#!/bin/bash # written by Tobias Powalowski # modified by Gerhard Brauer ANSWER="/tmp/.tz" PATH=$PATH:/tmp/bin:/tmp/usr/bin:/tmp/sbin:/tmp/usr/sbin TITLE="Arch Linux Time Setting" BASEDIR="/usr/share/zoneinfo" CLOCKSOURCE="localtime" abort() { dodialog yesno "Abort Time Setting?" 6 40 || return 0 [ -e /tmp/.timezone ] && rm -f /tmp/.timezone [ -e /tmp/.hardwareclock ] && rm -f /tmp/.hardwareclock [ -e /tmp/.tz ] && rm -f /tmp/.tz [ -e /etc/localtime ] && rm -f /etc/localtime [ -e /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime ] && rm -f /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime exit 0 } dodialog() { # use this for msgbox, inputbox, yesno, infobox # # dodialog [height] [width] [other] # 26/3/06: added an option so that if [other] is default=no # the dialog will default to no # the new dialog's auto-sizing is pretty dumb, we can't trust it height=12 width=65 if [ "$3" != "" ]; then height=$3 fi if [ "$4" != "" ]; then width=$4 fi if [ "$5" == "default=no" ]; then dialog --defaultno --backtitle "$TITLE" --aspect 15 --$1 "$2" $height $width else dialog --backtitle "$TITLE" --aspect 15 --$1 "$2" $height $width $5 fi } domenu() { menutype=$1 ; shift text=$1 ; shift height=$1 ; shift width=$1 ; shift mheight=$1 ; shift dialog --cancel-label "Skip" --$menutype "$text" $height $width $mheight $* } dohwclock() { if [ "$HARDWARECLOCK" = "UTC" ]; then HWCLOCK_PARAMS="$HWCLOCK_PARAMS --utc" echo UTC > /tmp/.hardwareclock else HWCLOCK_PARAMS="$HWCLOCK_PARAMS --localtime" echo localtime > /tmp/.hardwareclock fi if [ "$USEDIRECTISA" != "no" ]; then HWCLOCK_PARAMS="$HWCLOCK_PARAMS --directisa" fi [ ! -d /var/lib/hwclock ] && mkdir -p /var/lib/hwclock if [ ! -f /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime ]; then echo "0.0 0 0.0" > /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime fi hwclock $HWCLOCK_PARAMS } dotimezone () { REGIONS="" SET_REGION="" SET_ZONE="" dodialog yesno "Your current BIOS time is:\n$(hwclock)\n\nIf your BIOS clock is set to UTC choose YES\nOtherwise (or if unsure) choose NO" 15 65 && CLOCKSOURCE="UTC" for i in $(grep ^[A-Z] $BASEDIR/zone.tab | cut -f 3 | sed -e 's#/.*##g'| sort -u); do REGIONS="$REGIONS $i -" done domenu menu "Please Select A Region:" 22 60 16 $REGIONS 2>$ANSWER && SET_REGION="1" region=$(cat $ANSWER) if [ "${SET_REGION}" = "1" ]; then for i in $(grep ^[A-Z] $BASEDIR/zone.tab | grep $region/ | cut -f 3 | sed -e "s#$region/##g"| sort -u); do ZONES="$ZONES $i -" done domenu menu "Please Select A Timezone:" 22 60 16 $ZONES 2>$ANSWER && SET_ZONE="1" zone=$(cat $ANSWER) if [ "${SET_ZONE}" = "1" ]; then dodialog infobox "Setting Timezone to $region/$zone ..." echo $region/$zone > /tmp/.timezone [ -e /etc/localtime ] && rm -f /etc/localtime cp $BASEDIR/$region/$zone /etc/localtime # after timezone changing set the system time back to hwclock value. # Mostly on new installations the bios clock represent the correct time # for the user. Either it is the users localtime or he has set the BIOS # to UTC. CLOCKSOURCE value choose how the system time is resetted. if [ "${CLOCKSOURCE}" = "UTC" ]; then hwclock --hctosys --utc else hwclock --hctosys fi dohwclock