(
+ "name" => "failures",
+ "title" => "Fail Reasons",
+ "label" => "Failures",
+ "source_table" => "fail_reasons",
+ "query_pre" => "(0",
+ "query_in_pre" => " OR `fr_q`.`fail_reasons_raw` LIKE \"%,",
+ "query_in_post" => ",%\"",
+ "query_post" => ")",
+ "values" => array()
+ )
+foreach ( $multi_select_search_criteria as $criterium => $content ) {
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT `name` FROM `" . $content["source_table"] . "` ORDER BY `name`"
+ );
+ while ($row = $result -> fetch_assoc())
+ $multi_select_search_criteria[$criterium]["values"][] = $row["name"];
+foreach ( $multi_select_search_criteria as $criterium ) {
+ if (isset($_GET[$criterium["name"]])) {
+ $filter .= " AND " . $criterium["query_pre"];
+ foreach ($criterium["values"] as $value)
+ if (strpos("&" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "&", "&" . $criterium["name"] . "=" . urlencode($value) . "&") !== false)
+ $filter .= $criterium["query_in_pre"] . $value . $criterium["query_in_post"];
+ $filter .= $criterium["query_post"];
+ }
+$single_select_search_criteria = array(
+ "broken" => array(
+ "name" => "broken",
+ "label" => "Is Broken",
+ "title" => "is broken",
+ "options" => array(
+ "All" => "1",
+ "Broken" => "(`ba_q`.`is_broken` OR `ba_q`.`is_blocked` IS NOT NULL)",
+ "Not Broken" => "NOT (`ba_q`.`is_broken` OR `ba_q`.`is_blocked` IS NOT NULL)"
+ )
+ ),
+ "next" => array(
+ "name" => "next",
+ "label" => "Can Be Built",
+ "title" => "can be built",
+ "options" => array(
+ "All" => "1",
+ "Can" => "(`l_q`.`loops` IS NOT NULL OR (`rd_q`.`run_dependencies_pending` IS NULL AND `md_q`.`make_dependencies_pending` IS NULL))",
+ "Can't" => "NOT (`l_q`.`loops` IS NOT NULL OR (`rd_q`.`run_dependencies_pending` IS NULL AND `md_q`.`make_dependencies_pending` IS NULL))"
+ )
+ )
+foreach ($single_select_search_criteria as $criterium)
+ if (isset($_GET[$criterium["name"]]) &&
+ isset($criterium["options"][$_GET[$criterium["name"]]]))
+ $filter .= " AND " . $criterium["options"][$_GET[$criterium["name"]]];
+$columns = array(
+ "priority" => array(
+ "label" => "Priority",
+ "mysql_name" => "priority",
+ "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`priority`",
+ "sort" => "priority",
+ "title" => "priority"
+ ),
+ "deps" => array(
+ "label" => "Deps",
+ "mysql_name" => "dependencies_pending",
+ "mysql_query" => "IFNULL(`rd_q`.`run_dependencies_pending`,0)+IFNULL(`md_q`.`make_dependencies_pending`,0)",
+ "sort" => "deps",
+ "title" => "number of dependencies on the build-list"
+ ),
+ "arch" => array(
+ "label" => "Arch",
+ "mysql_name" => "arch",
+ "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`arch`",
+ "sort" => "arch",
+ "title" => "arch"
+ ),
+ "pkgbase" => array(
+ "label" => "Package",
+ "mysql_name" => "pkgbase_print",
+ "mysql_query" =>
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "\"<a href=\\\"/buildmaster/dependencies.php?b=\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`pkgbase`") . "," .
+ "\"&a=\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`arch`") . ",".
+ "\"&r=build-list\\\">\"," .
+ "`ba_q`.`pkgbase`," .
+ "\"</a>\"" .
+ ")",
+ "sort" => "pkgbase",
+ "title" => "package"
+ ),
+ "git_rev" => array(
+ "label" => "Git Revision",
+ "mysql_name" => "git_revision_print",
+ "mysql_query" =>
+ "IF(`ba_q`.`uses_upstream`," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "\"<a href=\\\"\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`git_repository`") . "," .
+ "\".git/tree/\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`pkgbase`") . "," .
+ "\"/repos/\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`package_repository`") . "," .
+ "\"-\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("IF(`ba_q`.`arch`=\"any\",\"any\",\"x86_64\")") . "," .
+ "\"?id=\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`git_revision`") . "," .
+ "\"\\\">\"," .
+ "`ba_q`.`git_revision`," .
+ "\"</a>\"" .
+ ")," .
+ "`ba_q`.`git_revision`" .
+ ")",
+ "sort" => "git_rev",
+ "title" => "revision hash of upstream git repository"
+ ),
+ "mod_git_rev" => array(
+ "label" => "Modification Git Revision",
+ "mysql_name" => "mod_git_revision_print",
+ "mysql_query" =>
+ "IF(`ba_q`.`uses_modification`," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "\"<a href=\\\"" .
+ git_url(
+ "packages",
+ "tree",
+ "\"," . mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`mod_git_revision`") . ",\"",
+ "\"," . mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`package_repository`") . ",\"/\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`ba_q`.`pkgbase`") . ",\"",
+ null,
+ true
+ ) .
+ "\\\">\"," .
+ "`ba_q`.`mod_git_revision`," .
+ "\"</a>\"" .
+ ")," .
+ "`ba_q`.`mod_git_revision`" .
+ ")" ,
+ "sort" => "mod_git_rev",
+ "title" => "revision hash of modification git repository"
+ ),
+ "repo" => array(
+ "label" => "Repository",
+ "mysql_name" => "package_repository",
+ "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`package_repository`",
+ "sort" => "repo",
+ "title" => "package repository"
+ ),
+ "commit_time" => array(
+ "label" => "Commit Time",
+ "mysql_name" => "commit_time",
+ "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`commit_time`",
+ "sort" => "commit_time",
+ "title" => "commit time of the source"
+ ),
+ "trials" => array(
+ "label" => "Compilations",
+ "mysql_name" => "trials",
+ "mysql_query" => "IFNULL(`t_q`.`trials`,0)",
+ "sort" => "trials",
+ "title" => "number of compilations"
+ ),
+ "loops" => array(
+ "label" => "Loops",
+ "mysql_name" => "loops",
+ "mysql_query" => "IFNULL(`l_q`.`loops`,0)",
+ "sort" => "loops",
+ "title" => "number of loops"
+ ),
+ "failure" => array(
+ "label" => "Failures",
+ "mysql_name" => "fail_reasons",
+ "mysql_query" => "`fr_q`.`fail_reasons_print`",
+ "sort" => "failure",
+ "title" => "reason of build failure"
+ ),
+ "blocked" => array(
+ "label" => "Blocked",
+ "mysql_name" => "is_blocked",
+ "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`is_blocked`",
+ "sort" => "blocked",
+ "title" => "block reason"
+ ),
+ "build_slave" => array(
+ "label" => "Build Slave",
+ "mysql_name" => "build_slave",
+ "mysql_query" => "`bs_q`.`build_slave`",
+ "sort" => "build_slave",
+ "title" => "whom it is handed out to"
+ )
+if (!isset($_GET["sort"]))
+ $_GET["sort"]="trials";
+if (substr($_GET["sort"],0,1) == "-") {
+ $direction = " DESC";
+ $sort = substr($_GET["sort"],1);
+} else {
+ $direction = " ASC";
+ $sort = $_GET["sort"];
+if (isset($columns[$sort]))
+ $order = "IFNULL(" . $columns[$sort]["mysql_name"] . ",0) " . $direction . ",";
+ $order = "";
+function combine_fields($cln) {
+ return $cln["mysql_query"] . " AS `" . $cln["mysql_name"] . "`";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ implode(",",array_map("combine_fields",$columns)) .
+ " FROM" .
+ " (" .
+ "`build_assignments`.`id`," .