else dodialog msgbox "Skipping Region and Timezone, else please select a Timezone!" fi else dodialog msgbox "Skipping Region and Timezone, else please select correct Region first!" fi S_NEXTITEM="2" } dotimeset() { USE_UTC="" SET_TIME="" USE_NTPDATE="" ### check disabled for now! #if [ ! -s /tmp/.timezone ]; then # dodialog msgbox "You have not selected a region and timezone,\nplease select one!" # S_NEXTITEM="1" # return 1 #fi dodialog yesno "Do you want to use UTC for your clock?\n\nIf you choose 'YES' UTC (recommended default) is used,\nwhich ensures daylightsaving is set automatically.\n\nIf you choose 'NO' Localtime is used,\nwhich means the system will not change the time.\nLocaltime is also prefered on dualboot machines,\nwhich also run Windows, because UTC confuses it." 15 65 && HARDWARECLOCK="UTC" dodialog infobox "Syncing hardwareclock to systemclock ..." HWCLOCK_PARAMS="--hctosys" dodialog yesno "Your (new) current time is:\n$(date)\n\nDo you want to correct it?" "" "" && SET_TIME="1" if [ "${SET_TIME}" = "1" ]; then [ $(which ntpdate) ] && dodialog yesno "'ntpdate' was detected on your system.\n\nDo you want to use 'ntpdate' for syncing your clock,\nby using the internet clock pool?\n(You need a working internet connection for doing this!)" "" "" default=no && USE_NTPDATE="1" if [ "${USE_NTPDATE}" = "1" ]; then if [ ! $(ntpdate pool.ntp.org) ]; then dodialog msgbox "An error has occured, time was not changed!" S_NEXTITEM="2" return 1 fi dodialog msgbox "Synced clock with internet pool successfully.\n\nYour current time is now:\n$(date)" else dodialog inputbox "Your current time is:\n$(date)\n\nSyntax of your current time is:\n$(date +%m%d%H%M%y)\nMMDDhhmmYY\n\nPlease enter your correct time below,\naccording to the syntax.\n " 17 60 "" 2>$ANSWER || return 1 if [ ! $(cat $ANSWER) = "" ]; then if [ ! $(date $(cat $ANSWER)) ]; then dodialog msgbox "An error occured during time setting,\ncurrent time was not changed!" S_NEXTITEM="2" return 1 fi else dodialog msgbox "You entered nothing, current time was not changed!" S_NEXTITEM="2" return 1 fi dodialog infobox "Syncing systemclock to hardwareclock ..." HWCLOCK_PARAMS="--systohc" dohwclock dodialog msgbox "Your current time is now:\n$(date)" fi fi S_NEXTITEM="3" } mainmenu() { if [ -n "$S_NEXTITEM" ]; then DEFAULT="--default-item $S_NEXTITEM" else DEFAULT="" fi dialog $DEFAULT --backtitle "$TITLE" --title " MAIN MENU " \ --menu "Use the UP and DOWN arrows to navigate menus. Use TAB to switch between buttons and ENTER to select." 15 55 8 \ "1" "Select Region and Timezone" \ "2" "Set Date and Time" \ "3" "Exit Time Setting" 2>$ANSWER case $(cat $ANSWER) in "1") dotimezone ;; "2") dotimeset ;; "3") exit 0 ;; *) abort ;; esac } loop() { while $(/bin/true); do mainmenu done } : >/tmp/.hardwareclock : >/tmp/.timezone if [ ! -d $BASEDIR ]; then echo "Cannot load timezone data, as none were found in $BASEDIR" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! $(which hwclock) ]; then echo "'hwclock' binary not found!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! $(which date) ]; then echo "'date' binary not found!" >&2 exit 1 fi loop clear exit 0