+ "`build_assignments`.`is_blocked`," .
+ "`build_assignments`.`is_broken`," .
+ "`build_assignments`.`priority`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`pkgbase`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`git_revision`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`mod_git_revision`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`uses_upstream`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`uses_modification`," .
+ "`package_sources`.`commit_time`," .
+ "`upstream_repositories`.`name` AS `package_repository`," .
+ "`git_repositories`.`name` AS `git_repository`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`" .
+ " FROM `build_assignments`" .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ mysql_join_package_sources_upstream_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_upstream_repositories_git_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " WHERE `repositories`.`name`=\"build-list\"" .
+ ") AS `ba_q`".
+ " LEFT JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "COUNT(DISTINCT `dependency_bp`.`build_assignment`) AS `run_dependencies_pending`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages` AS `dependent_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies('dependent_bp') .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers() .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages('','dependency_bp') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('dependency_bp') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments('dependent_bp','dependent_ba') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments('dependency_bp','dependency_ba') .
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_a`".
+ " ON `ac_a`.`fully_compatible`".
+ " AND `ac_a`.`built_for`=`dependency_ba`.`architecture`".
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_b`".
+ " ON `ac_b`.`fully_compatible`".
+ " AND `ac_b`.`built_for`=`dependent_ba`.`architecture`".
+ " AND `ac_b`.`runs_on`=`ac_a`.`runs_on`".
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " WHERE `dependency_bp`.`build_assignment` != `dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`" .
+ " AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`" .
+ " AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`name`=\"build-list\"" .
+ " GROUP BY `dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`" .
+ ") AS `rd_q` ON `rd_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "COUNT(DISTINCT `dependencies`.`id`) AS `make_dependencies_pending`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages` AS `dependent_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies('dependent_bp') .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments('dependent_bp','dependent_ba') .
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_b`".
+ " ON `ac_b`.`fully_compatible`".
+ " AND `ac_b`.`built_for`=`dependent_ba`.`architecture`".
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages('','dependency_bp') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('dependency_bp','dependency_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('dependency_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments('dependency_bp','dependency_ba') .
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_a`".
+ " ON `ac_a`.`fully_compatible`".
+ " AND `ac_a`.`built_for`=`dependency_ba`.`architecture`".
+ " WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target` = `dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`" .
+ " AND `ac_b`.`runs_on`=`ac_a`.`runs_on`".
+ ")" .
+ " AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_building`" .
+ " AND NOT `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`" .
+ " GROUP BY `dependent_bp`.`build_assignment`" .
+ ") AS `md_q` ON `md_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`build_dependency_loops`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "COUNT(1) AS `loops`" .
+ " FROM `build_dependency_loops`" .
+ " GROUP BY `build_dependency_loops`.`build_assignment`" .
+ ") AS `l_q` ON `l_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`rfb`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "\"<a href=\\\"\"," .
+ mysql_url_encode("`rfb`.`log_file`") . "," .
+ "\"\\\">\"," .
+ "`fail_reasons`.`name`," .
+ "\"</a>\"" .
+ ")" .
+ " ORDER BY `fail_reasons`.`name`" .
+ ") AS `fail_reasons_print`," .
+ "CONCAT(" .
+ "\",\"," .
+ "`fail_reasons`.`name`" .
+ ")," .
+ "\",\"" .
+ ") AS `fail_reasons_raw`" .
+ " FROM (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`failed_builds`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "`failed_builds`.`reason`," .
+ "MAX(`failed_builds`.`date`) AS `max_date`" .
+ " FROM `failed_builds`" .
+ " GROUP BY `failed_builds`.`build_assignment`,`failed_builds`.`reason`" .
+ ") AS `cfb`" .
+ " JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "`failed_builds`.*" .
+ " FROM `failed_builds`" .
+ " GROUP BY `failed_builds`.`build_assignment`,`failed_builds`.`reason`,`failed_builds`.`date`" .
+ ") AS `rfb`" .
+ " ON `cfb`.`build_assignment`=`rfb`.`build_assignment`" .
+ " AND `cfb`.`reason`=`rfb`.`reason`" .
+ " AND `cfb`.`max_date`=`rfb`.`date`" .
+ mysql_join_failed_builds_fail_reasons('rfb') .
+ " GROUP BY `rfb`.`build_assignment`" .
+ ") AS `fr_q` ON `fr_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`failed_builds`.`build_assignment`," .
+ "COUNT(`failed_builds`.`id`) AS `trials`" .
+ " FROM `failed_builds`" .
+ " GROUP BY `failed_builds`.`build_assignment`" .
+ ") AS `t_q` ON `t_q`.`build_assignment`=`ba_q`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN" .
+ " (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`build_slaves`.`currently_building`," .
+ "GROUP_CONCAT(`build_slaves`.`name`) AS `build_slave`" .
+ " FROM `build_slaves`" .
+ " GROUP BY `build_slaves`.`currently_building`" .
+ ") AS `bs_q` ON `bs_q`.`currently_building`=`ba_q`.`id`" .
+ $filter .
+ " ORDER BY " . $order . "`trials` " . $direction . ",`dependencies_pending` " . $direction . ",`is_blocked` " . $direction . ",`pkgbase` " . $direction
+$count = 0;
+while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
+ if (!isset($row[$name]))
+ $rows[$count][$name] = "&nbsp;";
+ elseif ($name == "is_blocked")
+ $rows[$count][$name] = preg_replace(
+ array (
+ "/FS32#(\\d+)/",
+ "/FS#(\\d+)/"
+ ),
+ array (
+ "<a href=\"$1\">$0</a>",
+ "<a href=\"$1\">$0</a>"
+ ),
+ $value
+ );
+ else
+ $rows[$count][$name] = $value;
+ }
+ $count++;
+print_header("List of Package Builds");
+ <a href="">build logs</a>
+ <div id="pkglist-search" class="box filter-criteria">
+ <h2>Package Build Search</h2>
+ <form id="pkg-search" method="get" action="/buildmaster/build-list.php">
+ <p><input id="id_sort" name="sort" type="hidden" /></p>
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend>Enter search criteria</legend>
+foreach ($multi_select_search_criteria as $criterium) {
+ print " <div>\n";
+ print " <label for=\"id_" . $criterium["name"] . "\" title=\"Limit results to a specific " . $criterium["title"] . "\">";
+ print $criterium["label"];
+ print "</label>\n";
+ print " <select multiple=\"multiple\" id=\"id_" . $criterium["name"] . "\" name=\"" . $criterium["name"] . "\">\n";
+ foreach ($criterium["values"] as $value) {
+ print " <option value=\"" . $value . "\"";
+ if (strpos( "&" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "&", "&" . $criterium["name"] . "=" . urlencode($value) . "&") !== false)
+ print " selected=\"selected\"";
+ print ">" . $value . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ print " </select>\n";
+ print " </div>\n";
+ <div>
+ <label for="id_q" title="Enter keywords as desired">Keywords</label>
+ <input id="id_q" name="q" size="30" type="text" <?php
+if (isset($_GET["q"]))
+ print "value=\"".$_GET["q"]."\"";
+ <input id="id_invq" name="invq" type="checkbox" value="invq" title="list all non-matching package builds"<?php
+if (isset($_GET["invq"]))
+ print " checked";
+ invert match
+ </div>
+foreach ($single_select_search_criteria as $criterium) {
+ print " <div>\n";
+ print " <label for=\"id_";
+ print $criterium["name"];
+ print "\" title=\"Limit results based on ";
+ print $criterium["title"];
+ print "\">";
+ print $criterium["label"];
+ print "</label><select id=\"id_";
+ print $criterium["name"];
+ print "\" name=\"";
+ print $criterium["name"];
+ print "\">\n";
+ foreach ($criterium["options"] as $label => $option) {
+ print " <option value=\"";
+ if ($label != "All")
+ print $label;
+ print "\"";
+ if (array_key_exists($criterium["name"],$_GET) && ($_GET[$criterium["name"]]==$label))
+ print " selected=\"selected\"";
+ print ">" . $label . "</option>\n";
+ }
+ print " </select>\n";
+ print " </div>\n";
+ <div>
+ <label>&nbsp;</label>
+ <input title="Search for packages using this criteria" type="submit" value="Search">
+ </div>
+ </fieldset>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+if ($count > 0) {
+ <div id="pkglist-results" class="box">
+ <table class="results">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ print " <th>\n";
+ print " <a href=\"?";
+ print substr(
+ str_replace(
+ "&sort=".$_GET["sort"]."&",
+ "&",
+ "&" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] . "&"
+ ),
+ 1
+ ) . "sort=";
+ if ($column["sort"] == $_GET["sort"])
+ print "-";
+ print $column["sort"] . "\" ";
+ print "title=\"Sort build assignments by " . $column["title"] . "\">\n";
+ print " " . $column["label"] . "\n";
+ print " </a>\n";
+ print " </th>\n";
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+$oddity = "odd";
+foreach($rows as $row) {
+ print " <tr class=\"" . $oddity . "\">\n";
+ foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " " . $row[$column["mysql_name"]] . "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ }
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ if ($oddity == "odd" )
+ $oddity = "even";
+ else
+ $oddity = "odd";
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
diff --git a/buildmaster/build-slaves.php b/buildmaster/build-slaves.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a1522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/build-slaves.php
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/style.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+$columns = array(
+ "name" => array(
+ "label" => "name",
+ "mysql_name" => "name",
+ "mysql_query" => "`build_slaves`.`name`",
+ "sort" => "name",
+ "title" => "name"
+ ),
+ "operator" => array(
+ "label" => "operator",
+ "mysql_name" => "operator",
+ "mysql_query" => "`persons`.`name`",
+ "sort" => "operator",
+ "title" => "operator"
+ ),
+ "currently_building" => array(
+ "label" => "currently building",
+ "mysql_name" => "cb",
+ "mysql_query" => "`ba_q`.`cb`",
+ "mysql_ba_q_name" => "cb",
+ "mysql_ba_q_query" => "CONCAT(`architectures`.`name`,\"/\",`package_sources`.`pkgbase`)",
+ "sort" => "currently_building",
+ "title" => "pkgbase of currently building package"
+ ),
+ "last_connection" => array(
+ "label" => "last connection",
+ "mysql_name" => "lc",
+ "mysql_query" => "`sl_q`.`lc`",
+ "mysql_sl_q_name" => "lc",
+ "mysql_sl_q_query" => "MAX(`ssh_log`.`date`)",
+ "sort" => "last_connection",
+ "title" => "time of last connection"
+ ),
+ "building_since" => array(
+ "label" => "building since",
+ "mysql_name" => "bs",
+ "mysql_query" => "`sl_q`.`bs`",
+ "mysql_sl_q_name" => "bs",
+ "mysql_sl_q_query" => "MAX(IF(`ssh_log`.`action`=\"get-assignment\",`ssh_log`.`date`,NULL))",
+ "sort" => "building_since",
+ "title" => "start of build"
+ ),
+ "trials" => array(
+ "label" => "trials",
+ "mysql_name" => "trials",
+ "mysql_query" => "`build_slaves`.`trials`",
+ "sort" => "trials",
+ "title" => "number of trials"
+ ),
+ "logged_lines" => array(
+ "label" => "logged lines",
+ "mysql_name" => "ll",
+ "mysql_query" => "`build_slaves`.`logged_lines`",
+ "sort" => "logged_lines",
+ "title" => "number of logged lines so far"
+ ),
+ "last_action" => array(
+ "label" => "last action",
+ "mysql_name" => "la",
+ "mysql_query" => "`build_slaves`.`last_action`",
+ "sort" => "last_action",
+ "title" => "last action"
+ )
+if (!isset($_GET["sort"]))
+ $_GET["sort"]="-last_connection";
+if (substr($_GET["sort"],0,1) == "-") {
+ $direction = " DESC";
+ $sort = substr($_GET["sort"],1);
+} else {
+ $direction = " ASC";
+ $sort = $_GET["sort"];
+if (isset($columns[$sort]))
+ $order = "IFNULL(`sub_query`.`" . $columns[$sort]["mysql_name"] . "`,0) " . $direction . ",";
+ $order = "";
+function combine_fields($cln) {
+ return $cln["mysql_query"] . " AS `" . $cln["mysql_name"] . "`";
+function combine_ba_q_fields($cln) {
+ if (isset($cln["mysql_ba_q_query"]) && isset($cln["mysql_ba_q_name"]))
+ return $cln["mysql_ba_q_query"] . " AS `" . $cln["mysql_ba_q_name"] . "`";
+function combine_sl_q_fields($cln) {
+ if (isset($cln["mysql_sl_q_query"]) && isset($cln["mysql_sl_q_name"]))
+ return $cln["mysql_sl_q_query"] . " AS `" . $cln["mysql_sl_q_name"] . "`";
+function non_empty($val) {
+ return ! empty($val);
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT `sub_query`.* FROM (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ implode(",",array_map("combine_fields",$columns)) .
+ " FROM `build_slaves`" .
+ mysql_join_build_slaves_ssh_keys() .
+ mysql_join_ssh_keys_persons().
+ " LEFT JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`build_assignments`.`id` AS `id`," .
+ implode(",",array_filter(array_map("combine_ba_q_fields",$columns),"non_empty")) .
+ " FROM `build_assignments`" .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_architectures() .
+ ") AS `ba_q`" .
+ " ON `ba_q`.`id`=`build_slaves`.`currently_building`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`ssh_log`.`build_slave` AS `build_slave`," .
+ implode(",",array_filter(array_map("combine_sl_q_fields",$columns),"non_empty")) .
+ " FROM `ssh_log`" .
+ " WHERE `ssh_log`.`date`>=ADDDATE(NOW(),\"-5 00:00:00\")" .
+ " GROUP BY `ssh_log`.`build_slave`" .
+ ") AS `sl_q`" .
+ " ON `sl_q`.`build_slave`=`build_slaves`.`id`" .
+ ") AS `sub_query`" .
+ " ORDER BY " . $order . "`sub_query`.`name`"
+$count = 0;
+while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
+ if (!isset($row[$name]))
+ $rows[$count][$name] = "&nbsp;";
+ else
+ $rows[$count][$name] = $value;
+ }
+ $rows[$count]["name"] =
+ "<a href=\"/buildmaster/log.php?show=ssh&slave=" .
+ $row["name"] .
+ "\">" .
+ $row["name"] .
+ "</a>";
+ $count++;
+print_header("List of Build Slaves");
+if ($count > 0) {
+ <div id="buildslaveslist-results" class="box">
+ <table class="results">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ print " <th>\n";
+ print " <a href=\"?sort=";
+ if ($column["sort"] == $_GET["sort"])
+ print "-";
+ print $column["sort"] . "\" ";
+ print "title=\"Sort build assignments by " . $column["title"] . "\">\n";
+ print " " . $column["label"] . "\n";
+ print " </a>\n";
+ print " </th>\n";
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+$oddity = "odd";
+foreach($rows as $row) {
+ print " <tr class=\"" . $oddity . "\">\n";
+ foreach ($columns as $column) {
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " " . $row[$column["mysql_name"]] . "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ }
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ if ($oddity == "odd" )
+ $oddity = "even";
+ else
+ $oddity = "odd";
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
diff --git a/buildmaster/deletion-links.php b/buildmaster/deletion-links.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..066bf8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/deletion-links.php
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+$edges = "";
+$knots = "";
+if (isset($_GET["show_all"]))
+ $available_filter = " LEFT";
+ $available_filter = "";
+if (isset($_GET["pkgname"]))
+ $filter = " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname` REGEXP from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["pkgname"]) . "\")";
+ $filter = "";
+$memcache = new Memcache;
+$memcache->connect('localhost', 11211) or die ('Memcached Connection Error');
+$available_upstream_packages = $memcache->get('available_upstream_packages');
+if ($available_upstream_packages === false) {
+ $available_upstream_packages = explode(
+ "\n",
+ shell_exec(
+ "find /var/lib/pacman/ -name '*.db' -exec tar -tzf {} \; " .
+ "| sed -n 's,-[^-]\+-[^-]\+/$,,;T;p' " .
+ "| sort -u"
+ )
+ );
+ $memcache->set('available_upstream_packages',$available_upstream_packages,0,1800);
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `available` (" .
+ "`pkgname` VARCHAR(88), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `name` (`pkgname`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT INTO `available` (`pkgname`) VALUES (\"" .
+ implode(array_map("base64_encode", $available_upstream_packages), "\"),(\"") .
+ "\")"
+ "DELETE FROM `available` WHERE `available`.`pkgname`=\"\""
+ "UPDATE `available` SET `available`.`pkgname`=from_base64(`available`.`pkgname`)"
+ "`id` BIGINT, " .
+ "`group` VARCHAR(256), " .
+ "`color` VARCHAR(7), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir` (`id`,`color`)" .
+ " SELECT" .
+ " `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`id`," .
+ "IF(" .
+ "`available`.`pkgname` IS NULL," .
+ "\"#00ff00\"," .
+ "IF(" .
+ "`build_assignments`.`is_black_listed` IS NULL," .
+ "\"#800000\"," .
+ "\"#ff0000\"" .
+ ")" .
+ ") AS `color`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ $available_filter .
+ " JOIN `available` ON `available`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ " WHERE `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`" .
+ " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname` NOT LIKE \"lib32-%\"" .
+ $filter
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `d_bpir_copy` (" .
+ "`id` BIGINT, " .
+ "`group` VARCHAR(256), " .
+ "`color` VARCHAR(7), " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir_copy` (`id`,`color`)" .
+ " SELECT `d_bpir`.`id`,`d_bpir`.`color`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir`"
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `d_bpir_links` (" .
+ "`dependent` BIGINT, " .
+ "`depending_on` BIGINT, " .
+ "`dep_type` SMALLINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir_links` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ " SELECT `d_bpir`.`id`," .
+ " `itp_bpir`.`id`," .
+ " `dependencies`.`dependency_type`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages_in_repositories` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers() .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages_in_repositories('','itp_bpir') .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir_copy` ON `itp_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE `dependencies`.`dependent`!=`install_target_providers`.`package`"
+ "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `d_bpir_links_copy` (" .
+ "`dependent` BIGINT, " .
+ "`depending_on` BIGINT, " .
+ "`dep_type` SMALLINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `d_bpir_links_copy` (`dependent`,`depending_on`,`dep_type`)" .
+ " SELECT `d_bpir_links`.`dependent`,`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`,`d_bpir_links`.`dep_type`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir_links`"
+ "UPDATE `d_bpir`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT" .
+ " `d_bpir_copy`.`id`," .
+ "SHA2(" .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_copy`.`color`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links`.`dep_type`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links_copy`.`dependent`,\"0\"),\":\"," .
+ "IFNULL(`d_bpir_links_copy`.`dep_type`,\"0\")" .
+ "))" .
+ ",256) AS `hash`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir_copy`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN `d_bpir_links` ON `d_bpir_links`.`dependent`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN `d_bpir_links_copy` ON `d_bpir_links_copy`.`depending_on`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " GROUP BY `d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ ") AS `grouped_d_bpir` ON `grouped_d_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir`.`id`" .
+ " SET `d_bpir`.`group`=`grouped_d_bpir`.`hash`"
+ "UPDATE `d_bpir_copy`" .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir_copy`.`id`" .
+ " SET `d_bpir_copy`.`group`=`d_bpir`.`group`"
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`d_bpir`.`id`) AS `id`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`repositories`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ ") SEPARATOR \",\n\") AS `name`," .
+ "`d_bpir`.`color`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir`" .
+ " JOIN `binary_packages_in_repositories` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures() .
+ " GROUP BY `d_bpir`.`group`"
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .=
+ "\"p" .
+ $row["id"] .
+ "\" [label = \"" .
+ $row["name"] .
+ "\",
+ fontcolor = \"" .
+ $row["color"] .
+ "\"];\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`d_bpir_links`.`dependent`) AS `dependent`," .
+ "`dependency_types`.`name` AS `dep_type`," .
+ "MAX(`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`) AS `depending_on`" .
+ " FROM `d_bpir_links`" .
+ " JOIN `dependency_types` ON `d_bpir_links`.`dep_type`=`dependency_types`.`id`" .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir` ON `d_bpir`.`id`=`d_bpir_links`.`dependent`" .
+ " JOIN `d_bpir_copy` ON `d_bpir_copy`.`id`=`d_bpir_links`.`depending_on`" .
+ " GROUP BY CONCAT(`d_bpir`.`group`,\"-\",`d_bpir_copy`.`group`)"
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ $edges .=
+ "\"p" .
+ $row["depending_on"] .
+ "\" -> \"p" .
+ $row["dependent"] .
+ "\" [color = \"";
+ switch ($row["dep_type"]) {
+ case "run":
+ $edges .= "#000000";
+ break;
+ case "make":
+ $edges .= "#0000ff";
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ $edges .= "#008000";
+ break;
+ case "check":
+ $edges .= "#000080";
+ break;
+ default:
+ $edges .= "#ff00ff";
+ }
+ $edges .=
+ "#000080";
+ $edges .=
+ "\"];\n";
+header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ "echo '" . base64_encode(
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n"
+ ) . "' | " .
+ "base64 -d | " .
+ "timeout 30 dot -Tpng -o/dev/stdout /dev/stdin"
diff --git a/buildmaster/dependencies.php b/buildmaster/dependencies.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8beb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/dependencies.php
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+$match = "";
+function dependency_arch_join($name) {
+ if (isset($_GET["ba_a"])) {
+ return
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities`" .
+ " ON `architecture_compatibilities`.`fully_compatible`" .
+ " AND `architecture_compatibilities`.`built_for`=`" . $name . "`.`architecture`" .
+ " JOIN `architectures` AS `ba_a`" .
+ " ON `architecture_compatibilities`.`runs_on`=`ba_a`.`id`" .
+ " AND `ba_a`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["ba_a"]) . "\")";
+ } elseif (isset($_GET["a"])) {
+ return
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_1`" .
+ " ON `ac_1`.`fully_compatible`" .
+ " AND `ac_1`.`built_for`=`" . $name . "`.`architecture`" .
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` AS `ac_2`" .
+ " ON `ac_2`.`fully_compatible`" .
+ " AND `ac_1`.`runs_on`=`ac_2`.`runs_on`" .
+ " AND `ac_2`.`built_for`=`architectures`.`id`";
+ } else
+ return "";
+if (isset($_GET["a"]))
+ $match .= " AND `architectures`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["a"]) . "\")";
+if (isset($_GET["b"]))
+ $match .= " AND `package_sources`.`pkgbase`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["b"]) . "\")";
+if (isset($_GET["p"]))
+ $match .= " AND `binary_packages`.`pkgname`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["p"]) . "\")";
+if (isset($_GET["r"]))
+ $match .= " AND `repositories`.`name`=from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["r"]) . "\")";
+$ignore_install_targets = " AND NOT `install_targets`.`name` IN (\"base\",\"base-devel\")";
+ "`dep` BIGINT, " .
+ "`itp` BIGINT, " .
+ "UNIQUE KEY `content` (`dep`,`itp`)" .
+ ")"
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `cons` (`dep`,`itp`)" .
+ " SELECT `dependencies`.`id`,`install_target_providers`.`id`".
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ $match .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets() .
+ $ignore_install_targets .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_target_providers() .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages('','itp_bp') .
+ dependency_arch_join('itp_bp') .
+ " WHERE (`dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages` OR `repository_stabilities`.`name`=\"unbuilt\")" .
+ " LIMIT " . $limit
+ "INSERT IGNORE INTO `cons` (`dep`,`itp`)" .
+ " SELECT `dependencies`.`id`,`install_target_providers`.`id`".
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_package_sources() .
+ $match .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_install_target_providers() .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_binary_packages('','d_bp') .
+ dependency_arch_join('d_bp') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('d_bp','d_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('d_bpir','d_r') .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities('d_r','d_rs') .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ " WHERE (`dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages` OR `d_rs`.`name`=\"unbuilt\")" .
+ " LIMIT " . $limit
+$edges = "";
+$knots = "";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `install_target_providers`.`install_target`,`install_target_providers`.`package`" .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `cons`.`itp`=`install_target_providers`.`id`"
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $edges .= "\"p" . $row["package"] . "\" -> \"i" . $row["install_target"] . "\" [color = \"#000080\"];\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `dependencies`.`dependent`,`dependencies`.`depending_on`,`dependency_types`.`name`" .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `cons`.`dep`=`dependencies`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types()
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $edges .= "\"i" . $row["depending_on"] . "\" -> \"p" . $row["dependent"] . "\" [taillabel = \"" . $row["name"] . "\"];\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT DISTINCT `install_targets`.`id`,`install_targets`.`name`" .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `cons`.`dep`=`dependencies`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets()
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .= "\"i" . $row["id"] . "\" [label = \"" . $row["name"] . "\", fontcolor = \"#000080\"];\n";
+$pkgfile_query =
+ "CONCAT(".
+ "`repositories`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,\"-\"," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ ",\"-\"," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`" .
+ ") AS `filename`";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`binary_packages`.`id`," .
+ "`repository_stabilities`.`name` AS `stability`," .
+ $pkgfile_query .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `dependencies` ON `cons`.`dep`=`dependencies`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities()
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .= "\"p" . $row["id"] . "\" [label = \"" . $row["filename"] . "\", fontcolor = \"" . $colors[$row["stability"]] . "\"];\n";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`binary_packages`.`id`," .
+ "`repository_stabilities`.`name` AS `stability`," .
+ $pkgfile_query .
+ " FROM `cons`" .
+ " JOIN `install_target_providers` ON `cons`.`itp`=`install_target_providers`.`id`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities()
+while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knots .= "\"p" . $row["id"] . "\" [label = \"" . $row["filename"] . "\", fontcolor = \"" . $colors[$row["stability"]] . "\"];\n";
+$knots = str_replace("\$","\\\$",$knots);
+$edges = str_replace("\$","\\\$",$edges);
+header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ "timeout 30 dot -Tpng -o/dev/stdout /dev/stdin <<EOF\n" .
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n" .
+ "EOF\n"
diff --git a/buildmaster/gpg-keys.php b/buildmaster/gpg-keys.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db990c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/gpg-keys.php
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT" .
+ " GROUP_CONCAT(`email_actions`.`name`) AS `action`," .
+ "`persons`.`name` AS `person`," .
+ "`gpg_keys`.`fingerprint`" .
+ " FROM `email_actions`" .
+ mysql_join_email_actions_allowed_email_actions() .
+ " RIGHT" . mysql_join_allowed_email_actions_gpg_keys() .
+ mysql_join_gpg_keys_persons() .
+ " GROUP BY `gpg_keys`.`id`" .
+ " ORDER BY `persons`.`name`"
+ );
+ <head>
+ <title>list of gpg-keys</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ print "<table border=1>\n";
+ if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
+ print "<tr><th>person</th><th>action</th><th>fingerprint</th></tr>\n";
+ while ($row = $result -> fetch_assoc()) {
+ foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value=="") {
+ $row[$key]="&nbsp;";
+ }
+ }
+ print "<tr>";
+ print "<td>" . $row["person"] . "</td>";
+ print "<td>" . $row["action"] . "</td>";
+ print "<td><a href=\"" .
+ substr($row["fingerprint"],-16) .
+ "\">" . $row["fingerprint"] . "</a></td>";
+ print "</tr>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "</table>\n";
diff --git a/buildmaster/index.php b/buildmaster/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea0376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+if (array_key_exists("arch",$_GET)) {
+ $archs = array();
+ foreach (explode("&",$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) as $param) {
+ if (strpos($param,"arch=")!==0)
+ continue;
+ $param = substr($param,5);
+ if ($param == "")
+ continue;
+ $archs[$param] = $param;
+ }
+ if (count($archs)==0) {
+ $archs = array("i486" => "i486", "i686" => "i686", "any" => "any");
+ }
+} else {
+ $archs = array("i686" => "i686", "any" => "any");
+function encode_arch($a) {
+ return "arch=" . urlencode($a);
+$sarch_param = implode("&",array_map('encode_arch',$archs));
+$march_param = "";
+if ($sarch_param != "") {
+ $march_param = "&" . $sarch_param;
+ $sarch_param = "?" . $sarch_param;
+ <head>
+ <title>Buildmaster for Archlinux32 packages (<?php print implode(", ",$archs); ?>)</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<?php show_warning_on_offline_slave(); ?>
+ <a href="/buildmaster/build-list.php<?php print $sarch_param; ?>">build list</a>
+ as <a href="/buildmaster/build-list-links.php">graph</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/build-list.php?broken=Broken<?php print $march_param; ?>">broken packages</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/build-list.php?next=Can<?php print $march_param; ?>">buildable packages</a><br>
+ <a href="/buildmaster/build-slaves.php">build-slaves</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/gpg-keys.php">gpg-keys</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/status.php">status</a><br>
+ <a href="">build logs</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/log.php?show=ssh">ssh-log</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/log.php?show=email">email-log</a><br>
+ sanity: of <a href="">state files</a>,
+ of <a href="">mysql database</a> and
+ <a href="/buildmaster/mysql-issues.php?ignore-i486">broken dependencies in the database</a><br>
+ <a href="/buildmaster/todos.php">todos</a>
+ as <a href="/buildmaster/todos.php?graph">graph</a><br>
+ <a href="">database layout</a><br>
+ <a href="/buildmaster/blacklist.php">blacklisted packages</a> --
+ <a href="/buildmaster/to-delete.php">packages to be deleted</a>
+ and <a href="/buildmaster/deletion-links.php">links between them</a><br>
+ <img src="/buildmaster/statistics.php?log<?php print $march_param; ?>"><br>
+foreach (array("any", "i486", "i686", "") as $a) {
+ print " <a href=\"?arch=" . $a . "\">";
+ switch ($a) {
+ case "":
+ print "all packages";
+ break;
+ case "any":
+ print "architecture independent packages";
+ break;
+ default:
+ print "packages for " . $a;
+ }
+ print "</a>\n";
+ <img src=""><br>
+ </body>
diff --git a/buildmaster/log.php b/buildmaster/log.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6de94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/log.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+ $filter = "";
+ if (isset($_GET["show"]) &&
+ ($_GET["show"] == "ssh")) {
+ $to_show = "ssh";
+ $columns = array(
+ "date" => "`ssh_log`.`date`",
+ "build slave" => "`build_slaves`.`name`",
+ "action" => "`ssh_log`.`action`",
+ "parameters" => "`ssh_log`.`parameters`"
+ );
+ $join = " LEFT" . mysql_join_ssh_log_build_slaves();
+ if (isset($_GET["action"]))
+ $filter .= " AND `ssh_log`.`action` LIKE from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["action"]) . "\")";
+ if (isset($_GET["slave"]))
+ $filter .= " AND `build_slaves`.`name` LIKE from_base64(\"" . base64_encode($_GET["slave"]) . "\")";
+ } else {
+ $to_show = "email";
+ $columns = array(
+ "date" => "`email_log`.`date`",
+ "action" => "`email_actions`.`name`",
+ "count" => "`email_log`.`count`",
+ "success" => "`email_log`.`success`",
+ "person" => "`persons`.`name`",
+ "comment" => "`email_log`.`comment`"
+ );
+ $join =
+ " LEFT" . mysql_join_email_log_email_actions() .
+ " LEFT JOIN (" .
+ "`gpg_keys`" .
+ mysql_join_gpg_keys_persons() .
+ ") ON `email_log`.`gpg_key`=`gpg_keys`.`id`";
+ }
+ if (isset($_GET["from"]))
+ $min_time = $_GET["from"];
+ elseif ($to_show == "email")
+ $min_time = "1 00:00:00";
+ else
+ $min_time = "00:42:00";
+ $query = "SELECT ";
+ foreach ($columns as $name => $column)
+ $query .= $column . " AS `".$name."`,";
+ $query = substr($query,0,-1);
+ $query .= " FROM `" . $to_show . "_log`" . $join .
+ // NOW() is wrong here - due to differing time zones O.o
+ "SELECT MAX(`l`.`date`) FROM `" . $to_show . "_log` AS `l`" .
+ "),`" . $to_show . "_log`.`date`) < from_base64(\"" . base64_encode( $min_time ) . "\")" .
+ $filter .
+ " ORDER BY `" . $to_show . "_log`.`date` DESC";
+ $result = mysql_run_query($query);
+ <head>
+ <title><?php print $to_show; ?>-log</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ foreach ($columns as $label => $column) {
+ print " <th>\n";
+ print " " . $label . "\n";
+ print " </th>\n";
+ }
+ </tr>
+ while ($row = $result -> fetch_assoc()) {
+ print " <tr>\n";
+ foreach ($row as $val) {
+ print " <td>\n";
+ print " " . $val . "\n";
+ print " </td>\n";
+ }
+ print " </tr>\n";
+ }
+ </table>
+ </body>
diff --git a/buildmaster/mysql-issues.php b/buildmaster/mysql-issues.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1397141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/mysql-issues.php
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+ $ignore = "";
+ if (isset($_GET["ignore-haskell"]))
+ $ignore .= " AND `install_targets`.`name` NOT LIKE \"libHS%\"";
+ if (isset($_GET["ignore-i486"]))
+ $ignore .= " AND `r_a`.`name` != \"i486\"";
+ ob_start();
+ <head>
+ <title>More and less critical issues with the database</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+<?php show_warning_on_offline_slave(); ?>
+ <a href="">Start page</a><br>
+ $limit = " LIMIT 10001";
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`r_a`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`repositories`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,\"-\"," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ ",\"-\"," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`) AS `pkgfile`," .
+ "`install_targets`.`name` AS `install_target`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,1,0) AS `is_to_be_deleted`," .
+ "`subst_r`.`name` AS `subst_repository`," .
+ "`subst_buildlist_bp`.`id` AS `subst_buildlist`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`" .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures('','r_a') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ " AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ " LEFT JOIN (" .
+ "`binary_packages` AS `subst_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('subst_bp','subst_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('subst_bpir','subst_r') .
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` ON `repository_stability_relations`.`less_stable`=`subst_r`.`stability`" .
+ ")" .
+ " ON `subst_bp`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ " AND `subst_bp`.`id`!=`binary_packages`.`id`" .
+ " AND `repository_stability_relations`.`more_stable`=`repositories`.`stability`" .
+ " AND `subst_r`.`architecture`=`repositories`.`architecture`" .
+ " LEFT JOIN (" .
+ "`binary_packages` AS `subst_buildlist_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('subst_buildlist_bp','subst_buildlist_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('subst_buildlist_bpir','subst_buildlist_r') .
+ " AND `subst_buildlist_r`.`name`=\"build-list\"".
+ ") ON `subst_buildlist_bp`.`pkgname`=`binary_packages`.`pkgname`" .
+ " AND `subst_bp`.`architecture`=`binary_packages`.`architecture`" .
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages_in_repositories('','i_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('i_bpir','i_r') .
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` ON `architecture_compatibilities`.`fully_compatible`" .
+ " AND `architecture_compatibilities`.`built_for`=`i_r`.`architecture`" .
+ " WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target`=`dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`architecture`=`architecture_compatibilities`.`runs_on`" .
+ ")" .
+ $ignore .
+ " ORDER BY " .
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`," .
+ "`repositories`.`name`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ "`install_targets`.`name`" .
+ $limit
+ );
+ if ($result -> num_rows > 10000)
+ print " Found >10000 serious issues.<br>\n";
+ else
+ print " Found " . $result -> num_rows . " serious issues.<br>\n";
+ while ( $row = $result -> fetch_assoc() ) {
+ if ($row["is_to_be_deleted"]==1)
+ print " <font color=\"#00ff00\">(marked as to-be-deleted) ";
+ else
+ print " <font color=\"#ff0000\">";
+ print $row["pkgfile"] . " depends on " . htmlspecialchars($row["install_target"]) . " which is not provided by any package";
+ if (isset($row["subst_repository"]))
+ print " - but can be replaced by the one in " . $row["subst_repository"];
+ elseif (isset($row["subst_buildlist"]))
+ print " - but is already rescheduled";
+ print ".<br>";
+ print "</font>\n";
+ unset($row);
+ }
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`r_a`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`repositories`.`name`,\"/\"," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,\"-\"," .
+ mysql_query_package_version("binary_packages") .
+ ",\"-\"," .
+ "`architectures`.`name`) AS `pkgfile`," .
+ "`install_targets`.`name` AS `install_target`," .
+ "`repository_stabilities`.`name` AS `stability`," .
+ "IF(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,1,0) AS `is_to_be_deleted`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`" .
+ mysql_join_repositories_architectures('','r_a') .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_dependencies() .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_dependency_types() .
+ " AND `dependency_types`.`relevant_for_binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_dependencies_install_targets() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages_in_repositories('','prov_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('prov_bpir','prov_r') .
+ " JOIN `architecture_compatibilities` ON `architecture_compatibilities`.`built_for`=`prov_r`.`architecture`" .
+ " AND `architecture_compatibilities`.`fully_compatible`" .
+ " WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target` = `dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " AND `architecture_compatibilities`.`runs_on`=`repositories`.`architecture`" .
+ ")" .
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `install_target_providers`" .
+ mysql_join_install_target_providers_binary_packages('','prov_bp') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('prov_bp','prov_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('prov_bpir','prov_r') .
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` ON `prov_r`.`stability`=`repository_stability_relations`.`more_stable`" .
+ " WHERE `install_target_providers`.`install_target` = `dependencies`.`depending_on`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`stability`=`repository_stability_relations`.`less_stable`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`architecture`=`prov_r`.`architecture`" .
+ "SELECT 1 FROM `binary_packages` AS `sup_bp`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories('sup_bp','sup_bpir') .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories('sup_bpir','sup_r') .
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `sup_rra` ON `sup_r`.`stability`=`sup_rra`.`more_stable`" .
+ " JOIN `repository_stability_relations` AS `sup_rrb` ON `sup_r`.`stability`=`sup_rrb`.`less_stable`" .
+ " WHERE `sup_bp`.`pkgname` = `prov_bp`.`pkgname`" .
+ " AND `sup_bp`.`architecture` = `prov_bp`.`architecture`" .
+ " AND `sup_bp`.`id` != `prov_bp`.`id`" .
+ " AND `repositories`.`stability`=`sup_rra`.`less_stable`" .
+ " AND `prov_r`.`stability`=`sup_rrb`.`more_stable`" .
+ " AND `prov_r`.`architecture`=`sup_r`.`architecture`" .
+ ")" .
+ ")" .
+ $ignore .
+ " ORDER BY `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted`,`binary_packages`.`pkgname`,`install_targets`.`name`" .
+ $limit
+ );
+ if ($result -> num_rows > 10000)
+ print " Found >10000 stability issues.<br>\n";
+ else
+ print " Found " . $result -> num_rows . " stability issues.<br>\n";
+ while ( $row = $result -> fetch_assoc() ) {
+ if ($row["is_to_be_deleted"]==1)
+ print " <font color=\"#00ff00\">(marked as to-be-deleted) ";
+ else
+ print " <font color=\"#800000\">";
+ print $row["pkgfile"] . " depends on " . htmlspecialchars($row["install_target"]) . " which is not provided by any package installable from enabled " . $row["stability"] . " repositories.<br>";
+ print "</font>\n";
+ unset($row);
+ }
+ ob_end_flush();
+ </body>
diff --git a/buildmaster/statistics.php b/buildmaster/statistics.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f2398b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/statistics.php
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+if (array_key_exists("from",$_GET))
+ $min_time="from_base64(\"" . base64_encode("-".$_GET["from"]) . "\")";
+ $min_time="\"-7 00:00:00\"";
+if (array_key_exists("arch",$_GET)) {
+ $arch_filter="`architectures`.`name` IN (\"\"";
+ foreach (explode("&",$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) as $param) {
+ if (strpos($param,"arch=")!==0)
+ continue;
+ $arch_filter .= ",from_base64(\"" . base64_encode(substr($param,5)) . "\")";
+ }
+ $arch_filter .= ")";
+ $combiner_left="";
+ $combiner_right="";
+ $grouper="";
+ $joiner=" JOIN `architectures` ON `statistics`.`architecture`=`architectures`.`id`";
+} else {
+ $arch_filter="1";
+ $combiner_left="SUM(";
+ $combiner_right=")";
+ $grouper=" GROUP BY `statistics`.`date`";
+ $joiner="";
+$column_list = array(
+ "pending_tasks_count",
+ "pending_packages_count",
+ "staging_packages_count",
+ "testing_packages_count",
+ "tested_packages_count",
+ "broken_tasks_count",
+ "dependency_loops_count",
+ "dependency_looped_tasks_count",
+ "locked_tasks_count",
+ "blocked_tasks_count",
+ "next_tasks_count"
+function combine_column($name) {
+ global $combiner_left;
+ global $combiner_right;
+ return $combiner_left . "`statistics`.`" . $name . "`" . $combiner_right . " AS `" . $name . "`";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`statistics`.`date`) AS `date`," .
+ implode(",",array_map("combine_column",$column_list)) .
+ "FROM `statistics` " .
+ $joiner .
+ "WHERE `statistics`.`date`>=ADDDATE(NOW()," . $min_time . ") " .
+ "AND " . $arch_filter .
+ $grouper .
+ "ORDER BY `statistics`.`date`"
+$t_min = -1;
+$t_max = -1;
+$val_max = -1;
+while($vals = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ if ($t_min == -1)
+ $t_min = $vals["date"];
+ $t_max = $vals["date"];
+ foreach ($vals as $column => $val)
+ if ($column != "date") {
+ $values[$column][$vals["date"]] = $val;
+ $val_max = max($val_max,$val);
+ }
+$print_columns = array_keys($values);
+$max_len = 0;
+foreach ($print_columns as $column) {
+ $len = strlen($values[$column][$t_max])+1;
+ if ($len > $max_len)
+ $max_len = $len;
+$width = 1600;
+$height = 600;
+$border = 5;
+$legend_line_length = 10;
+$legend_height = 2 * ImageFontHeight(5) + $legend_line_length;
+$im = @ImageCreate ($width + $legend_line_length + $max_len * ImageFontWidth(5), $height + $legend_height)
+ or die ("Cannot create new gd-image-stream");
+$background_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 255, 255);
+$foreground_color = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
+$colors['stable_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 0);
+$colors['pending_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 128);
+$colors['pending_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 0, 255);
+$colors['staging_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 100, 0);
+$colors['testing_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 200, 0);
+$colors['tested_packages_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 100, 255, 0);
+$colors['broken_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 0, 0);
+$colors['dependency_loops_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 128, 128, 0);
+$colors['dependency_looped_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 255, 128, 128);
+$colors['locked_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 128, 128, 128);
+$colors['blocked_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 128, 0, 0);
+$colors['next_tasks_count'] = ImageColorAllocate ($im, 0, 255, 255);
+function scale($x, $x_min, $x_max, $scale, $log) {
+ if ($log) {
+ $x = log($x + 10);
+ $x_min = log($x_min + 10);
+ $x_max = log($x_max + 10);
+ };
+ if ($x_max == $x_min)
+ $frac = 0;
+ else
+ $frac = ($x - $x_min)/($x_max - $x_min);
+ if ($scale < 0)
+ return ($frac-1) * $scale;
+ else
+ return $frac * $scale;
+function print_graph($data, $color) {
+ global $width, $height, $im, $t_min, $t_max, $val_max, $border, $legend_line_length;
+ ksort($data);
+ $last_t = -1;
+ $last_val = -1;
+ foreach ($data as $t => $val) {
+ if ($last_t != -1)
+ ImageLine(
+ $im,
+ scale($last_t,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ scale($last_val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ scale($t,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ scale($val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ $color
+ );
+ $last_t = $t;
+ $last_val = $val;
+ }
+ ImageString(
+ $im,
+ 5,
+ $width+$legend_line_length,
+ scale($last_val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border - ImageFontHeight(5)/2,
+ " ".$data[$t_max],
+ $color
+ );
+ImageRectangle($im, $legend_line_length, 0, $width-1+$legend_line_length, $height-1, $foreground_color);
+$xpos = $legend_line_length;
+foreach ($print_columns as $column) {
+ print_graph($values[$column], $colors[$column]);
+ ImageString($im, 5, $xpos, $height + $legend_line_length + ImageFontHeight(5), substr($column,0,-strlen("_count")), $colors[$column]);
+ $xpos += (strlen($column) - strlen("_count") + 1.75) * ImageFontWidth(5);
+ImageString($im, 5, $legend_line_length, $height + $legend_line_length, date('Y-m-d H:i', $t_min), $foreground_color);
+$s = date('Y-m-d H:i', $t_max);
+ImageString($im, 5, $width+$legend_line_length - strlen($s)*ImageFontWidth(5), $height + $legend_line_length, $s, $foreground_color);
+for ($t=ceil($t_min/24/60/60); $t<=floor($t_max/24/60/60); $t++)
+ ImageLine(
+ $im,
+ scale($t*24*60*60,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ $height,
+ scale($t*24*60*60,$t_min,$t_max,$width-2*$border,false)+$border+$legend_line_length,
+ $height+$legend_line_length,
+ $foreground_color
+ );
+for ($val=0; $val<=$val_max;) {
+ ImageLine(
+ $im,
+ 0,
+ scale($val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ $legend_line_length,
+ scale($val,0,$val_max,-$height+2*$border,isset($_GET["log"]))+$border,
+ $foreground_color
+ );
+ if (! isset($_GET["log"]))
+ $val+=pow(10,round(log($val_max)/log(10))-1);
+ elseif ($val==0)
+ $val++;
+ else
+ $val=$val*10;
+// ImageString ($im, 1, 5, 5, "Test-String ".rand(), $foreground_color);
+header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ImagePNG ($im);
diff --git a/buildmaster/status.php b/buildmaster/status.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a4455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/status.php
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+include BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+include BASE . "/lib/style.php";
+include BASE . "/lib/helper.php";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`package_sources`.`commit_time`) AS `last_commit`" .
+ " FROM `package_sources`"
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ $result = $result->fetch_assoc();
+ $last_commit = $result["last_commit"];
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`build_assignments`.`return_date`) AS `last_return`" .
+ " FROM `build_assignments`"
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ $result = $result->fetch_assoc();
+ $last_return = $result["last_return"];
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT MAX(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`) AS `last_moved`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_build_assignments() .
+ " WHERE `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`>`build_assignments`.`return_date`"
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ $result = $result->fetch_assoc();
+ $last_moved = $result["last_moved"];
+$age_queries = array(
+ array(
+ "label" => "age of build-list-packages",
+ "column" => "`package_sources`.`commit_time`",
+ "table" =>
+ "`package_sources`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`build_assignments`.`package_source`" .
+ " FROM `build_assignments`" .
+ mysql_join_build_assignments_binary_packages() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ " WHERE `repositories`.`name`=\"build-list\"" .
+ " AND `build_assignments`.`is_blocked` IS NULL" .
+ " GROUP BY `build_assignments`.`package_source`" .
+ ") AS `build_assignments_grouped`" .
+ " ON `build_assignments_grouped`.`package_source`=`package_sources`.`id`"
+ ),
+ array(
+ "label" => "age of staging-packages",
+ "column" => "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`first_last_moved`",
+ "table" =>
+ "`binary_packages`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`," .
+ "MIN(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`) AS `first_last_moved`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities() .
+ " WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`=\"staging\"" .
+ " GROUP BY `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`" .
+ ") AS `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ " ON `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`=`binary_packages`.`id`"
+ ),
+ array(
+ "label" => "age of testing-packages",
+ "column" => "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`first_last_moved`",
+ "table" =>
+ "`binary_packages`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`," .
+ "MIN(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`) AS `first_last_moved`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities() .
+ " WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`=\"testing\"" .
+ " GROUP BY `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`" .
+ ") AS `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ " ON `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`=`binary_packages`.`id`" .
+ " WHERE NOT `binary_packages`.`has_issues`" .
+ " AND NOT `binary_packages`.`is_tested`"
+ ),
+ array(
+ "label" => "age of tested-packages",
+ "column" => "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`first_last_moved`",
+ "table" =>
+ "`binary_packages`" .
+ " JOIN (" .
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`," .
+ "MIN(`binary_packages_in_repositories`.`last_moved`) AS `first_last_moved`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_repositories_repository_stabilities() .
+ " WHERE `repository_stabilities`.`name`=\"testing\"" .
+ " GROUP BY `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`" .
+ ") AS `binary_packages_in_repositories`" .
+ " ON `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`package`=`binary_packages`.`id`"
+ )
+foreach ($age_queries as $age_query) {
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ "AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . $age_query["column"] . ")) AS `avg`," .
+ "STDDEV(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . $age_query["column"] . ")) AS `stddev`" .
+ " FROM " . $age_query["table"]
+ );
+ if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ $result = $result->fetch_assoc();
+ foreach ($result as $key => $val)
+ $ages[$age_query["label"]][$key] = format_time_duration($val);
+ };
+print_header("Build Master Status");
+if (isset($last_commit))
+ print " latest package source is from " . $last_commit . ".<br>\n";
+if (isset($last_return))
+ print " latest built package is from " . $last_return . ".<br>\n";
+if (isset($last_moved))
+ print " latest package move was on " . $last_moved . ".<br>\n";
+foreach ($ages as $label => $value)
+ print " " . $label . ": " .
+ $value["avg"] . " &pm; " .
+ $value["stddev"] . ".<br>\n";
diff --git a/buildmaster/to-delete.php b/buildmaster/to-delete.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df11750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/to-delete.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+require_once BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "SELECT " .
+ "`repositories`.`name` AS `repo`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgname`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`epoch`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgver`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`pkgrel`," .
+ "`binary_packages`.`sub_pkgrel`," .
+ "`architectures`.`name` AS `arch`" .
+ " FROM `binary_packages`" .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_architectures() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_binary_packages_in_repositories() .
+ mysql_join_binary_packages_in_repositories_repositories() .
+ "WHERE `binary_packages_in_repositories`.`is_to_be_deleted` " .
+ "AND `repositories`.`is_on_master_mirror`"
+ );
+ $available = explode(
+ "\n",
+ shell_exec("find /var/lib/pacman/ -name '*.db' -exec tar -tzf {} \; | sed -n 's,-[^-]\+-[^-]\+/$,,;T;p'")
+ );
+ $available = array_combine( $available, $available);
+<title>List of packages to be deleted</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/style.css">
+if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ $count = 0;
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ if (isset($available[$row["pkgname"]]))
+ $color = "#FF0000";
+ else
+ $color = "#00FF00";
+ $rows[$count] =
+ "<font color=\"" . $color . "\">" .
+ $row["repo"] . "/" .
+ $row["pkgname"] . "-";
+ if ($row["epoch"] != "0")
+ $rows[$count] =
+ $rows[$count] .
+ $row["epoch"] . ":";
+ $rows[$count] =
+ $rows[$count] .
+ $row["pkgver"] . "-" .
+ $row["pkgrel"] . "." .
+ $row["sub_pkgrel"] . "-" .
+ $row["arch"] . ".pkg.tar.xz</font>";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ sort($rows);
+ foreach ($rows as $row) {
+ print $row."<br>\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ print "No packages are to be deleted.\n";
diff --git a/buildmaster/todos.php b/buildmaster/todos.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf77f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildmaster/todos.php
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+require_once "../init.php";
+include BASE . "/lib/helper.php";
+include BASE . "/lib/mysql.php";
+$result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`todos`.`id`," .
+ "`todos`.`file`," .
+ "`todos`.`line`," .
+ "`todos`.`description` " .
+ "FROM `todos`;"
+if (isset($_GET["graph"])) {
+ if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
+ $knot_rows[$row["id"]] =
+ $row["file"]. " (line ".$row["line"].") #".$row["id"].":\\n".
+ str_replace("\"","\\\"",$row["description"]);
+ $knots="";
+ foreach ($knot_rows as $knot)
+ $knots=$knots . "\"" . $knot . "\";\n";
+ }
+ $result = mysql_run_query(
+ "`todo_links`.`dependent`," .
+ "`todo_links`.`depending_on` " .
+ "FROM `todo_links`;"
+ );
+ if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ $count = 0;
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ $link_rows[$count]["dependent"] =
+ $knot_rows[$row["dependent"]];
+ $link_rows[$count]["depending_on"] =
+ $knot_rows[$row["depending_on"]];
+ $count++;
+ }
+ $edges="";
+ foreach ($link_rows as $link)
+ $edges=$edges . "\"" . $link["depending_on"] . "\" -> \"" . $link["dependent"] . "\";\n";
+ }
+ header ("Content-type: image/png");
+ passthru(
+ "echo \"" . base64_encode(
+ "digraph dependencies {\n" .
+ "rankdir=LR;\n" .
+ "fontname=dejavu;\n" .
+ $knots .
+ $edges .
+ "}\n"
+ ) . "\" | " .
+ "base64 -d | " .
+ "timeout 30 dot -Tpng -o/dev/stdout /dev/stdin"
+ );
+} else { // isset($_GET["graph"])
+ if ($result -> num_rows > 0) {
+ print "<html>\n";
+ print "<head>\n";
+ print "<title>Todos in the build scripts</title>\n";
+ print "</head>\n";
+ print "<body>\n";
+ show_warning_on_offline_slave();
+ while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+ print "<a href=\"#TODO" . $row["id"] . "\" name=\"TODO" . $row["id"] ."\">TODO #" . $row["id"] . "</a>";
+ print " - ";
+ print "<a href=\"";
+ print git_url("builder","tree","master",$row["file"],$row["line"]);
+ print "\">" . $row["file"] . "(line " . $row["line"] . ")</a>";
+ print ":<br>\n";
+ print str_replace("\\n","<br>\n",$row["description"]);
+ print "<br>\n";
+ print "<br>\n";
+ }
+ print "</body>\n";
+ print "</html>\n";
+ }